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Where went the waywatchers?

Lord marcus

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2 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

They have the wanderers keyword.. but as mentioned they are a legacy warscroll. Only the hero exists in the new faction. (though if you can find the models for the rnf waywatchers you can use them as cheap battleline).

Thank you guys for the info.

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The defining characteristic of the Compendium is that GW no longer sell the models (subject to Made to Order) - it's a commercial distinction for why certain models are in there and some aren't (e.g Glade Guard are Wanderers, but the Glade Lord on the Forest Dragon is Compendium). Most of the ire towards Compendium units is aimed at anachronistic named characters and Tomb Kings, rather than these kinds of regular units that happen to be on the wrong side of the divide.

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38 minutes ago, Nico said:

The defining characteristic of the Compendium is that GW no longer sell the models (subject to Made to Order) - it's a commercial distinction for why certain models are in there and some aren't (e.g Glade Guard are Wanderers, but the Glade Lord on the Forest Dragon is Compendium). Most of the ire towards Compendium units is aimed at anachronistic named characters and Tomb Kings, rather than these kinds of regular units that happen to be on the wrong side of the divide.

Any prior discussion, at least as far as tomb kings are concerned, that you could point me towards?


Please and thank you,



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Here's two. There have been more if you feel like digging. The search tool on this forum is pretty decent, I just found out.

On a sidenote I've always thought it's silly that GW dropped Waywatchers, though they might obviously come back (renamed?). Iconic unit with a popular theme. I guess maybe they just don't feel like creating a third set of models of foot archers for the faction when they already have plastic Guard and Sisters.

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I have nothing to add tactically except that over Christmas I'm building the 15 waywatchers I got in their final run earlier this year and they are still fantastic models. It's daunting to see them in metal but once you start painting them the details show clearly.  The mould lines are a ball ache though! These guys are v wip


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