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10 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

* I also think that the intention was to always have Khul and Vandus as named characters and the generic warscrolls got shoe-horned in.

- From the narrative standpoint as mentioned before I understand the mandatory inclusion, likewise we have Archaon with his own Vanguard force as a Named character leading a specific Battalion.
- I also understand why the current description enforces you to use him with The Goretide, basically altering The Goretide because the whole description in The Goretide allready refers to this Mighty Lord of Khorne being Khorgos Khul and his mighty Fleshhound Grizzlemaw.
- I even understand as to why GW tossed a coin and put 200 point on him. It's too expensive for him but the prime reason as to why this is the case has averything to do with the fact that they cannot obtain Command Abilities nor Artefacts.

What I do not understand is:
1. How the creative team working on this missed this.
2. Why his Axe works differently.
3. Why Gorelord is called Gore Lord on him.
4. Why the Bloodsecrator restored to his old wording.
5. Why the  'new' Bloodsecrator lacks the Bloodbound Keyword again.

It's a lot of strange design revolving around 2 models. It's very easy to:
1. Mention that The Goretide effectively changed as per now. (Errata)
2. Mention alternatively that Khul is a may option. (Allows for all the narrative design and has no influence on matched play)
3. Mention what the heck their intention is with the Bloodsecrator these days. (FAQ since BoK day 1)

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23 hours ago, Killax said:

If you have a phone with the app you have the warscroll.

As said, we now have to play a game where we dont know he and his description excists?


I am totally on your side here. They need to update the Warscroll Battalion to make this clear, and even then we'd have the option to run the old one...

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Hi folks - I've been running mainly Khorne Daemons, and struggling slightly with the damage output.

Can anyone give me a bit of advice on where I'm going wrong with Bloodletters - I'm finding that on 32mm bases I just can't get enough of them into combat for their 1 attack to make a difference - even with the buffs up from having 20 in the unit and the Bloodsecrator in the backfield I'm still generally getting only 5 or 6 actually into combat. 

Am I expecting the bloodletters to be too choppy? 

I'd hoped Bloodcrushers would be fairly killy, but they don't seem to hit any harder either. The single attack from the hellblade isn't enough to do real damage, while the Juggernauts hit and wound ok, but fail to punch anything with no rend.

I do include some Bloodbound units, but having almost finished the army I don't really want to start all over again with hordes and hordes of new models, or am I tying one arm behind my back by not really including anything other than some wrathmongers?

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1 hour ago, JontyGoesGaming said:

Hi folks - I've been running mainly Khorne Daemons, and struggling slightly with the damage output.

Can anyone give me a bit of advice on where I'm going wrong with Bloodletters - I'm finding that on 32mm bases I just can't get enough of them into combat for their 1 attack to make a difference - even with the buffs up from having 20 in the unit and the Bloodsecrator in the backfield I'm still generally getting only 5 or 6 actually into combat. 

Am I expecting the bloodletters to be too choppy? 

I'd hoped Bloodcrushers would be fairly killy, but they don't seem to hit any harder either. The single attack from the hellblade isn't enough to do real damage, while the Juggernauts hit and wound ok, but fail to punch anything with no rend.

I do include some Bloodbound units, but having almost finished the army I don't really want to start all over again with hordes and hordes of new models, or am I tying one arm behind my back by not really including anything other than some wrathmongers?

Depends what you're hitting but isn't that just practice with piling in and positioning? With Bloodsecrator and usually a crimson crowned hero nearby I can get a hefty amount of attacks in.

Bloodcrushers I only use to block really as they cover a decent area and they are mandatory when i use skullseeker host (think that's the one anyway) for most games at the moment.

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@JontyGoesGaming For Bloodletters the set up is fairly simple if you want them to be choppy, however it also eats at your soul (says someone who's still in the process of making 90) from a hobby perspective.

