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Warcry - Miscellaneous Discussion


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As an owner of a bunch of Underworlds warbands, the new Tome of Champions is pretty exciting. Been trying to come up with lists that thematically "finish" each Underworld warband (or at least the ones I own), basically it seems like those warbands are coming up between 500-700 points, so usually get a few hundred points to spare. Seeing if I can make an all Vampires warband work, or getting a few BoC models to get Gnashraks warband in, has been fun. 

I really like my Khagra's Ravagers warband:


Khagra the Usurper - 200 (Leader)
Chaos Lord - 240 (Hero)
Dour Cragan - 140
Razek Godblessed - 145
Zarshia Bittersoul - 140
Chaos Marauder w/ Barbarian Flail - 55
Chaos Marauder w/ Barbarian Flail - 55

Total: 975 Pts

It's low on bodies but can't wait to play it more. The Chaos Lord is an absolute beast, the rest of the gang can't really be shifted either, Zarshia is useful, and the Marauders are great too for 55 pts!

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Good idea. I'm currently working on a StD warband based on the start collecting box, doing some conversions with the warriors to have different weapon options. And just primed a sybarites of slaanesh warband. Besides that, I got a lot of terrain in the pipeline not sure how to paint it.

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I just played two Warcry games about two weeks back since I'm trying to get back into it before I tackle some narrative quests. I played an SCE Sacrosanct warband vs Skaven. I was out-activated, but luckily the mission was to prevent a ritual from happening (in this case my friend and I decided the Skaven were attempting to summon a Cheese Elemental), so I could plonk my 30-wound warriors down around the objective and hope the Skaven rolled low. They ended up with 12 ritual points--1 point shy of victory!

In the other game I played Khorne Bloodbound with Garrek's Reavers and 6 more Bloodreavers vs a spider-heavy Gitz list. I really like Garrek's crew and the Quad ability they get is just the most Khorne thing ever: the activating model gets an extra attack for every model that's been killed that round!

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Great idea! I wish this part of the forum had some more activity! Warcry is such a fast and fun way to play with AoS models!

I had a Warcry tournament last weekend. Ended up coming second with my Hedonites of Slaanesh!
My friends and I are about to start our second ever Warcry campaign together -  I just need to decide what faction I want to paint and play!
My three contenders are:

  1. Nighthaunt - who are pretty much out of the picture because they're just so frustratingly bad on the table.
  2. Sybarites - who are great fun, but I have painted a bunch of Slaanesh recently and don't really feel like painting more at the mo.
  3. Kruleboyz - who I love painting, but I know another player is likely to also likely to bring them.

Here's a snap of my Lord of Pain (and MVP at the tournament) -  Issithis the Violator!


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On 3/17/2022 at 9:46 PM, NinthMusketeer said:

It is so strange to me to see NH being labelled as bad when they did so well in my local community.

I think it's easy to underestimate the mobility of army-wide flying. Most tierlists focus on the strength/toughness/damage/speed statistics. But, those don't necessarily always mean all too much in objective play

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on the terrain from Heart of Ghur. I got the trees finished, including one extra from Sundered Fate that I assembled without the marshwood platform:


Next, I finished five of the smaller obstacles from the set:


I am currently working on the rope bridges. (And yes, the binding on the marshwood takes forever to paint!!!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loving the new Hunter and Hunted box set. 2 very nice warbands i would like to buy. Also love that we are getting terrain boxes back. Its a big part of warcry and i like that its not locked behind a big box with armies i dont like as much. Maybe a worse deal for some people who like to get both but for me its a good thing at the moment.

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If you have been keeping up since second edition Warcry launched and bought Heart of Ghur, Sundered Fate, etc you already have more than enough terrain. (I have rope bridges coming out my ears!) Pretty reasonable to get one flashy piece in the new set.

Only thing is, I am not sure about playing a named warband. I only play narrative play games and have just been running my Cities war band. When adding new fighters you have an enormous amount of options. I don't have to buy or paint anything either, I just pick a model I like from my Age of Sigmar army - too easy!

