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Yeah I think in general it's not ideal to have the Bloodsecrator be the General. Not so much because he cannot be it or has a good position on the field but much more because an opponent who knows a thing or two about Khorne will try to hunt them down.

For all armies I really think that a fighter character is best suited for a General, even if it's 'just' a Khorne Lord. 

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Making your Bloodsecrator your general is placing all your eggs in one basket.  Your opponent already has plenty of reasons for wanting to kill your Bloodsecrator, then you go sinking your traits and artifacts into him and its just handing your opponent a lot of your resources in one target.

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Yeah that's my concensus on it also, I understand that if you don't have different mini's that it can become a bit of a forced choice but it's far from ideal and blessed as we are your often only a Gorechosen or AoS Starter box away from having more options. As said if you do have the Bloodsecrator I don't think it's unlikely you'll have a Lord of Khorne and with a Lord of Khorne you have a very solid general available that can become a true nightmare for everything that can't remove it before he has a say in it. Re-rolling hits and doubling up your attacks is almost guaranteed to send something away for good.

Process on the Skullcrusher so far (banner lad):

So yeah, I really like the Skullreaper and Wrathmonger box for the extra bits, all you really have to do is fill the back gap and if you don't feel like that you could technically just glue a shield over it (or something). Will still add some additional smaller bits, though it really helps me get the old save out of my head ;). 

On top of it all the massive Chaos Shield also feels a whole lot more logical now! Go forth and kitbash! 

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2 hours ago, TrexPushups said:

Every battalion you take allows you to get another artifact.

Slaughterpriests seem much better now that they have buffing prayers.

The formation that allows you to re-roll the prayer roll makes them much more reliable. Yet I would probably pick a prayer I want to cast twice as 75% is failable. 75% with another chance if the re-roll doesn't work is much more sure.

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I thought based on the wording of the new artefacts and leader in your army could take one as it says any daemon hero, or any mortal hero from what I have seen in the leaked pages

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11 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

it's about the only way that they'll sell those monstrosities....

ehhh Lad.... I think I've just found a use and excuse for buying skin wolves :D

Thanks RB!!!

Gotta say skullreapers are probably my favourite models

but with the wrathmonger helmets

and the wrathmonger torsos which have much more dynamic arm poses


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2 minutes ago, ****** said:

Gotta say skullreapers are probably my favourite models

but with the wrathmonger helmets

and the wrathmonger torsos which have much more dynamic arm poses



I'll look at that.  I have three boxes of the things now - I was overtaken by the red mist in the local GW today!

I'll draw the line however on mr kitty lower legs - I can see me substituting a skin wolf or doing a conversion for that one!

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Just now, Kaleb Daark said:

I'll look at that.  I have three boxes of the things now - I was overtaken by the red mist in the local GW today!

I'll draw the line however on mr kitty lower legs - I can see me substituting a skin wolf or doing a conversion for that one!

Yeah it's the cheerleader guy which you just have to ignore, it's like the most illogical dynamic model. As in that it just doesn't look 'right'.

Few tips for the Wrathmongers:
1. Toss booklet
2. Mix up the Flails, give a long one and a short one to each fighter, this way the weapons just look more 'logical' for as far as logic goes
3. Mix up the armour plates, heads and even consider the back totems for basing purposing

While I'm not on the stage yet the ones I have will have a small cloak and a totem, for that totem I intend to use some orginal parts and have some skulls pinned on a brass rod. The less these totems are dead center the less the totem looks like an antenna.

Long story short the Skullreaper and Wrathmonger is a very good set once you get creative. 

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6 minutes ago, ****** said:


this one?

Yup! I like both of your versions but out of the box it's the torso I like the least.  In general having a model standing in a pose that can be exactly mirrored and remains the same is a taboo for me, it just doesn't feel  or look right to me. 

The torsos I like the most would be the one who has one hand near his chest and the other out. Makes for a great Khornate Fanatic pose and semi realistic defensive stance for two handweapons. I also really like the two-handed weapon guys, who will end up on a Jugger aswell :D

2 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

no, I was talking about Mr skarr bloodwrath dog legs rather than mr armoured dungaree legs

Yeah Skarr looks a bit daft. I still will use that body because I think it helps him being seen as Skarr but I'm certainly adding the Bloodletter like head from the Skullreapers/Wrathmongers box. I just don't like the one he comes with. The chains on those axes will be gone aswell. 

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26 minutes ago, ADDriot said:

Guys, anything on Skarrs rules in the new book? Does his resurrection ability require summoning points or no?

