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How many squatted armies does everyone have


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Ah. Got it.

When I say "repurposed" I mean, for example, that skeletons in the Legions of Nagash are usable as skeletons in Soulblight.

What I don't mean is using dwarf Thunderers from the Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs book as handgunners in Cities of Sigmar.

Make sense?

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56 minutes ago, Golub87 said:

Why not?

Let's say I've played many games. I have learned to immediately identify strengths and weaknesses of the models I see. It's an event. It's turn 3, game 4.

I see dwarves. I think "slow, hard to kill. I better do X."

But darn. I do X and realize after the fact that Y would have been better against the faster, weaker troops they actually are. 

The appearance of the models in a miniature wargame matters.

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59 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

I see dwarves. I think "slow, hard to kill. I better do X."

This is a really good example of how this kind of conveyance is useless and fundamentally doesn't exist in Sigmar, except in Sleboda's mind. Sometimes dwarves are extremely slow, other times very mobile. Some of them are insanely durable, others are soft as paper. The naked ones are much tankier than the ones dripping in platemail, for example.

When you look at a block of skinny elf PGs with dinky old models you probably don't think 'arguably the toughest unit in the entire game'. And yet that's exactly what they are.

The appearance of miniatures might matter in other wargames, it doesn't matter in this one. Never has, never will.

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1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

Let's say I've played many games. I have learned to immediately identify strengths and weaknesses of the models I see. It's an event. It's turn 3, game 4.

I see dwarves. I think "slow, hard to kill. I better do X."

But darn. I do X and realize after the fact that Y would have been better against the faster, weaker troops they actually are. 

The appearance of the models in a miniature wargame matters.

He strikes again...🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀

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I semi agree with Sleboda.In the COS army I'm building right now I included Halfling,Dwarves,Humans and Elves.They are all in mixed units with the correct weapons and I feel its easy to say those are hand gunners or swordsmen.I use Loopin Croop models as Shadow Warriors but I include old metal Shadow Warriors as well to show what the unit is.My Greatswords include Old metal empire figures, some dwarfs,some White Lions,and a converted Bloodbowl Hafling with a huge sword.

On the other hand I could see how a whole unit proxy could be confusing to some people and I tried to avoid that.For my Sisters of the Watch I decided to buy the unit as nothing else looked right to me.Old halfling archers didn't cut it not being female.I remember back in the Warhammer days you would see some beautiful proxied tournament armies but I had no clue what any of the units were.I think Sleboda had to play some of those armies and it left a bad taste in his mouth as it would me.

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On 7/8/2021 at 1:04 PM, Sleboda said:

Let's say I've played many games. I have learned to immediately identify strengths and weaknesses of the models I see. It's an event. It's turn 3, game 4.

I see dwarves. I think "slow, hard to kill. I better do X."

But darn. I do X and realize after the fact that Y would have been better against the faster, weaker troops they actually are. 

The appearance of the models in a miniature wargame matters.

That makes some sense, and I can see where you are coming from even though I don't really agree.

What about a situation where someone is running a Cities army, but wants to use entirely dwarves? Say if they have the core duardin units, and then are using dwarven proxies for the units which are generally human, that wouldn't be as confusing, since it would be obvious that the thunderers must be the hand gunners, since there aren't any humans. None of the actual duardin units are close in appearance?

I feel as though that is the main reason which folks who are adverse to using legends rules would substitute dwarves for humans, rather than just doing it randomly?

Mind you, I mostly play miniatures agnostic games, so am firmly in the camp that GW is just being silly by being so prescriptivist in their unit descriptions, so I might be biased. I feel that even if there is a good gameplay reason for not liking proxies, which you clearly have, the companies motives are a lot less altruistic.

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