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It came from the bitzbox!


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As part of my overarching goal of painting every single complete model I own by summer, I need to clear out my bitzbox. This thread will be the catch-all for those projects. For instance, the ghoul king conversions from Project Ghoulway will eventually end up here. First of though, I am in serious need of some summoning filth to help me in an upcoming tournament. Enter the spirit hosts. I had three of the old metal ones as part of my VC army. They are however ugly as sin. I also need more of them. So enter the bitzbox!

2016-10-21 23.14.37.jpg

This was the first pick through that unholy mess, and will eventually end up as six spirit hosts. I wanted to play around with the Etheral keyword, so spirits moving through objects will definitely play a large part. After a couple of hours fuelled by beer and superglue (Mmmmmmmh super glue), I ended up with these six;2016-10-22 18.24.17.jpg

They will all be joined by a LOT of different models, but I'm pretty pleased with the initial look. The one on the bottom right will have the lid of the casket from the Black Coach propped up, with spirits moving over and through it. As another common thread through them (besides the colour when I get around to painting them) I'm planning on drilling out the eyes, mouths and hands, leaving them as black pits in otherwise very white-green-ish apparitions. Updates will update. C&C very welcome!


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the rats out of the way, it's time to get everything ready for the tournament in January. There are three projects I need to get ready by then, namely the spirit hosts, another ten Ghoul-kiddies (I did the first eleven over in Project Ghoulway, now I need another ten to fill out my list), and counters for all the abilities I'll be using in the tournament. I'm fielding a relatively weak list, so I can't afford to forget anything. These three projects, plus the Ogors (see Tales of Iggy), will all be primed together, so the first step is to assemble everything before greenstuffing. The spirit hosts are all done!

2016-11-01 23.47.46.jpg


Since they are pretty wobbly, I'll greenstuff them before drilling out their eyes, mouths and wrists, then do another round of greenstuff if it's necessary.

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Amazing thread! When End Times: Nagash rolled round in WFB I seriously considered making spirit hosts of older units who no longer had rules for the game, Teutogon Guard, Wood Elf Beastmasters, Kislev stuff, Dogs of War ect.

Your stuff looks great and has me almost tempted to resurrect the project and start putting blocks of pikemen on square bases. :) 

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Ghoul forth and multiply!

Paying your Abhorrent Ghoul Support!

Hehe. So many puns, so much bad humor. I figured that I'd do a step by step on how I did my ghoul-kiddies now that I had to make some more.

2016-11-02 21.47.34.jpg

The starting point is ten Gnoblars, ten ghoul heads, and twenty ghoul arms.

2016-11-02 22.36.50.jpg


The first step is to remove the heads and arms from the gnoblars. No need to be neat here, as any mistakes can be fixed by greenstuff later on.

2016-11-05 00.17.31.jpg


After glueing them to a base and attaching the heads they start to take shape.

2016-11-05 00.18.37.jpg

The only difficult part of this conversion is cutting the arms down to length. Generally I like to cut them at the centre of the biceps. After doing the same to all twenty, the last step is to assemble them all.

2016-11-05 00.37.02.jpg


A bit of filing and green stuffing will cover the transitions, then the paint will do the rest. So with a bit of work they'll look like their painted brother in the back by the end of January.

I also managed to start working on the tokens. They'll need a bit of green stuffing, but they're coming along nicely :D

2016-11-05 01.24.58.jpg

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  • 5 weeks later...

I managed to finish these last week, but haven't had time to post any pictures before now. The tokens, all nice, done, and slathered in 'ardcoat.

2016-12-05 21.25.43.jpg

Top left to right we have Blood feast, Spiritblight, Mystic Shield, To the King (Varghulf mustering), Ghoul patrol muster, Muster Men-at-arms (Ghast muster, with a barrel of mustard because bad pun), Feed on Dark Magic (Varghulf), Victory Feast (Varghulf heal), Royal Blood, and finally The Hunger.

Bottom left to right we have Inspiring Pretzel (presence), Van Hels Dance Macabre, Black Hunger, To the King (Varghulf mustering), Ghoul patrol muster x2, Feed on Dark Magic (Varghulf), Victory Feast (Varghulf heal), Noble Blood, and finally Trophy-Hunter (Ghast).

I colour coded them as well if I want to do the same with my other armies, with yellow for command, blue for magic, and green for abilities :D

Finished the 'hosts as well:

2016-12-05 21.27.29.jpg

And the Ghoul-kiddies:

2016-12-05 21.28.25.jpg

So all that remains now is to paint Van Carstein as my Vamp lord, and finish Nagash so that he can sit on my shelf and never see action.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Long time no see! Not that I've been idle, but I haven't really had anything worth posting until now. Yesterday I finally finished painting Vlad von Carstein, whom I've been working on since finishing the ghoul-kiddies and spirit hosts. In between painting however, I've managed to do some conversions :D

After my game with @Payce last week, which I believe he described as thoroughly enjoyable, I discovered that I'd lost a ghoul. So I needed another ghoul kid. The other discovery I made was that while the spirit hosts can pose a threat, they also get wiped out very fast. Since I can't guarantee that I'll be able to summon a full unit of six, I started thinking about alternatives. My zombie dragon became the obvious choice. Flying, rend, decent damage output if I can get him into combat, and a great distraction if I can't :) Unfortunately I based him with the anything goes mentality in mind, which Payce pointed out could lead to some grumbling in tournaments. Now, I can stand being called a lot of things, but unsporting is not one of them. Especially when I can make a cool project out of it!

