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One large army or multiple small?


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Stories like Aryann's are why I refuse to try to play any Warhammer game competitively.  It's not intended for it.  I play Warmachine for when I want cutthroat "go big or go home" style gaming.  I find you can almost always tell "those" kinds of people.  They refuse to play small point games because it means they can't use their big, usually OP, toys.  They refuse to play new players and view newbies as, to put this in an AOS context, Nurgle daemons must view Nurglings (sometimes cute but annoying), they ONLY play like 2000 points using X tournament type rules, and proudly say they play "a competitive list" which is usually a nice way of saying full of "cheese" and "filth" and designed purely to game the system and win without regard for what faction they are playing.  Those, in my humble opinion, are the players that need to be avoided because they want to devolve the game into something it wasn't made for, barely handles, and goes against the entire reason for the game to exist.

There are games that scratch that particular itch; Warhammer is not one of them, and nothing short of a complete overhaul of the rules and a 180 mindset from GW is going to make it that sort of game.  So I choose to play games better suited to competitive gaming for that itch, and choose to play Warhammer when I want something laid back and casual and I play strictly for fluff, and as a result I tend to have a mental list of who to avoid playing if at all possible because I know their idea of fun is not my idea of fun, and they would really be better off playing a different game.

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I've got far too much grey plastic lying and from before AoS. I seemed to hoard it and get nowhere. Painting 2000 points in 8th just seemed too daunting a prospect.

Now that AoS is here, armies are that bit smaller, and there's so many more cool options, I'm inspired. I'm busy painting up a skaven force and already excitedly thinking about who's next! 

So it's lots of small forces for me. They'll mostly be 2000 I think, but probably some smaller with some of the lesser factions. I fancy nighthaunt for example. 

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My original intention was to build up a nice 1k Bloodbound and then move onto another...  I've about 2500 points of models now including a few Khorne Daemons :P

My current plan is to work on getting my painted force up to the 2k point mark just before Christmas, I then intend to put together some 40k models which will be used as part of a campaign next year.  Once done I'll see what else has come out and hopefully start a non-Chaos army.  If nothing has come out that I fancy I've some old Ogre models I could knock out a 1k Irongutz force with.

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On 9/28/2016 at 7:26 AM, Aryann said:

So, how is it with you? Do you plan to stick with one competetive 2000 points army or you'd rather picked AoS because you want to have few small armies?
 With me it's simple as I don't have anybody to play with now, so there is no need for me to buy optimized army that will win every battle for me. I'm here for painting and lore of AoS. It doesn't mean that I will never buy anything except for boxed games and Start Collecting! boxes. I'm looking forward to buy some miniatures that really catch the eye, like Celestant Prime or Durthu and Alarielle for Sylvaneth. However if GW releases something similar to Betreyal at Calth just in AoS i will most likely reach for that. I don't even care about the factions inside as long as those are not copies of those I already own.

If you have plenty of people to play with, build a personal 2000 point army. But if you have to get your friends into it, two 1000 point armies. 

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At this time of writing I have 3 armies somewhat above 2.000 points and working on the fourth (Dark Elves around 1.600)

The reason is I don't really like the shops in my area and although I have some friends that like to play, they don't collect. 

Which is all the better for me. I get to paint different models and factions, and I get to play friends instead of random strangers. 


Big advantage with AoS is that it's easy to combine to factions into a bigger army if I ever feel like I want to play a 3000p+ game. 

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