1. Run them in units of 30, also locally figure out if the playing group is okay with you having 2 banners in there (Bloodletters are one of the few units who can have this, there are more however, it is not a typo).
2. Consider if you liked these 30 and consider Murderhost as your next step (something I did). Murderhost gives you a cool feeling for a Herald because he's required and kind of neat with Mark of the Slayer or The Crimson Crown and due to Murderhost being so cheap he feels like a budget Hero anyway.
Most of all, this added speed has deemed essential to me. It's akin to them having a free move most of the time and this free move most certainly also allows you to get into melee with more. (Logical but it might not always seem obvious)
3. Bloodletters with a Bloodletter Hero are maniacs. It's why I like Murderhost so much again. I run it with the Skullmaster, the added speed and smaller size allows you to get him where he is more needed. 

Then as Ark said, Bloodsecrators and Wrathmongers help. I feel the Bloodsecrator is required for any Khorne army. I feel Wrathmongers are an excellent addition if you can find room for them and do not have a dedicated monster hunter yet. (MLoK with Mark of the Destroyer or Bloodthirsters with Immense Power are legit monster hunters aswell).

Lastly by comparison Bloodcrushers just arn't worth 160 points. You can compair them to Skullcrushers and see that difference and it's often argued that Skullcrushers need Brass Stampede to fully shine. This is also true. For competitive purposes Bloodcrushers have no reliable function that cannot be found elsewhere for another cost. I'm sorry to say that but I have not be able to find a reason to include them over X and Y, not even in Battalions.

Hope that helped!

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...I'm finding that on 32mm bases I just can't get enough of them into combat for their 1 attack to make a difference ...

You can help a little with that in model placement.

To get your second row within the 1" range you need to place them 1/2" away from each other for the first row contacting the model you're attacking.

So your placement is:
model, 1/2" space, model, 1/2" space (etc).

That 1/2" Space is where you then slide your second row into. The 1/2" space between your bloodletters places the bases far enough apart that you can get that second row of attackers within the 1" distance.
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2 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:


You can help a little with that in model placement.

To get your second row within the 1" range you need to place them 1/2" away from each other for the first row contacting the model you're attacking.

So your placement is:
model, 1/2" space, model, 1/2" space (etc).

That 1/2" Space is where you then slide your second row into. The 1/2" space between your bloodletters places the bases far enough apart that you can get that second row of attackers within the 1" distance.


Yes this placement is very helpful to get more Letters in the fight. 

@JontyGoesGaming Can you describe what units you are facing and the placement where you could only get 5-6 letters to attack the enemy? It seems you should have been able to wrap around a smaller unit unless there was terrain blocking you. 

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Anyone had significant play time with Goretide and can let me know their thoughts? Am considering making an army for it (currently run murderhost/pilgrims and murderhost/skullseeker lists) so I have most of the heros and a few warriors/reavers kicking around.

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18 hours ago, Jaehaerys said:

Anyone had significant play time with Goretide and can let me know their thoughts? Am considering making an army for it (currently run murderhost/pilgrims and murderhost/skullseeker lists) so I have most of the heros and a few warriors/reavers kicking around.

I like it - needs some careful thought on the best way to plan outside the mandatory units.  It's quite popular to run a Lord on Juggernaut as your general to make the best use of Slaughterborn.  The D6" move really helps the army overall and allows for all sorts of shenanigans.

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5 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

I like it - needs some careful thought on the best way to plan outside the mandatory units.  It's quite popular to run a Lord on Juggernaut as your general to make the best use of Slaughterborn.  The D6" move really helps the army overall and allows for all sorts of shenanigans.

Have you tried pilgrims with it? Or do you find 3 battalion overkill?

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On 2017-6-21 at 2:30 PM, Jaehaerys said:

Anyone had significant play time with Goretide and can let me know their thoughts? Am considering making an army for it (currently run murderhost/pilgrims and murderhost/skullseeker lists) so I have most of the heros and a few warriors/reavers kicking around.

2 Games... I really like it but I cannot speak for it now because I think we have to use Khul. Which basically invalidates my current list and makes me uncertain if the army can cope with it, by large because I really liked how it preformed. 

While some on the forums have suggested that Khul does not have to be the Mighty Lord of Khorne in the Goretide I cannot unsee what his Description is telling us...