After rooting around my bitzbox for a while I found one of the old blast markers that is an almost perfect fit for the GW supplied TG/ZD base. A few mm short, but I'm not going to be that sporting ;)

2016-12-21 23.50.53.jpg

I had a bag of old zombies and skeletons that I had intended to turn into a charnel pit piece of scenery, but it would fit the zombie dragon soon much better.

2016-12-22 01.22.30.jpg

Started by building up and stabilising the base with some old sprues.

2016-12-22 01.50.29.jpg

Then I just started breaking up the zombies and skeletons and gluing them around the base. I also glued on a bunch of broken up pieces of my gs-pressed bases that I had left over after doing the Silver Tower minis. Since the dragon and the base were both going to be pretty big, I decided to magnetise them to make transport a bit easier. Here it is after green stuffing:

2016-12-25 18.12.53.jpg

After applying sand to the gs and the gaps the whole shebang looks like this:

2016-12-27 20.36.48.jpg

The reason I was willing to destroy all those skeletons and zombies was that they had been painted so many times that they were beyond rescue. Because of that I won't spray-prime anything. The sand will be inked and dry brushed, then the edges and the bottom will get two or three coats of brush on primer. Before I get back to painting however....

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...there were some more changes I had to make to my planned tournament list. In order to use all the points, I needed a Haunter Courtier. I've never really liked the Haunter. Building one ruins a box of Horrors, and a Varghulf can do a better job for just 40 points more. But when you need those 40 points....

I started by cutting the wings of one of my Flayers. I've used them exactly once since I built them, so that was no big loss.

2016-12-22 00.08.01.jpg

Luckily I had more than enough bits for a bony club and a Vargheist face. I also found some bits that I figured would make a pretty kick-ass Courtier :D

2016-12-22 01.04.02.jpg

I changed his posture to make him taller by building up a little corpse-pile:2016-12-25 18.13.56.jpg

The the tricky part came. I exchanged the right hand for Nagash's metal glove, then trimmed down the plastic zombie dragon head to just the top of the skull. The spikes along the neck of the same zombie dragon was cut of and glued down my Haunters back. After a lot of filing and green stuffing he turned out pretty well IMO.

2016-12-27 21.26.02.jpg


2016-12-27 21.26.07.jpg

I kind of wish I had dry-fit everything together before gluing though, because more than anything else right now, he reminded me of this:2016-12-27 17.59.35.jpg

(Not my cat.) Ohh well. Hopefully some paint will fix that :D A bit more filing and some liquid gs, and I'm ready to start painting everything. Will be back with updates eventually ;)

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1 hour ago, Grimnaud said:

...there were some more changes I had to make to my planned tournament list. In order to use all the points, I needed a Haunter Courtier. I've never really liked the Haunter. Building one ruins a box of Horrors, and a Varghulf can do a better job for just 40 points more. But when you need those 40 points....

I started by cutting the wings of one of my Flayers. I've used them exactly once since I built them, so that was no big loss.

2016-12-22 00.08.01.jpg

Luckily I had more than enough bits for a bony club and a Vargheist face. I also found some bits that I figured would make a pretty kick-ass Courtier :D

2016-12-22 01.04.02.jpg

I changed his posture to make him taller by building up a little corpse-pile:2016-12-25 18.13.56.jpg

The the tricky part came. I exchanged the right hand for Nagash's metal glove, then trimmed down the plastic zombie dragon head to just the top of the skull. The spikes along the neck of the same zombie dragon was cut of and glued down my Haunters back. After a lot of filing and green stuffing he turned out pretty well IMO.

2016-12-27 21.26.02.jpg


2016-12-27 21.26.07.jpg

I kind of wish I had dry-fit everything together before gluing though, because more than anything else right now, he reminded me of this:2016-12-27 17.59.35.jpg

(Not my cat.) Ohh well. Hopefully some paint will fix that :D A bit more filing and some liquid gs, and I'm ready to start painting everything. Will be back with updates eventually ;)

Haha great read, great conversion work. Well done. 

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A little bit of painting later, and I am once again more or less done with my Death army. Or at least all of it that I'm bringing to the tournament later this month. I still need to paint Nagash, and figure out what the hell to do with my two remaining Flayers, but first I´m trying to get all the tzeentchian models from the Silver Tower done before the 21th :D

Zombie dragon;

2017-01-04 22.10.10.jpg

This should make transporting the sucker easier

2017-01-04 22.10.28.jpg

Brand new (old) Haunter Courtier

2017-01-04 22.09.45.jpg

That's it for now folks! Thanks for reading!

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