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I doubt it'll be specifically addressed in the book, but I think the general consensus was that given the death ring of immortality was said to require points in the rules errata so does Skarr or any other 'reviving' models.

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42 minutes ago, ADDriot said:

Guys, anything on Skarrs rules in the new book? Does his resurrection ability require summoning points or no?

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Nothing on it, so you can assume that the GH rules at hand are still applied. What many of us hope is that GH2 will cover these types of things. However as always we'll have to wait for it and in general I think that we've recieved so much that Skarr isn't mandatory, so really run him if you like him! (And I understand why you wouldn't now).

In other news, my plans for removing the top knot on the Exalted Deathbringer have changed into just making it shorter, not unlike depicted in the Gorechosen art. What do you guys reckon? I feel the shorter topknot looks better and less distracting. 

PS I like the dog-legged Skullreaver/Wrathmonger too, it's just one of those few mutations I do like actually :)

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43 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

no, I was talking about Mr skarr bloodwrath dog legs rather than mr armoured dungaree legs


That guy's great! Tempted to go full Morris Dancer on him and swap out the flail hammers for ribbons, a few bells and handkerchiefs and it'd be a really fun unit!



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With the introduction of more artifacts and command traits, as well as the Blood Tithe table allowing the activation of command abilities even if it isn't your General, I think the tactic of making a Warrior or Skullreaper your General is more viable than ever. If you properly kit him up, you'll effectively have seven heroes on the table, with your most important one being saturated in bodies. 


Yes you'll lose out on an Aspiring Deathbringer constantly pumping up a unit, but that can instead lull your opponent into underestimating a unit, only for the Blood Tithe to suddenly add in the extra punch when you need it.

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With the introduction of more artifacts and command traits, as well as the Blood Tithe table allowing the activation of command abilities even if it isn't your General, I think the tactic of making a Warrior or Skullreaper your General is more viable than ever. If you properly kit him up, you'll effectively have seven heroes on the table, with your most important one being saturated in bodies. 
Yes you'll lose out on an Aspiring Deathbringer constantly pumping up a unit, but that can instead lull your opponent into underestimating a unit, only for the Blood Tithe to suddenly add in the extra punch when you need it.

Skull reapers general with the charge in opponents charge phase trait?

Sounds delicious.

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*What Arkiham said*

I think that for the fans of the Bloodreavers you should also seriously consider a Warshrine now!
Looking forward if you guys are also going to customize your own cards or tokens. I think I will. While I do like that GW provides all the tokens required I think it's time to collect some good big skulls and have these be my Blood Tithe tokens :D

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Sadly, Killax, the Warshrine is not a Hero so it cannot take a command trait.  Otherwise though, yeah, the warshrine is now a very viable option I think as a unit on the field.  I look forward to getting a lot more use out of mine.

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7 minutes ago, Jharen said:

Sadly, Killax, the Warshrine is not a Hero so it cannot take a command trait.  Otherwise though, yeah, the warshrine is now a very viable option I think as a unit on the field.  I look forward to getting a lot more use out of mine.

Yeah edited the post after a last check. I'm looking forward to build my own now also. I liked the model before but couldnt be bothered to pick it up yet.

The general direction I'll continue in is Bloodletters as my backbone but the fun thing about that is that Bloodletters with Killing Frenzy are rather good also ;) It's really neat that the Warshrine bascially opened up to Daemons or better put, now only looks for Khorne and not always Mortals. 

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14 minutes ago, Jharen said:

Just remember when you get your warshrine to do the proper thing and get rid of that priest it comes with and replace him with a proper slaughterpriest to drive home the khorne theme on that model! :D

My plan exactly! And do you remember that silly massive resin Khorne symbol from Forge World?

Well.. That thing is way to big, but acts as a mighty fine platform for a Khornate Warshrine. Which just screams for a Slaughterpriest on top. Though I'm uncertain what to put on the backside of the Icon. A bunch of skulls, a brass anvil, another Khorne symbol... So many options!


Also in general, skulls are the best to hide small slip ups in converting ;) 
PrivateerPress also recently spoiled a great guy for carrying the symbol around. 


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45 minutes ago, Killax said:

*What Arkiham said*

I think that for the fans of the Bloodreavers you should also seriously consider a Warshrine now!
Looking forward if you guys are also going to customize your own cards or tokens. I think I will. While I do like that GW provides all the tokens required I think it's time to collect some good big skulls and have these be my Blood Tithe tokens :D

Considering trying to make a mini abacus type thing with Skulls as beads/counters.

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