The list I ran was 
- MLoK, Mark of the Destroyer and different Command Traits
- Bloodsecrator
- Bloodsecrator
- Bloodsecrator/Valkia
- Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear, Gorecleaver
- Bloodstoker, Talisman of Burning Blood
- 10 Blood Warriors - Goreglaive
- 10 Blood Warriors - Goreglaive
- 10 Blood Warriors - Goreglaive
- 5 Skullreapers
- 5 Skullreapers
- 5 Skullreapers
- 5 Wrathmongers

Still had 20 points left and mostly proxied the army but it functioned really well. The MLoK had Mark of the Destroyer and I used different Command Traits for both games, which I feel didnt matter too much anyway. The prime thing I liked is how the MLoK actually operates as a semi Wrathmonger unit by himself (killed easy but is lethal to monsters) and how despite the 20 point difference in build I really didn't feel disadvantaged.

Now with Khul out, and this 1980 army, I should somehow find another 40 points... This can be done by removing Wrathmongers and adding another unit of Skullreapers but frankly speaking I'm not too interested in that approach, plus it removes my painted Wrathmongers. One of the cool things in the second game with Valkia was that she could scalp a Hero on the second turn who most certainly didnt expect it and generally speaking is also not one of the options Khorne has. Though I have to admit, I was lucky on my rolled 5 for the D6" movement :) 

Then in addition to that I don't know if Khul has the double Aqshy's Bane or not and generally have to equip models with Artefacts I don't feel like giving more reasons to be removed...


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2 hours ago, Jaehaerys said:

Have you tried pilgrims with it? Or do you find 3 battalion overkill?

I've not tried pilgrims with it - mainly because I don't have any painted bloodreavers (not a massive fan).  I would say that it has the potential with the extended range.  You may have picked up on this, but it's worth mentioning that with it's current wording, pilgrims cannot be part of goretide (as it is a "Khorne" battalion rather than "Khorne Bloodbound"), so the models in it wouldn't benefit from the D6" hero phase move.

@Killax is right though that until GW clear up the mess with the new Khul warscroll, the Goretide battalion works out quite costly and you've got a bit of confusion with his warscroll for things like Ashqy's Bane

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Just now, RuneBrush said:

I've not tried pilgrims with it - mainly because I don't have any painted bloodreavers (not a massive fan).  I would say that it has the potential with the extended range.  You may have picked up on this, but it's worth mentioning that with it's current wording, pilgrims cannot be part of goretide (as it is a "Khorne" battalion rather than "Khorne Bloodbound"), so the models in it wouldn't benefit from the D6" hero phase move.

@Killax is right though that until GW clear up the mess with the new Khul warscroll, the Goretide battalion works out quite costly and you've got a bit of confusion with his warscroll for things like Ashqy's Bane

Yea I was looking at taking it as a 2 drop and having pilgrims outside. They wouldn't need the move so much.

And on Khul, people I play with don't think it's mandatory if you don't take Khul in your list so I'll probably carry on. View it as stopping you having a MLoK as goretide leader gaining all those buffs and Khul who has those buffs on warscroll anyway. If GW eventually rule differently then of course we'll change to the official ruling.

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1 minute ago, Jaehaerys said:

Yea I was looking at taking it as a 2 drop and having pilgrims outside. They wouldn't need the move so much.

And on Khul, people I play with don't think it's mandatory if you don't take Khul in your list so I'll probably carry on. View it as stopping you having a MLoK as goretide leader gaining all those buffs and Khul who has those buffs on warscroll anyway. If GW eventually rule differently then of course we'll change to the official ruling.

That's cool - my local group have a similar attitude too, just always frustrating when something that worked fine gets fuddled around :D  Plus I'd have an OCD moment because I use the warscroll cards and there's not one for Khul :P

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45 minutes ago, Jaehaerys said:

Yea I was looking at taking it as a 2 drop and having pilgrims outside. They wouldn't need the move so much.

And on Khul, people I play with don't think it's mandatory if you don't take Khul in your list so I'll probably carry on. View it as stopping you having a MLoK as goretide leader gaining all those buffs and Khul who has those buffs on warscroll anyway. If GW eventually rule differently then of course we'll change to the official ruling.


