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Summoning Terrorghiests


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Hi guys, I'm curious about summoning the big bat.

The FEC warscroll doesn't include any summoning point values. While the beasts of the grave warscroll does include a summoning cost, but isn't present in the GH book.

Now I'm wondering with the most recent FAQ, is it still possible to summon a terrorghiest? Or must we use the newest warscroll (FEC) which doesn't include a summoning option. 

Let me know what you guys think about this one. 


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1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

Why is that?

The warscroll which has the summon spell on it has no points.

You could make the argument that both warscrolls are in fact the same - god knows what the official line is. Probably worth speaking to your TO or opponent beforehand. 

Note that you lose the gaping maw mortal wounds for the same points.

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the old warscoll are still usable. The TG has points so you can you GA Death or FEC version (only the first by summon). There is een a FAQ that admit you can use old one. 

In GH the voice under which the TG is is not a lock cause otherways a lot of other units who have their poi ts are not under the correct voice afterward.


@TerrorPenguin: nope, there is not: the other one has not points. It has, it's TG, and based on the new FAQs it's the name to define so it's valid more than before

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10 minutes ago, TerrorPenguin said:

Ah ok, apologies I missed that part of the FAQ - which part is it please? 


Q: How do you determine what models and units make up a warscroll battalion? When is it based on a keyword and when is it a unit name?

A: When a warscroll battalion is referring to a keyword, it appears in Keyword Bold. Otherwise, it is referring to the name of a unit.


If the name determines which unit can be used so it's it, so old or new warscroll doesnt count. Moreover there is still the FAQ allowing you using old ones, so...summon Tg avalaible

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I prefer the model being summonable. However, a few interest things that sort of fly in the face of its summonablity would be:


The terrorghiest is the model under the banner of the flesh eat court. 


Now lets look at grots there exist 3 type of grots 2 of which are 20 for 100 points, and one thats 20 for 120. If the terrorghiest use whatever profile an arguemrnt can be made that you have 2 payment options for grots.


Just something to think about. I'd say you could summon thing

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10 minutes ago, TerrorPenguin said:

Whereabouts please? Can't see it in GHB? 

In GH there are the points for TG. not mind the classification, otherways, Vlad Von Carstein and so on doesn't  have the right classification too. 

The FAQ say i counts the noun, so the noun it's correct-

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