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Knight Vexillor + .........


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So I've been watching a few batreps lately, all Stormcast, and I did watch one where the player took a knight vexillor and 4 fulminators.  He teleported them and one bombed his rivals general and a bodyguard unit. The general looked as if it was nagash or something similar.

My question is, is the Vexillor + 4 fulminators (with teleport banner) far more powerful than Vexillor + 10 retributors?

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From my rough calculations the Fulminators do overall with their shooting included about 2 wounds more and have the advantage that it is much easier to put them all in range with their weapons as the Retributors need almost double the frontage to be able to do their full damage with only 1" range on their weapons. 


Other than that the Fulminators have the speed and the range defence to reach the opponent without the need of the Vexillor teleportation and can be of value on their own...

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Yeah, i definately hear what your saying. I watched a batrep where a guy used 4 of themwith the vex. He used him to teleport them. But, when he teleported them, got them into battle, man did they do some damage. More so than any retirbutors ive seen do, or done with myself.

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I think there is merits to both.

Fulminators bring way less wounds then a blob of retributors, but have better saves. They do more reliable damage and have a neat shooting attack, retributors bring way more opportunity to explode things and but are MUCH Harder to get that whole unit into something. One thing to said about using the Vexillor + Retributors is it plugs there one weakness of speed 4. Last night I bombed a unit of retributors into a forest, my unit of 10 sat in a mystical forest exploding things for the whole game, with 1 being left after it all.

Ultimately, I think as long as you teleport something is mean in combat (10 Protectors, 10 Retributors, 4 Fulminators, 4 Concussors) then you're doing it right. I think you can make a good argument for any of the 4 units listed above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, true, but decimators are a perfect small man unit as 5 can pretty much be garuanteed to maximise frontage and make up for lack of numbers with their special attacks. I like to use protectors and decimators to pin targets down and bring something harder hitting in. Obviously I load them out with 2 star soul maces to each 5. Another reason why 10 decimators is overkill is with some armies you could face off against without knowing is ones like ogres, chaos (especially if it's a monster heavy army) etc. You won't benefit a great deal as models with 2" bases you'd only be getting 1 attacks, maybe 2 at best. I faced off against high elves a few days back and decimators underperformed as he had loads of cavalry. Didn't get great attacks, whereas my protectors excelled.

 If I had to chose a unit to take, I'd take protectors. Garuanteed attacks and good vs monsters. Multi role unit.

also, teleporting decimators isn't as beneficial as porting retributors. Decimators don't have the 'any wound roll of 6's are 2 mortal wounds'. 

either way, all Paladins are amazing and at the end of the day play them the way you want them. You WILL always kill loads of stuff lol!


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Fulminator only has one problem. Their shooting is extremely powerful in 3', but you have to charge to go into 3' and the shooting happen before charging phase. Vexillor cannot solve this problem.


So Fulminator will need to stand 1~2 turns of melee combat to unleash his full potential. Unfortunately with a 120 units of 5 HP it is not very likely considering opponents will use MW and high rend to counter them.

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Not unless you use them wisely. Use retributors to take focus off of the fulminators. Send the rets into a bigger priority target that will force your opponent to try and savour impending doom. 

Fulminators are fantastic at infantry smashing and opening. Gaps in battle lines. 3+ save re-rolling 1's is pretty survivable.

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