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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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I did more or less the same thing, @Arkiham- can't post a pic yet due to just joining the forums, but it turned out pretty well, albeit messier than yours. What's your preferred method for trimming down the excess plastic on the BW legs? Looking forward to repeating the process for my Frenzied Goretribe box. More Wrathmongers & Skullreapers!


Different topic, but has anyone messed around with Banner of Rage? Once I have my 2nd Bloodsecrator (converting from Ex. Deathbringer in Goretribe box), I want to try running Banner of Rage on one of them. If I can keep him alive (big if), the idea of Skullreapers, Bloodletters (near a Daemon Hero), and Blood Warriors (with double axes) rerolling failed hit rolls is very appealing.

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13 minutes ago, Render said:

I did more or less the same thing, @Arkiham- can't post a pic yet due to just joining the forums, but it turned out pretty well, albeit messier than yours. What's your preferred method for trimming down the excess plastic on the BW legs?

I cut the stomach off with clippers but I wouldn't recommend it. Get that new gw saw and Amazon some scalpel blades, tidy up with a file.

the neatness isn't too much of a issue, just needs to be flat so the skullreapers torso can sit on it, you need to cut a tiny bit off the bottom of the torso and adjust the front plate bits you're using to fit to the legs.

Template and dry fit before cutting, you won't get a second chance. 

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Last but not least, if Gorechosen is still available in your area, I'd snatch it up quick. It's a great value for the models, and you get an awesome game to boot. 

Seconding the game being awesome.

Gorechosen is a (currently) still in production boardgame and can be ordered direct from GW. (And there is both a German and a French edition.)

It gives 4 of the Bloodbound mortal leader models for the price of 2. And as an added bonus, they're all usable in both Warhammer Quest Silver tower and Shadows Over Hammerhal.

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Quick question concerning "Ar'gath - The King of Blades":

How do you deal with modifiers on this?

My take would be that it - as it says in the description - always hits on 2+ and therefore can't be modified. Reasoning is that the 2+ is an ability. It would have to say that the "to hit characteristic" of the weapon was changed to 2+ for it to be the target of modifiers.

Of course I also want to read it that way... let me know what your take on this is


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17 minutes ago, facelez said:

Quick question concerning "Ar'gath - The King of Blades":

How do you deal with modifiers on this?

My take would be that it - as it says in the description - always hits on 2+ and therefore can't be modified. Reasoning is that the 2+ is an ability. It would have to say that the "to hit characteristic" of the weapon was changed to 2+ for it to be the target of modifiers.

Of course I also want to read it that way... let me know what your take on this is


Its true, you cant modify it. You can reroll it. AoS is full of powerful design. Makes us a little like Kharn :)

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Has anyone tried the Daemon Prince of Khorne with the new battletome?

On the paper he seems ...impressive with +2 dammage (lets say claw+sword) from immense power and the artifact.

Also, the crimson-crown works on 5+ on him. as far as math goes, it is slightly better since it works on both his weapons and deathgiver affect only one (it is exactly the sames stats on only one weapon, interesting.)

Still, he doesn't add much to the army.


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21 minutes ago, kozokus said:

Has anyone tried the Daemon Prince of Khorne with the new battletome?

On the paper he seems ...impressive with +2 dammage (lets say claw+sword) from immense power and the artifact.

Also, the crimson-crown works on 5+ on him. as far as math goes, it is slightly better since it works on both his weapons and deathgiver affect only one (it is exactly the sames stats on only one weapon, interesting.)

Still, he doesn't add much to the army.

Did, and we had a little chat about it a while ago:

The Daemon Prince is a fine choice, comes in at the same cost as the Brass Stampede but can be really cool if you want a character doing the job of a unit. I like him but also favour Valkia instead. It's thanks to @Jharen that Valkia came back into my vision again, especially due to the Daemon Prince discussion. 

I personally think he can be a good target for the Crimson Crown aswell granted I really like the Crimson Crown on my Skullmaster because of the added speed the Skullmaster recieves within Murderhost aswell AND he's less of a visual threat. A Daemon Prince is worthy to be a priority target anyway and personally I don't like to have my support buffs there (such as the Crimson Crown). 
However! I do really like him with Mark of the Slayer instead, as I feel that the Daemon Prince adds more to our Bloodbound unit heavy armies as he does to the Daemon Army. Simply said because he's not that big of a leap away from a Bloodthirster and a Bloodthirster just does wonderful things for the Daemons of Khorne that other heroes do not do :) 

The beauty of a Deamon Prince of Khorne with Mark of the Slayer is that your almost guaranteed to turn the 4+3 attacks into 4+3 hits and thus 4D3+6 damage, which can add up quite well. In addition he can fly from offense to support for all kinds of Khorne units, both Daemon and Mortal (as you'd expect from a Daemon Prince).