39 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

That's cool - my local group have a similar attitude too, just always frustrating when something that worked fine gets fuddled around :D  Plus I'd have an OCD moment because I use the warscroll cards and there's not one for Khul :P

Yeah if the local group doesnt mind, more power to them! Here people dont know how to see the rule either... So instead of trying to start a debate Ill just pick something different. Goretide is very Bloodbound heavy anyway so I dont mind it too much right now.

Running Pilgrims outside of it is certainly an option, though, it's also expensive. Your allready 120 points deep into Battalions, which is okay for 2K but going 200 is pushing it in my opinion. Especially since your now also forced taking Bloodreavers and Bloodwarriors who are slower and not part of Slaughterborn either.

From my perspective that forced investment makes it nice to start out small with tons of abilities but those 80 points you pay for Gore Pilgrims could also be another unit of Bloodreavers or almost 5 Blood Warriors. However as always, play as you like!

I can confirm that The Goretide as is is wonderful. Having a unit of Wrathmongers in there and a MLoK with Mark of the Destroyer and all the other goodness basically allows us to have 2 monster killers and a massive brick of Rend killers and non-Rend killers. Very cool and armoured all in all. 


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14 hours ago, Killax said:


Yeah if the local group doesnt mind, more power to them! Here people dont know how to see the rule either... So instead of trying to start a debate Ill just pick something different. Goretide is very Bloodbound heavy anyway so I dont mind it too much right now.

Running Pilgrims outside of it is certainly an option, though, it's also expensive. Your allready 120 points deep into Battalions, which is okay for 2K but going 200 is pushing it in my opinion. Especially since your now also forced taking Bloodreavers and Bloodwarriors who are slower and not part of Slaughterborn either.

From my perspective that forced investment makes it nice to start out small with tons of abilities but those 80 points you pay for Gore Pilgrims could also be another unit of Bloodreavers or almost 5 Blood Warriors. However as always, play as you like!

I can confirm that The Goretide as is is wonderful. Having a unit of Wrathmongers in there and a MLoK with Mark of the Destroyer and all the other goodness basically allows us to have 2 monster killers and a massive brick of Rend killers and non-Rend killers. Very cool and armoured all in all. 


Thanks for your comments. 

On my list I viewed that it was only 1 unit of warrior and 1 unit of reaver outside of the goretide. I don't mind 2 units being slower and the reavers can just be blood tithe material. I obviously have another 3 units of blood warrior in the goretide, two units of skullreaper and one unit of wrathmongers. So thought that would be pretty scary moving across the table. Thought of running Valkia as a target they can't ignore because if they do they will likely lose a hero quickly. So if they target her it will leave the rest to venture up the field. My only concern is lack of wound reroll for the Skullreapers in early turns and that self inflicting wounds.

With pilgrims I like the beefed bubble, and plus one to hit and save.

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1 hour ago, Jaehaerys said:

Thanks for your comments. 

On my list I viewed that it was only 1 unit of warrior and 1 unit of reaver outside of the goretide. I don't mind 2 units being slower and the reavers can just be blood tithe material. I obviously have another 3 units of blood warrior in the goretide, two units of skullreaper and one unit of wrathmongers. So thought that would be pretty scary moving across the table. Thought of running Valkia as a target they can't ignore because if they do they will likely lose a hero quickly. So if they target her it will leave the rest to venture up the field. My only concern is lack of wound reroll for the Skullreapers in early turns and that self inflicting wounds.

With pilgrims I like the beefed bubble, and plus one to hit and save.

Seems like a plan so by all means go for it!

Looking forward to see the list so that comments can be made a little more specific. I really like Valkia aswell but for a list including Gore Pilgrims I'm not too certain how much functional room is left for her. A Bloodstoker still can be essential to any Bloodbound heavy list next to a Bloodsecrator for example.

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Exalted Deathbringer



10x Blood Warrior

10x Blood Warrior

5x Blood Warrior

5x Blood Warrior

10x Blood Reaver

5x Skull Reaper

5x Skull Reaper

5x Wrathmonger



Gore Pilgrims

1990 Points


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Exalted Deathbringer
10x Blood Warrior
10x Blood Warrior
5x Blood Warrior
5x Blood Warrior
10x Blood Reaver
5x Skull Reaper
5x Skull Reaper
5x Wrathmonger
Gore Pilgrims
1990 Points

If you're following the "new requirements" Warscroll:

You're missing Khul. Which puts that list over 1990 points. :(
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4 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:


If you're following the "new requirements" Warscroll:

You're missing Khul. Which puts that list over 1990 points. :(


Look up a bit :) I'm not taking Khul so what's on his scroll shouldn't affect me. That's how my friends play. I'm going by the batallion wording. Until GW rule differently then I'm going that way.

