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Best way to organise 90 skeleton warriors. 30/30/30 or 40/40/10?


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With 30 you really need to be charging and getting first activation. A single Arcane Bolt isn't such a big worry because the banners will bring models back, but if you take casualties before striking you will lose a lot of attacks. 40 gives you a buffer — you can lose up to 10 models and it won't really impact your hitting power.

30/30/30 is more glass hammers — you get more potential to hit hard, but your army is more easily broken. 40/40/10 gives you some durability.

Personally I wouldn't run 10 skeletons at all — I'd go 40/40 and get something else to be my third battleline. Maybe 10 zombies, or 10 ghouls. But I guess if you've got 90 skeletons and plan on using them, it's not gonna make that much difference.

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I would personally go with the 3x30. It's more manageable and it's hard to take them off the field, your. Or going to be running 40 dudes down the field against someone. Most people will just avoid a 40 man unit. But 30 man units gives them hope, and maybe you get 2 into combat, one of them will do some damage at least. Also, if your running skeletons, run a liche priest, just convert one. Another attack on a 5 or 6 is brutal.

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