He's 160 points, has no Command Ability and thus never an ideal target to become a General and it really hurts the viability of this model because it means it has to compete with units and support Heroes. The issue with this too is that he doesn't present much support without any Artefact. 
While we can enjoy 4D3+6 damage on the charge (possibly) we also have cheaper Valkia, Valkia has a better save, Valkia has a better attrition defense (Daemonshield) and Valkia is Bloodbound (which matters for some Battalions). So typically, becuase Valkia isn't a great general either, I prefer her over the Daemon Prince. Their damage on the charge is similar (without Mark of the Slayer on Daemon prince) or arguably Valkia does that better also. 

In general though I'd play a Daemon Prince if you want to! It's just that Khorne's Daemon Prince isn't too terribly exciting. It's still an awesome model to get and covert to your liking but far from mandatory :) 

Speaking about mandatory units, I can certainly recommend any Khorne player to get the following as their, "what to buy" list:

- Bloodthirster (if you want to have one as General, non-General Bloodthirsters arn't that great)
- Skarbrand (typically your second Bloodthirster or first if you want one, so great, so amazing)
- Bloodletters (hardcore backbone)

- Bloodsecrator
- Mighty Lord of Khorne
- Khorne Lord on Juggernaut
- Bloodstoker
- Blood Warriors
- Skullreapers
- Wrathmongers

Obviously get what you want! Though these choices are all so flexible and powerful that I think it's a shame if people would go for a particular Battalion before experimenting with these pieces. They all work out, Wrathmongers are a skilltester but so far I've locally found that if you are aware of the meta, depth of the game and want to have a good awnser to Monsters they remain an essential awnser.

In terms of Battalions I'd also still point towards Murderhost and The Goretide as the best out of the book. There are more choices that are very competatively viable but they do restrict your builds aswell. For example, Brass Stampede is great but you do need to invest into multiple (sometimes 7) units of Skullcrushers and the Khorne army offers so much more. The same applies to Gore Pilgrims, amazing Battalion for sure, but you do need to be aware that your filling up Hero slots with Slaughterpriest and the lethal part of our armies arn't really Heroes, rather the infantry numbers buffed by Bloodsecrators' Rage of Khorne are ALWAYS competative. 

As always though, play as you like! Slaves to Darkness also offers us some support for attrition purposes and that too can be really valuable. The thing with the bigger single pieces remains that you could be spending those points on infantry aswell :D From Bloodletter to Wrathmonger, in many cases the infantry outshines what the Heroes can do. This doesn't apply to all factions but does for the vast mayority of Khorne units. A Slaughterpriest by itself is awesome but not ****** 10 Bloodletters or 5 Blood Warriors awesome. 



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1 hour ago, Killax said:

PS Why is stric-tly blocked as a word? 

Depends on how you say it.

When i say "stric-tly" , girls blushs and outraged stares converges on me. (your eyebrow movement is crucial in the operation)

Anyway, thanks for the advice on the Prince. I will reconsider Valkia too, i have missed something here.

Yet the question remain, "how-to-beat-27-skyfire as bloodbound" :P .

But the lists in the SCGT looks interesting (pike/pano). I wonder how they look in action.


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Got in some skirmish games last night, wanted to record some first impressions.

1. The game plays quickly. I played for about 2.5 hours, and got in 4 games, plus a respectable break in the middle. So, a half hour is plenty per game, with time built in for chat. Numbers expand rapidly in campaign mode - after a couple games, your band will double in size.

2. Units work differently. Swarm models (i.e., bloodreavers) can matter for scenarios reliant on numbers, but because they activate independently, can't generally bring their numbers to bear in an effective way (and won't benefit from any of the "if the unit has x models, gain buff" rules). There's no mechanic in Skirmish where multiple attackers support one another, so swarm mobs are less good here.

3. Many of the game's buffs are neutered. Any targeted buff (target unit gets x awesome ability) is much less effective, as it only aids one model. Bubbles are relatively more effective, in that they're going to impact a larger proportion of your army.  The Skirmish command ability that gives +1 to wound in a 6" bubble is freaking awesome.

4. Force concentration is single-model based. Tough, multi-attack models are where it's at - but there is a trade off in some scenarios between numbers and power. Heroes, pretty much any of them, are killer. Some interesting trade-offs. Multi-attack / low damage heroes (like, say, a Bloodstoker) do great against mobs. Low-attack/ high damage models (like a Slaughterpriest with axe) are character killers. Good idea to balance your hero's capabilities with units.

5. Mobility is relatively less important. Boards are smaller, charge distances are the significant proportion of movement. Bonuses to charge distance will, I think, be more powerful here than in normal AoS. Out of phase movement is even more powerful here, particularly in some scenarios.

6. Ranged attacks are even more powerful here than in AoS. Mortal wounds at range are ridiculous. Take them if you can.

7. If your hero has a relatively low bravery, like say 6, don't take weak models, period. You will lose enough in a turn to force a meaningful morale check. In fact, just take the hero with the highest bravery you can.

Anyone else want to add to the list?

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Thoughts on Bloodforged + Pilgrims?

