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Advice re: Selling a Necrosphinx


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I'm not sure where the best place to ask this is, so I decided to put it here. I have a Necrosphinx NIB (wrap removed, but everything else is as new), from a few years ago when I was going to try get into 40K and do some 10 000 sons conversion stuff.

I'm hoping to sell it at some point to help get some of the money I've put into the hobby back... so I can spend it straight away on more hobby. At the moment I've seen them sell from anywhere around what they originally sold to, for a few times more than that.

What would people recommend selling it at? Is it worth holding onto for longer? I've noticed some old stuff is worth a lot, and other stuff not so much. If people lost interest in tomb kings, or already had everything they needed, I guess the value would go way down? Sorry for the silly question, I've done much more buying than selling and the other stuff I've sold has all been at a loss. If it was only worth what I paid or less, then i think I would definitely just keep it as it's a pretty cool model I could maybe use one day for something.


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Just checked Ebay and there's one for bid starting at $80. No bids so far.

Here's my 2 cents. It's an out of print model that people seem to want so it's definitely worth more than you payed but if it were mine and I found it a good home where it was being enjoyed and being used I'd let it go especially if it ment getting new toys that I'd actually play with.

I have no interest in that model but what are you currently looking for or planning to get into?


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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Just checked Ebay and there's one for bid starting at $80. No bids so far.

Here's my 2 cents. It's an out of print model that people seem to want so it's definitely worth more than you payed but if it were mine and I found it a good home where it was being enjoyed and being used I'd let it go especially if it ment getting new toys that I'd actually play with.

I have no interest in that model but what are you currently looking for or planning to get into?


Thanks for the advice! I'd considered offering it as a prize or something for some of the events that happen, but it would probably mean a lot to some people and nothing to others (maybe they would just put it on ebay in the end anyways). I hung on to it for a while wondering if I'd meet anyone who plays them, it would have made for a nice surprise I think. I'm in Australia, so the scene is much smaller here, so no luck.

I decided I may as well go for a sell or swap.

I've just been buying more and more Sylvaneth at the moment, not too far away from 2k points now. I'd like to build towards a second army, for both myself and others to use (I know a few people who would give it a go if they didn't have to buy anything). Whatever gets an interesting release out of Tzeentch, Moonclan or maybe something else is probably what I'd go for. In either case, it would definitely be a welcome break from taking the funds straight out of the paycheck ^_^

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the super late reply... I turned off some of my notifications (due to the immensely posted on Chat Sylvaneth thread) and seemed to have somehow turned of all notifications so I just thought that nobody loved me ;)

It ended up finding a home with a guy in the club who needed it to take his tomb kings army to a tournament. Didn't charge even close to ebay prices, but did make a little bit of hobby money compared to what I paid back a few years ago so I'm happy. Thanks for the advice all (though i'm still waiting to see if they bring them back for order, it will be interesting!)

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