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Hallowed Knights Warrior Chamber Plog


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I figured I'd use this forum as a plog until I get to finishing my full warrior chamber for the hallowed knights. Since this is my first time painting a full army, and I'm relatively new to the art of mini painting (clocked by 40th model last week), I'm always trying out new things on every model. Hoping to reach display quality in a year or so, and my principle is that when I take my duders to play, I never do so with unpainted models. Setting a high bar for myself helps me improve, and barring myself from playing with unpainted models helps me control the plastic addiction.

Here goes!

The road so far:

  • Lord Celestant on Dracoth (starter set)
  • Lord Relictor (starter set)
  • Lord Castellant + Gryph Hound
  • Knight-Venator
  • Errant-Questor
  • 10x Liberators (starter set)
  • 5x Judicators
  • 5x Retributors (starter set)
  • 5x Paladins (fully magnetised)


What I have to paint:

  • Lord Celestant on foot
  • Knight-Azyros (kitbashed)
  • 5x Judicators

What I need for a full warrior chamber:

  • Lord Veritant (optional)
  • Knight Heraldor
  • Knight Vexillor (optional)
  • 35x Liberators (3 boxes + ebay)
  • 20x Judicators (2 boxes)
  • 9x Prosecutors (2 boxes + ebay)
  • 20x Paladins (4 boxes ****** my life)

This will be a long ass project, so hopefully I'll be done before the end of the year!

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Next up - Lord Celestant with a kitbashed base with extra blightking parts.


Custom head and reposed the hammer hand


Doing alignment with the base so I know where to put the cork pieces


Base is done, ready to spray it and paint!

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12 minutes ago, Galas said:

That mucosity effect is incredible! Is it permanent? How have you done it?

I use UHU glue or any glue that cures transparent, then glaze it and finish with a layer of 'ardcoat. :)

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5 hours ago, Ruben said:



Working on the starcloak. In my headcanon this is when Lucius (Lord Castellant) got promoted to Lord Celestant.

This looks great! Did you flick the white paint on off a stiff brush? I have a Celestant Prime sitting in the box and I'm currently considering what to do with his swirls.

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11 hours ago, AdamJ said:

This looks great! Did you flick the white paint on off a stiff brush? I have a Celestant Prime sitting in the box and I'm currently considering what to do with his swirls.

Thanks! It's a stiff brush alright. Specifically, boar bristles. I use that to dry brush my bases. Personally I rather use an old toothbrush. Easier control.

10 hours ago, DynamicCalories said:

As a fan of Mr Nurgle, I am not happy about this.


(But it looks amazing)

Don't worry, I am building a rotbringer army at the same time (that's how I got that extra part), and I have tons of extra stormcast heads on sprues... Hmm

9 hours ago, Tommy said:

Stunning starcloak - worthy of the Seraphon themselves! :P

Thanks! Fun fact, I originally wanted to collect seraphons. I only chose stormcast at that time because I wanted some throwaway models to practise on. Welp, 40 models later, I kind of fell in love. :P 

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1 minute ago, Menkeroth said:

Gorgeous model, what to say. Gardus Steelsoul himself I'd presume? ^_^ 

Well I'm kind of writing my own strike chamber in the hallowed knights, called the Silver Novitiates. Basically it's the chamber you get assigned to, sent behind enemy lines in daring strikes, and once you're deemed good enough you get to join the other "proper" chambers in the hallowed knights stormhost. The story opens with the lord celestant (this guy, Marcus), dead, leaving the second in command, Lucius "Starcloak" (Lord Castellant) in charge, and then after a while Marcus returns as an Errant-Questor to lead the Silver Novitiates in a deep strike into the realm of life while Gardus and gang do their thing in the War of Life.

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1 minute ago, Menkeroth said:

Interesting idea! Then you could also use a Knight-Questor to send to a Silver Tower and if he emerges victorious, then joins proper chambers as well maybe?

My knight-questor is arriving from ebay, and I already have a funky space wolf head picked out for him, so yeah, totally gonna put the silver tower quest into their storyline. :)

That said, I do have to get the actual game itself :P, but w40k 8ed is ****** up all my plans.

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