Now, if I played Claws of Karanak for example, I only get one hero model in that kit - the packlord. Do players buy multiple copies of their faction box to allow them to expand their warband later or do they go with allies? (I imagine allies might not synergise as well?)

Why would you play Gorgers when you could play Mawtribes? Why would you play Wildercorps when you could play Cities?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cant seem to find the Hunter and Hunted box anymore. Is it already sold out??? Usually these boxes stick around untill the next one releases so i wasnt in a hurry to get one. Think they will produce more?

Edit: managed to find one at a flgs ^^

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35 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

Hmm. It’s still on the Australian webstore. If it is sold out in your regions webstore @Gitzdee, you could try your local stores? If it has indeed sold out, can’t see it coming back in stock in the same form.

I managed to find the last one at a flgs. Dont want to pay full price for this box. Its not worth it for me at those prices. Managed to find one for 89 euros. Im super exited to get this one but it will have to wait because i had to get it as a xmas present for myself XD.

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Yeah i really like both warbands a lot. Always wanted to start a small Ogor force and this is the perfect new unit to start with. Same with CoS to be honest. I like this warband and will probably add a unit of steelhelms and the big canon at some point. Im in no hurry with these 2 armies so ill just add some models i like over time when they get more new sculpts. The Mawpit is just a bonus for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, (phew!) got the rope bridges done from the Heart of Ghur set. If anyone else is thinking about doing this, painting the bindings Corvus Black over a Zandri Dust undercoat is a horribly tedious way to paint them. Maybe Black Templar would have been a much better choice? Pro tip: AK Interactive Ultra Matt varnish has been a God send to give a consistent matte look whilst protecting the paint job from damage.


Edited by Greyshadow
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  • 1 month later...

Finished painting the last of my Gnarloaks! That's all the ones from Heart of Ghur, Sundered Fate and the Gnarlwood Watchcamp sets done. For my last batch, I left off all the marshwood structures. This made them a lot quicker to paint as most of the time for me was spent on the wood and bindings. I also wanted to do wilderness boards with little to no man made stuff on the table. Really happy with how they turned out! Hope you like them too folks! :)


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8 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

I also caved and got Hunter and Hunted. I was planning to start a Wildercorps warband but went Freeguild Cities in the end. Played them in their first campaign battle against Skaven on Tuesday and they were very effective. Much more powerful than old cities. Did you win the chocolate @Neverchosen?

I did win the Chocolate, but gave it to my friend as a consolation. If my time within the pits of the Varanspire has taught me one thing it is the importance of good sportsmanship. 

I just got the Cities starter box as an Early Xmas gift and so Hunter/Hunted was my first addition to the army, but it will be a project for the new year as I am currently finishing my first 40k army with some scrappy rusted Necrons. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a report on how I got on with my first game playing Castelite Hosts. It was a narrative game, the first battle in The Path of Ven Talax campaign arc. My opponent took Skaven. (Note I used classic Freeguild models to represent the newer ones).

After the discovery of the Ven Talax map by the Twin Tails rangers, Marshal Hull was dispatched to lead a Castelite fighting patrol to the lost city. After a 30 mile march from their forward base, the patrol makes camp just inside the Gnarlwood. The Freeguild troops are awoken just after midnight, Skaven were approaching from the northeast!


Captain Kallean ordered the fusiliers to secure the map and move to the rendezvous point to the south whilst Hull and Captain Balian readied a spoiling attack to cover the withdrawal. During the action, Hull's Gryph-hound is killed by fire from the ratmen's Stormfiend. Marshal Hull soon takes his revenge, slaying the monster in close combat.


Warlock Rikkit survey's the battlefield. He immediately sets about rallying his troops and preparing for the coming pursuit.


Victory to the Cities of Sigmar! It was a fun game but the Skaven had an uphill battle. The night fighting rules reduced the effectiveness of the Stormfiend and I kept my opponent guessing which token was the real objective. The Castelite Hosts warband seems like a big upgrade to the original Cities of Sigmar Freeguild builds. Fusiliers seem a very powerful unit with their toughness of 5 due to their pavises. Be interesting to see if the Skaven can get their revenge in the next game.

Edited by Greyshadow
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