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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. I get what you are saying but they are tooled to be made in plastic, that makes them really diferent form a sculpture.
  2. Not sure if we can compare "sculpting" to "sculpted miniatures for a tabletop game". Even with scenic bases, they are totally diferent.
  3. No. I wouldn't even enter this forum if that was the case. Anyone remember any warhammer forum from post-2015? To much drama and bs... until this forum was created. It was an oasis for me, and I think for a lot of people. Of couse we all know that GW is an evil company that just wants to steal your soul. But we are not here because GW, we are here because the community. And doesn't matter if some of us love or hate that company, our common ground is the love for AoS, their worlds and realms and the community behind it. That's the main point for this forum. Don't lose it.
  4. After reading how awesome Skumdrekk is, I just want to play with Grinnin' Blades!! I'm a bit sad that Skumdrekk doesn't allows any new battleline. As a rich Kruleboy with a large part of a Thondia's swamps under his control, he is mostly known for running a Hunger's Game-like company with a menagerie of strange and precious monsters. Common GW, 1 Marshcrawla Sloggoth could be battleline for every other Guttrippaz unit, or just give battleline to his Hobgrotz buddies!!
  5. If it's broken but there is an "old" FAQ that works, that old FAQ will work as a band aid until it's fixe'd.
  6. The main problems are on the Core Rules and the interaction with allocating wounds, slain models and all this BS. This FAQ was made after Core Rules and it can/must be used until a new FAQ is released (maybe this friday?).
  7. Anyone remember Firestorm? Were orruks could burn terrain to scraps and we could play as Vampirates!? Maybe the first miniature from Varkos Varactyr army?! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/21/the-armies-of-firestorm-the-wraith-fleet-sep21gw-homepage-post-4/ The Wraith Fleet is here to plunder the seas!
  8. It's crazy how many upgraded kits Eldar need. 10-12 Kits is a whole new AoS army!!!
  9. I think that this rules is broken, I don't even know if it can be played. If I understand how it works: A unit with 10 models of 2 wounds is hit by 15 dmg. You allocate all wounds to the unit, and 6 models are "slain", 1 of them is wounded and 2 models are completely healthy. Cycle of Storm triggers when the first model is slain, but the effect is done when "removing the slain model". AoS 3.0 says "A slain model is removed from play (see 1.2.2) after all of the wounds caused to its unit have been allocated and all attacks that inflicted damage on the unit have been resolved". So you remove the models but the first one, instead of being removed, is healed with 1 wound. The whole unit has 2 models with 1 wound, breaking the rules. Note: In this case, you "heal" a model (remove a wound). So, even if you end with two wounded models in the same unit, the rules are not broken.
  10. Grinnin' blades affect all abilities and spells that need a "visible target", not only ranged attacks.
  11. After reading Orruk Warclans, it's not something that you want. I'm still reading the Lore but rules are not just simplified (btw, that's good for the game and I'm happy about that), but you lose some options compared to SCE, less dedicated arts/illustrations and overall, a battletome with less things about your boys. Note: I'm not talking about how good or strong are on the table.
  12. I think he was talking about Kruleboyz only. And let's be honest, our battlelines and objective grabbers don't care a lot about Big Waagh bonuses and Kruleboyz are not that good in building Waaagh points.
  13. You can always talk to your opponent and expain if you can use Dobbie as a Kruleboyz. In a tournament it will a bit more dificult but you can try. Some OT will be happy to make rules a bit more clear than what we have now.
  14. Both points are already made, move on. I don't think that repeating the same thing over and over again is healthy for the game, the community or this forum (unless someone asks explicity for it again).
  15. I suppose we agree to disagree. I understand that Core Battalions started as the same ground for everyone, but that was fake. Some armies don't have Behemots or Artillery, so it was flawed since the begining. Unique Core Battalions will not be equally good for everyone, that's something that I expect, but that's in another league of the main problem from Warscroll Battalions: organization chart was really important but a reward like [+1CP/+1Artefact/1-drop/+powerful ability] was a big deal too. With Core Battalions, we have the same rewards for "everyone" (not true, but you get the point), that's a big step forward. With Unique Core Battalions we still have the same rewards but it seems that you will not need any allies. And that's another step forward in my book. Not perfect, but good enough for me. About abilities from GHB21, I don't have a problem if they are not printed as rewards from Unique Core Battalions. Don't get me wrong, you can complain as much as you want, I'm just poiting out that it did not happen yet.
  16. You should be happy. The first two books don't have any new effect. In other words, all Battalions bonus are still the same for all armies and that's your main complain. Btw, that's not true 100% true because (ex.: there are armies that don't have Artillery) and need allies to fullfil some Core Battalions. I suppose that it will be fix'd with their unique core battalions.
  17. There is a rumour (with potato-photos) forma new Horus Heresy edition/box too.
  18. I wasn't talking about dragons. I was talking about dracoths, anihilators, retributors/protectors, translocation, vindictors, etc... Even if drakeguard are the new fotm, all this stuff use still really strong. But I agree with you, playing between editons versus a top-list is not fan at all. But let's play a bit more games and see how it goes.
  19. I don't know if you play ScE or Orruks, but I think that they are not far behind Lumineth. And if that's the case, you could talk to your friend to build a list without 30 Sentinels and this kind of stuff. Btw, I think that SCE new book can beat Lumineth and can table 90% of armies that don't have enough chaff.
  20. Do you think that Gloomspite Gitz have something that we could use as allies to fill the gaps? Maybe some cavalry? Or 6 Rockguts with Dobbie behind? Fungoid Shaman CP-battery?
  21. Good catch! Do we know if there is another ability with the same mechanic? An ability that allows to move after teleporting/set-up? I think that Kruleboyz can do something like that, once per game, using a Command Trait/CV 6 Spell and a Mount trait, but I'm not sure if it's in the same league as Translocation.
  22. @Marcvs Yeah, completely. Not sure if it's intended or wrong copy&paste or whatever... I'm just saying to wait until a FAQ dedicated to SCE and not a band aid FAQ.
  23. But we don't have any SCE/Orruk Warclans FAQs. All other FAQs were made as a bandaid for old tomes to play with 3.0 rules. We don't even know how to dissembark from an Skyvessel...
  24. I'm curious about that. Anyone played any game abusing that mechanic with top units? How did it go? If other battletomes become stronger, I think that transclote is completely intended. But it's understandable that some players feels a bit afraid after viewing some battlereports.
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