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Look up a bit [emoji4] I'm not taking Khul so what's on his scroll shouldn't affect me. That's how my friends play. I'm going by the batallion wording. Until GW rule differently then I'm going that way.


If you're playing "friendly games" then sure, wait for whatever you'd like. If you're prepared for the likely eventuality and the expectation of need to change in your forces. Tzeentch sends his blessings.


While you may be waiting for the "ruling" you've made another interesting tactical decision that locks you out of blood tithe functionality.


You haven't allowed yourself any reinforcement points. Which means that you can't leverage "Blood Pact".


(As an aside: it would be advantageous to define who is in which warscroll batallion.)

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1 hour ago, TheOtherJosh said:


If you're playing "friendly games" then sure, wait for whatever you'd like. If you're prepared for the likely eventuality and the expectation of need to change in your forces. Tzeentch sends his blessings.


While you may be waiting for the "ruling" you've made another interesting tactical decision that locks you out of blood tithe functionality.


You haven't allowed yourself any reinforcement points. Which means that you can't leverage "Blood Pact".


(As an aside: it would be advantageous to define who is in which warscroll batallion.)

I don't think it will go that way personally as if you check in the ruling forum many people are on the same wave length. If you don't take Khul then its not issue.

The ruling on Khul I reckon is only there to stop you taking MLoK as the leader thus gaining all the perks of Goretide and running Khul who has those perks built in either as additional unit in Goretide or outside Goretide. Thus preventing you rampaging around with 2 Mighty Lords with 8" pile in smashing stuff with his lolaxe. And also on a basic level, forces you to have Khul at the head of the Goretide if you take him in your army. 

Also remember that if you always have to take Khul then Goretide loses one of it's two abilities permanently as it's on his warscroll. Would be a bit of a strange move.

Of course I could be wrong because who knows what GW intends with such loose wording but that's how I am judging it at the moment.

I don't understand the rest of your post though. This is certainly a Khorne army and I don't need to take any reinforcement points if I don't want to.

I think its quite clear who's in what batallion if you know the BoK book :) . But essentially SlaughterPriests, Bloodsecrator, Reavers, and one unit of 5 warriors are in Pilgrims. Everything else is Goretide. Making it a 2 drop if need be.

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2 hours ago, Jaehaerys said:






Exalted Deathbringer



10x Blood Warrior

10x Blood Warrior

5x Blood Warrior

5x Blood Warrior

10x Blood Reaver

5x Skull Reaper

5x Skull Reaper

5x Wrathmonger



Gore Pilgrims

1990 Points


Looks quite cool to me, as before I think GW's intention is to have Khul be the prime leader for The Goretide and as such his Description alters the Battalion. I know it has upset some people (me included) but from the narrative standpoint it makes 100% sence.

That aside! As you said, this does not apply for you locally!

The list looks good to me, I do however think that in this case a second Bloodsecrator is slightly better as Valkia. Fully knowing that the Bloodsecrator is extended in this set up the downside of Gore Pilgrims is that this also means that one of the Slaughterpriest is forced to be on the backside aswell, meaning it's much less likely that he'll be capable to do his wonderful Blood Boils (which is what I like the most with him if ran in Gore Pilgrims).

Other than the Valkia/2nd Bloodsecrator the list looks really solid. The cool thing here is that based on wording one of your 5 man Blood Warriors still has acces to the Goreglaive (as they go per 10 but not per 10 per unit ;) ). This means the list looks fine in my opinion. 

Go for it and let us know how much you liked it!

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It's time to party! It's an option again!


Khul only required to be part of the Goretide if you actually play the Goretide and Khul. So not just the Goretide anymore!
Very happy with this because it means my old army plan is still valid.

Then the Bloodsecrator is also still the same so it still stacks, though it does lack the Bloodbound Keyword.

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