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Which school of Magic for Collegiate Arcane Wizard?


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As the title suggests, what is people's preferred way of building and using the wizard from the Collegiate Arcane Faction.

Personally, I prefer the Beasts Wizard with the Wildform spell, as this is not keyword specific, +1 to wound on any unit in the Alliance and your army seems to outlay any other.

But interested to see if anyone else has other ideas. 

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9 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Miasma is pretty good if you're playing against something that causes additional effects on a 6+ to hit eg spider rider venom surge

Or the dreaded Retributors, or buffed up Necropolis Knights, or Stormfiends with shock gauntlets or  bloodletters or so many things. Being able to lay a -1 to hit down is one of the handier abilities around, as its a really effective debuff. 

Recently played against the Nurgle formation that has -1 to hit all its units and it was a nightmare for my Khorne. 

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2 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Miasma is pretty good if you're playing against something that causes additional effects on a 6+ to hit eg spider rider venom surge

Got to say this spell looks the best to me. As with a few more select options in order (like tempestors) you can start mounting up the -1 to hit on your opponents warscrolls. Nothing better than taking a light tiggle from a monster, giving your troops practically (depending on amount of rebuffs) a free swing.

Though if I was rocking seraphon and had a bastilidon or two. Life would swing it. Those brutes are hard to shift! Let alone heal then back up!

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You know i never thought about that side of the Miasma effect, stopping the abilities springing into action that normally do on a 6+, I face a lot of retributiors and stopping the mortal wound part of their ability would be great. 

Has anyone had any luck with the Chain Lightning? 

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Do you really need to heal bastiladons? Do they die that often? sit them in cover, keep priest nearby and they're rerolling 2+ save ignoring all rend and with 4++ vs mortals.


I've not tried chain lightning but I suspect it'd be either really good or a bit rubbish.

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Definitely Wildform and Miasma. Experimenting with a Life wizard as well to put wounds back on treemen without needing to take the formation.

The rest seem a bit so-so, fireball looks like it could be useful for some experimentation as my army does not have access to any mortal wound output as it stands. I would even consider taking the formation but aesthetically the Luminark and Hurricanum just don't work for me.

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Spirit Lee...err.. Soul Steal might be fun if you can camp on Inspiring terrain. Ok, so it's still only bravery 7 but could be good against non demons. The great thing about this is you get to choose before each battle, so you can kit him or her out for a specific purpose.

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