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Tzaangor Management's Painting Projects

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Haven't had much time for painting of late, so these guys took a little longer than anticipated, but were probably relatively quick in terms of time actually spent painting. One unit of Chaos Knights to go for a tabletop worthy 2,000 points and a much more valuable year of painting lessons learned, with an anticipation of many more to come. 





As always, thoughts, tip[s and criticisms welcomed.


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  • 1 month later...

So, long time no post and I've finally finished the models that I've wanted to paint since I started. Love these guys, but stalled on them so many times with work, illness, holidays and, I guess Brexit?... that I almost thought that I never would. With them completed I have also reached (just) the 2,000 point milestone that I was aiming for by the end of this year.

So before some bad pictures, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that has commented and offered advice along the way. I just had a read back through the thread and found all the suggestions for wet palettes, better shading, colour schemes and just general encouragement all the way through. Coming into the hobby fresh, although having admittedly had small High Elf and Goblin armies 20 years ago, is quite daunting, but the relentless encouragement and positivity of everyone in the AoS community, but particularly on these forums, has played a huge part in me sticking to the task (with the odd detour). I finish up after around 9 months with something that I'm very proud of and which for me, and I suspect many others, is something of a rarity in life.

Not sure whether I will continue with this blog in the new year, as it seems a little self-indulgent at this point, so may move everything into the Painting Contract from next year. I have the four Shadespire Warbands to paint next as a fun project and I have a large haul of Stormcast Vanguard Hunters that arrived for Christmas (I just couldn't resist the Knight Aquilor any longer) for the New Year New Army, so I won't be going away any time soon!

Wishing you all a happy wargaming and painting in 2018!










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I just saw this thread for the first time tonight. Wow! What a great read. And the pace at which you improved is very inspiring to me. All of the great advice and good conversation was just awesome. I personally think this is a great way to post progress on an army. to see it go from a backstory to completion is really fun.

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Thanks @Soulsmith, really appreciate the encouragement that you've given, and not just in my thread, but many others, consistently throughout the last year. You're a credit to the community sir!

Thanks as well @Mandano, I'm glad that it's not just me and it's really great motivation to think it's enjoyable for others to see. 

Have had a few days off work finally at the end of this year and so dove into the Sepulchral Guard. Fantastic models, really characterful and a good chance to try out a couple of techniques and paints that I've wanted to for a while. Specifically I wanted a muted colour palette and to try out the Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust paints. 

Fairly happy overall, although would've like a bigger contrast between the weapon and the bone, which was supposed to be like bones preserved in tar pits, or peat bogs.



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Thanks @AthlorianStoners, that's much appreciated :D

Shadespire warbands are going to go on hold, now that I've got excited about participating in the Worldwide Muster for Malign Portents. Managed to finish the Stormcast, which means I can play with a fully painted warband, wish I'd started with the Orruks though... 9_9

Will use this, or close to, as a scheme for my Stormcast Vanguard. Not 100% on the grey / blue on the weapon hilts, belts and plumes (brighter blue, more like the Tzeentch blue?), so any thoughts on those, or anything else, would be great!




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  • 8 months later...

I've not updated this plog in a while, as I moved all my progress at the beginning of the year into the Tale of XX Gamers Painting Challenge thread and later into the Monthly Contract. I began this army as part of the Malign Portents challenge at the beginning of the year and, while it hadn't really been my intention to paint Stormcast for a year, it just sort of happened (Painted the odd single figure and Underworld's Warband along the way).

Originally my plan had been to paint an army with entirely analogous colours (green, blue and yellow / gold in this case) and that all of the other colours would be neautral-ish (ivory, brown and silver). I regretted the choice of ivory as the main colour after about 3 months in, as it's hard to get a good coverage without 3-4 coats, which became a little mind-numbing (hopefully the generous Christmas gift of an airbrush from the Mrs will help make this process easier in the future) and given that the paint (Vallejo Elffic Flesh) seemed to rub off a little easier than GW colours, I decided to Varnish everything with Ard Coat. This I regretted about 6 months in, when I realised that you couldn't see some of the highlights due to the reflective shine.

Lots of other mistakes and lessons learned along the way and painting the same scheme over and over again meant that I experimented with technique rather than colour and has refined the way that I like to paint. A long way to go to get to the level I'd like my painting to be at, but two years in and still learning all the time is very rewarding.

Anyway, I'm sure that's more than anyone really needs / wants to know about this army, so I'll drop some pics in!

The whole army


The Leaders


The Gryph Chargers


The Vanguard Chamber


The (blurry) Sacrosanct Chamber


The Harbinger Chamber


Looking forward to next year, with two smaller projects queued up after some practice with the airbursh. 

Thanks for looking!

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  • 2 months later...

This month I decided to begin a new army and, having fallen in love with the Eidolon model, decided that it would be the Idoneth Deepkin. My next thought was to theme them to a realm and, after some thought, decided that I would like them to be from the realm of Fire, as I never really paint red, but also to help me think about my colour scheme a little more than just: I like that colour.

I've always discovered something new by getting feedback from TGA, so thought I'd pop my test models and test bases up and gather some thoughts in the hope of gaining a new perspective. So, any thoughts on a favorite, possibly a combination of elements from different models, or something completely different  would be greatly appreciated.

Fairly happy with the majority of the scheme, but mostly not sure on skin tone, accent colours, and the weapons' blades and hafts. Bases are fairly basic and I'd probably introduce a little more colour variation, but I want them to be quite neutral, although open to thoughts.






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Off to a great start! Personally I like the black/blue blade, that feels like a more watery colour scheme, especially as a cold shade to contrast with the other more fiery tones (and the colder skin tone helps with that too). Also the purple-glowing base, which is the most interesting and under-watery of the three for me, goes well with it.

All IMO of course! 🙂

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