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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Really?? That's one of our gimmicks!!
  2. Hope you are right. It's the main feature that I'm looking for in this new GHB2020 and I really want to see it for all types of play!!!
  3. They are a bit generic but I think that's the point of all this artefacts.
  4. Talk with your oponent even if you play Matched games only!! With some luck, people will be used to the Hero builder and maybe we will see some type of deep hero customization in AoS 3.0 (one can dream...).
  5. Really liked the Von Carstein Trilogy. I still think that Vlad is the dude, hope to see him as a leader of Soulblight vampires.
  6. I really hope that you are right!! I'm really curious about the character creation tool. I know that it's not aimed for matched play but it could be fun to build a 400 points blender marine hero on a gunhauler and throw him like a bowling ball.
  7. Imho, that's good for Lumineth. Even if they try to unbind it, they need to be at 30". That means that they should be in range of lumineth archers and the enemy will have one less unbind. Another option could be to just summon it from 30,1" from enemy unbinders (it has 12" range). After being summoned the enemy need to waste a cast to remove the Twinstones, and Lumineth seems to have a lot more spellcasters than other armies. With Zaitrec and Aetherquarz, it's really eazy to have +2 cast every Hero Phase too. I think it will be a win/ win scenario unless facing a Hero Phase powerhouse (like it should be).
  8. I think that the Hyshian Twinstones can have some use in that type of lists. They just cost 30p, cast on 5+ (If I remember correctly) and with Zaitrec, you have a 4+(3+ with aetherquarz) to summon them. You can use them everytime a Lumineth Mage cast spell within 12" (not wholly within), and the dice can't go down to 0 (so every spell have at least +1 to cast), and for every spell that you cast, the next one can be buffed with +2 to be cast. So, assuming that you will not fail your cast, you could go +1/+2/+1/+2/etc... Don't know if it's worth, but seems so nice to have some type of spell rotation and jsut going for a 8+ spell with +3 to casts.
  9. Where I need to sign for that leak to be real? So juicy!!!
  10. There are a lot of units with the star-symbol on it but exactly the same points. What does it mean? New warscroll maybe?
  11. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think we are already doing that. At least I pick my "pre-build" heroes based on how valuable are they going to be on the table.
  12. Not sure about that: To shoot, you need to hit and wound; and there are some modifiers to work around (-1 hit from abilities, Look out Sir, can't attack if you have enemies at 3", etc...). Of course that you can't stop the shooting phase (there are armies based around shooting, imagine something that stops you fighting!!) but you can still try to save the damage!
  13. I think that you misunderstood what I was saying. I already know they are awesome, but not sure if they are a must in a 1000 points game because I don't have enough experience. Btw, I'm not sure if we can compare the ships with the balloon boyz, they are apple to orange to me.
  14. 1000 points game seems a bit restrictive for KO. Remember that GHB2020 is in the horizon and can shake up some lists, but I would go for the basic: 10 arkanauts (battlelines and usually our objective campers). 10 Thunderers (our basic swiss knife: it can give us a lot of dmg with 22 shots, or use fumigators+khemist to defend a zone). After that, I don't know what to say: I think that a frigate could give you a lot, but I'm so used to play with an Irocnlad that I don't know if that's true or not. For Heroes, I'm usually playing with Navigator, Khemist and sometimes an Endrinmaster. I'm not sure if you need some balloon boyz or not (they are fun to play and 6man unit can do some work on the table), but they are expensive and drop like flies. Hope that helps a bit!
  15. Until we reach the 6th edition point (for me, that's the in-universe limit that happened between 3th and 6th edition of Fantasy), we have a large margin to build our army as we want (AoS lore-friendly I would say). My advice, just enjoy the ride!!
  16. I'm really interested if we are going to see some type of Norse Dwarfs and what kind of new miniatures are going to play with.
  17. 1D4chan have some inputs on our army that can help you. From my own experience, KO games need to go "as planned". Our most powerful hammer-units can't do the same damage as others do, but our strenght is not build in raw stats. Our strength is build in the movement phase and some tricks (spell in the bottle, out of phase mw, movement in the Hero Phase, etc...) that can disrupt the enemy while our shooting phase (our main source of damage) has a lot of short ranged weapons fireworks.
  18. Thanks a lot! Didn't read that part, that clears everything!
  19. I don't understand the artefact being in the Realm of Battle rules. Are you going to pick artefacts/traits after the Realm of Battle roll? Because that could mean that we could swap artefacts between games (a bit crazy btw...)!!
  20. So, new GHB2020, and with some luck, our nemesis (Ethereal Amulet) could be lost in time!! Can't wait for more news, any hope to see some point tweaks for our flying little dudes?
  21. So, a new pic from the Rumour Engine. Maybe Grotbag Scuttler 🤩?
  22. I think that is a bit of both worlds: -They are a niche army. -The box is unattractive. Me too. Imho, 25mm is fine for non-elite human-eske units, and 32 seems to be the "improved" version. There are some issues that could be fixed (IDK Thralls comes to my mind) but whatever, it's not a big problem for the whole game.
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