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Bravery versus LD



I am working on a scenario that involves a test that in the WFB would be taken  on LD. The test is just for heros, and represents their ability to convince NPC character. Is Bravery a good characteristic to do that?

I would like it to be fair but I do not know if all races have hero character with good (more or less equal) bravery

Any thoughts?

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7 answers to this question

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Sadly the scenario will be part of a campain day, Order+ friends from Destraction (and Death if needed) against Chaos+friends from Death (Destraction if needed), it will be first game scenario so I wish to give all sides equal chances (in theory, I do not know what people will bring).


Any ideas


Ps. thx for help Shane 

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If the point is to convince an NPC character, how about adding modifiers? (+1 if they spend a command ability to be extra-convincing; +1 if you get more than one hero talking to them; +1 if they belong to the same faction etc.)

You could still use Bravery as the base characteristic, but give the players enough options to improve their odds.

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If you want to include Bravery but reduce the auto win/fail issue for very high or very low values, make the random part bigger.

If it's an opposed roll, make it 4D6+Bravery head to head.  The variance of the 4 dice will help even out the difference between Bravery 6 and 10.

If it's a single check, make it 4D6+Bravery against a target of 22.  The Bravery 6 guy needs to roll slightly better than average (average result 20), the Bravery 10 guys needs to roll slightly worse than average (average result 24).

It still swings pretty heavily in favour of the higher Bravery, but you can just add more dice to reduce the impact.  At a ridiculous extreme, 200D6+Bravery, the difference between +6 and +10 is lost inside the noise.  But it feels to me like 4D6 is a nice spot - the guy with the 4 point Bravery advantage has a good chance to win, but it's not a gimme.

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You could just make it a straight roll-off. Add scenario relevant modifiers. I just thought up a couple of examples. If it's the general, +1. If the model killed any enemy models in the last turn, +1. If the hero has more friendly models within 6" than the enemy model has within 6" of himself, +1. Etc.


Like people said, a straight bravery rolloff won't work due to Daemons, Death and Seraphon models all having bravery 10.

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Probably just make it a straight roll-off with some positives if the NPC is aligned towards a certain side.

For example, if the NPC is say a Goblin, maybe Destruction players would get +1 to the roll. If it's a 'good' human, then perhaps Order players get +1.

Bravery just isn't a good representation, as all Daemons and Undead automatically have 10. Yet, I suspect a Zombie isn't very good at persuasion.

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