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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. I'm curious about that. Anyone played any game abusing that mechanic with top units? How did it go? If other battletomes become stronger, I think that transclote is completely intended. But it's understandable that some players feels a bit afraid after viewing some battlereports.
  2. Thanks to @scrollbuilderdude! Updated! https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/
  3. I think that passing wounds to your units is not optional. Breaka-boss will lose some dmg if that's the case.
  4. We had this same conversation with other fellow Admirals (Whats App) and we understand that you can't run using Zilfin's Footnote. Instead, you can run with Oportunistic Privateers from Barak Mhornar. About joining a Garrison/Skyvessel, yes, you can put a Marine in your ship from the same Core Battalion, even if it's 1-drop battalion. New 3.0 rules says:"...you must set up all of the other units from the battalion, one after the other...". In other words, you set-up the ship and inmediately set-up your models inside. Edit: FAQ'd, so no more Run with Oportunistic Privateer.
  5. @Neil Arthur Hotep Maybe, I don't know. I'm not an english speaker, but to me, it seems that there are three major points with Blaze of Glory: The conditional: If a friendly Stormcast Eternal model is slain... (The trigger that allows you to do the action, ability, whatever...) The time when it happens: Before removing that model from play... (When you can do that action, ability, whatever...) The effect: pick 1 enemy unit within 1".. Same with Cycle of Storms: The conditional: If a friendly Stormcast Eternal model is slain... (The trigger that allows you to do the action, ability,whatever...) The time when it happens: Once per turn,... and instead of removing that model from play... (When you can do that action, ability, whatever...; in that case, it's when you remove models from play) The effect: ...instead of removing that model from play you can heal 1 wound... As @Reinholt explained a lot better than me (thx!), point (2) from Cycle of the Storms seems to not be compatible with point 2 of Blaze of Glory.
  6. Is that true? I understand that both have the same conditional "if a friendly model is slain...", but their timing seems to be incompatible. Blaze of Glory triggers "before removing that model" but Cycle of the Storms remove that trigger with "instead of removing that model from play...".
  7. Not sure if you are calling me a stupid or what with that joke 😞
  8. I think that's intended. Same as Gordrakk giving 3Cps (for the price of one) to friendly units.
  9. 100% agree, but that's exactly what Warhammer Fantasy is. Anyone remember Bretonians? Orcs? Mummies? Vampire? Lizardmen? Even Skavens are just a pastiche of popular concepts mixed together. Cathay seems to be exactly that.
  10. There are a lot of answers for that question. Chose your poison: Change on philosophy for new edition. Different teams with diferent frameworks to work. Different dates of delivery. New edition with a big shakeup. Covid destroying all pipelines. Different lead designers working in the same products. Etc... [You get the point]
  11. Are you sure that they are nerfed? I'm not an SCE but to me at least, they seems good. Not something OP (maybe dragons...) but they look fine. Of course there are units nerfed, but others have improved their rend, dmg, attack or save. That's without looking at their new synergies that become easier to accomplish than before. Btw, Yes, the books seems simplified, but that's a 3.0 feature and not an SCE nerf.
  12. @Arzalyn I love everything about that list!!! It will be the first one that I will try!!
  13. Sadly, can't be stacked: "... wholly within 12" of any friendly unit with this ability." I have 0 interest on spamming boltboyz, so any suggestion is well appreciated!
  14. Awesome trailer!! I can't wait to see more. That balloons are awesome. I hope to see a Monkey King followed by that big stone dogs in Cathay roster too.
  15. I think that's because the whole Lore of the Swamp is awesome, but all spells have the same handicap: CV7 (sneaky Miasma has a CV6) without any artifact, trait, subfaction, etc.. with any bonus to cast it. In other words, you can't rely on this spell for your tactic, instead, it's a really nice and powerful bonus to have. There are some bonus here and there (the big rock from forgeworld...), Big Waaagh points... but that's another thing.
  16. Yep, exactly that. Big Waagh can have any warscroll with Orruk Warclans (so, all Kruleboyz, Bonnesplittaz, Ironajwz and the Sloggoth).
  17. Me too. At least, I expected to see other keywords as coalition units, but it seems that not the case. To play Kruleboyz, all your warscrolls must have the Kruleboyz keyword. Same with Bonnespliterz and Ironjawz. And Orruk Warclans have Gloomspite Gits as allies... In other words, you can't play Kruleboyz with a "mercenary" group of Brutes. Or Ironjawz with a MegaBoss that made a deal with Kruleboyz for some artillery. The Sloggoth can't even be taken in Kruleboyz (doens't have Kruleboyz keyword). I suppose that it will be fixe'd in the next FAQ, but it's a bit weird at the moment.
  18. I'm still thinking about a 3 Sludgeraker beasts in Skullbugz... not sure if there is enough buffs to make that list works, but it seems really fun at least.
  19. If we can take anything from the first two battletomes: No more Command Abilities on warscrolls. Some subfactions can give a Commands but the point still remains. Some of the old Commands turned to be a less powerful ability. Subfactions have only one ability without forcing to take artifacts and command traits. All Allegiance seems to have a second pro-active ability ("One use" or "Chose before the first turn"). Something like an Amendment/Footnote from KOs. A lot less artifacts (with a lot of "one use"), traits, mounts, etc... and a lot of them are not tied to one specific unit (only Monster for some Mount Traits). New Core Battalions with same rewards as Core Book Battalions. A lot of profiles are mixed together. Grand Strategies and Tactics for each army. Some of them are locked behind some keywords. I think that there is anotehr Monstruous Rampage or Heroic Action. I had the feeling to see a lot more expanded forms of this two mechanics but it seems that's ot the case. /sadface. First "new" mixed battletome, Orruk Warclans! Seems that all three factions can only use 1/3 of the Grand Strategies/Tactics and can't use other units in their own faction (Can't use Brutes in Kruleboyz as allies or coalition). Not a fan of that and I'm a bit more scared of mixing Dwarfs in one book... Overall, it seems that the books can be played a lot better than before, time will tell.
  20. 100% this. Kruleboys lose the option to take subfactions and Dirty Tricks if we use them in a Big Waaagh army.
  21. I'm still digesting all the new toys. The dragon riders seems to be really powerful and not that expensive. Vigilors (SCE with arrows in thunderstrike armor) can "mark" an enemy if they hit with their bows (18" range +6" move with 3+/3+/-1/1 profile), and everything that shoot at the same "marked" unit will have +1 to hit.
  22. Kruleboyz lose Dirty Tricks with Big Waaagh. Something to take in mind (as you said, subfactions too).
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