After skimming through the SCGT lists, I was somewhat surprised seeing several lists of this archetype. (almost half of the KBB lists had at least Bloodforged) 

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50 minutes ago, Xasz said:

Thoughts on Bloodforged + Pilgrims?

After skimming through the SCGT lists, I was somewhat surprised seeing several lists of this archetype. (almost half of the KBB lists had at least Bloodforged) 

Entirely dependent on SCGT houserules that might have something to do with it. 

It's certainly a resilient and offensively potent list, as that's what both of those formations focus on. 

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1 hour ago, Xasz said:

Thoughts on Bloodforged + Pilgrims?

After skimming through the SCGT lists, I was somewhat surprised seeing several lists of this archetype. (almost half of the KBB lists had at least Bloodforged) 

Good but as above, scgt has house rules to alter things.

Personally I would continue Murderhost or th Goretide as competitive backbone. 

All power means nothing if you reach nothing. Speed is what the game is about for us. 

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Bloodforged + Pilgrims can work fine I suspect.  You'd want to reinforce the bonus of the Bloodforged battalion with the Bronzed Flesh prayers of the Gore Pilgrim's Slaughterpriest.  This is going to of course draw a lot of fire onto your priests, so you'll want to offer another dangerous target on the table as well.  Keeping your Blood Warriors at a 3+ save ignoring -1 rend is pretty damned tanky.  Toss another Bronzed flesh on a  Bloodletter unit to get them to a 4+ save as you'll have another dangerous target on the table.

Something along the lines of:

Allegiance: Khorne
Skullgrinder (80)
Bloodsecrator (120)
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
10 x Blood Warriors (200)
- Goreaxes
10 x Blood Warriors (200)
- Goreaxes
20 x Bloodreavers (140)
- Reaver Blades
30 x Bloodletters (300)
5 x Wrathmongers (180)
5 x Wrathmongers (180)
5 x Wrathmongers (180)
Bloodforged (40)
Gore Pilgrims (80)

Total: 2000/2000

The Bloodreavers could be split into two smaller units to build up tithe and provide more target saturation probably, but I wouldn't do the same to the warriors because you'd be losing out on the ability to singularly buff large units with your prayers.

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I'm tempted to try 2000 points of nothing but brass stampede.  I was thinking that the very competative lists will simply remove my synergies with shooting anyway, so I could try using the sheer number of wounds and get in and deal mortal wounds.  I was thinking two khorne lords on a juggernaut, Valkia, and the rest of my points in mighty skullcrushers.  

(Also it's a cool fun list, I mentioned facing competative lists but I'm not all about making the perfect competative list myself)




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15 minutes ago, Centurio said:

I'm tempted to try 2000 points of nothing but brass stampede.  I was thinking that the very competative lists will simply remove my synergies with shooting anyway, so I could try using the sheer number of wounds and get in and deal mortal wounds.  I was thinking two khorne lords on a juggernaut, Valkia, and the rest of my points in mighty skullcrushers.  

(Also it's a cool fun list, I mentioned facing competative lists but I'm not all about making the perfect competative list myself)


As per all previous pages, a maxed out Brass Stampede is extremely good and a very worthy consideration. Not only because of it's speed and damaging inpact but also because it leaves a ton of room to fill with whatever units you want.

You can go all out on Mighty Skullcrushers and it will work, granted I would still be tempted to run cheap units alongside of them, such as Bloodreavers. For the simple reason that sitting on objectives is the only task you don't want to use Mighty Skullcrushers for.

Valkia is great, Khorne Lord on Juggs is good (especially with Gorecleaver), toss in a couple of Bloodsecrators and you can't really go wrong, at all. 

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4 minutes ago, Centurio said:

I was literally thinking 2 lords on juggernaughts, 27 skullcrushers, 2 khogoraths, and blood for the blood god!

Go for it, personally wouldn't skip out on Bloodsecrators though. Skullcrushers are also better with Bloodsecrators :P 

Khogoraths are also cool but in my opinion will always be too late to the Skullcrusher party in this case. In general I like Khorgoraths but pretty much only in either The Goretide or Skulltake. Other than that they just don't do a whole lot.

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Generally speaking, any list in AoS where you spam one unit is going to work pretty well. The game seems to favor that tactic above all else.  The only reason I suspect we don't see more of it in the tournament scene is because: 1) A lot of painting the same model, 2) Your movement phase may get you punched in the face, 3) It usually makes for a boring game.

That being said, Skullcrushers are one of the few units I feel that can be spammed without being silly.  They're going to hurt, but they aren't going to deny your opponent the chance to play the game.  They're large models so you don't have that many to move when spamming them, and they're pretty simple to paint and kit bash to your hearts content.



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I absolutely agree with that. Plus I think it's more logical to spam Skullcrushers because Brass Stampede rewards it. 
In general play as you like. I personally really like Murderhost and The Goretide because it still leaves a ton of room for other models to include. Brass Stampede is the oppossite of that, though without doubt very good aswell.

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