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Ogreguts Armies

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We'll start with the first army I painted this year, my Night Goblins for The Old World. 2000 points with magic items and plenty of room to grow. Will defo be adding some orcs at some point. 









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8 hours ago, Ogregut said:

We'll start with the first army I painted this year, my Night Goblins for The Old World.


This year? Dear gods, that's some speed painting. There was me all impressed with myself for finishing off about a dozen models so far this year! 

They look really great. Nice work on the bases, too. 

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39 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

This year? Dear gods, that's some speed painting. There was me all impressed with myself for finishing off about a dozen models so far this year! 

They look really great. Nice work on the bases, too. 


I'm quite lucky that I unlocked the fast painter ability early on lol.

My record for most models painted in a year is 1010, I'm at 234 so far this year so on track to potentially beat it fingers crossed! 

TOW has really fired up my painting engine, I've not been this enthusiast about painting in years! 

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9 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Really nice. 

Mind spilling the beans on your armor recipe?

It's very simple and basic lol

Pro acryl bronze, wash agrax earthshade, drybrush iron breaker and a bit of nIhilakh oxide here and there. 

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After looking for movement trays and seeing the high prices people are charging, decided it would be cheaper and easier to make my own using plasticard and plasticard rods. 

Super simple to do and just need a lick of paint. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

New AoS means a new army! 

After all the faction focuses decided to start with the Ironjawz. A easy colour scheme that's  sumple and straightforward, pretty much like a Orruk lol. 

Bring on AoS4, my ladz are ready! 






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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

My newest army is also an old one, with all the models coming from the 4th/5th edition chaos range.

An all Khorne force led by one of the the Blood God's greatest champion, Arbaal the Undefeated. 

Being a Slaanesh worshipper at heart, I'm inclined to go "boo, hiss, boo!" at anything Khorne... 

But the Oldhammer fan in me loves what you've done! Proper retro styling. 

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3 hours ago, Bolanferth said:

Love this! Those old minis look great tied together with a khornish paint job. 

I used to own Arbaal as a kid - now I can only find pieces! 

Had so much fun doing these, started as a idea just to do a small 1000 point force, but now I'm scouring ebay looking for old models lol. 


2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Being a Slaanesh worshipper at heart, I'm inclined to go "boo, hiss, boo!" at anything Khorne... 

But the Oldhammer fan in me loves what you've done! Proper retro styling. 

Haha, cheers. 

Do have the idea to do a 6rh edition Slannesh chaos army led by the lord on boob worm. 

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