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Handgunners vs Shadow Warriors


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So I have 30 minis to build either as Crossbowmen or Handgunners.

I came across the similar shooting profile of Handgunners vs Shadow Warriors (which I already have):

- Handgunners: 100 points for 10, 16" range, -1Rend

Moving: 3.33 wounds

Stationary: 4.44 wounds

Stationary+ General buff (1CP): 6.94 wounds

- Shadow Warriors: 110 points for 10, 18W range, -1Rend

Moving/Stationary: 3.33 wounds

In cover: 5.55 wounds

In cover+ CP buff reroll 1s: 6.47 wounds

I guess it comes down to the other differences: Stand&Shoot+SniperRifle vs Special Deployment+ better armour, combat, bravery and speed...

Any opinions??

Edited by SU-152
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Shadowwarriors were also "OMG LOOK AT THIS AMAZING UNIT" and then after a short time people were like "yeah,. they are okay."

They shoot okay, they fight okay but they are terrain dependant and so unit sizing and how you take them and how many for effectiveness gets tricky.  

I don't think they are bad and they support fine.  I wouldn't mind seeing,. Alith Anar? (the fantasy batman that Gav Thorpe wrote the novel about) return and build upon them more.  

Edited by Popisdead
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I mainly plan on playing Hammerhall with plenty of freeguild (actually my Shadow Warriors are the only units that are not Freeguild), so getting 2 or 3 battleline is easy peasy.

Regarding the shooting, they are very similar to Handgunners so okay is enough for me, bearing in mind there is going to be a firebase of 30 crossbowmen on my deployment area... the rest of the army is freeguild guard and greatswords so the greater movement and deployment options are valued!!

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Handgunners are easier to buff, Generals are useful for your other guys too, and they'll be closer to things likd a Hurricanum. They also shoot when charged, and have long rifles.

Shadow warriors can be where you need them to be, and then move faster and they are less helpless in melee, but no long rifles or shooting incoming units.

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1 hour ago, Evantas said:

Don't think there's a clear winner for this one. The handgunners are probably better for general purpose. 

I kinda like 3 units of 10 if you are not drop dependent, so that you have 3 long rifles threatening heroes. 

That's personally what I run and while rarely killing heroes, it's something people need to play around 

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I find them to be almost completely different units. Their REAL differences are their defining feature: Deep Strike vs Overwatch.

Handgunners make a good bunker and castle, even a screen against alpha strikes. Shadow Warriors sneak onto far away objectives and threaten squishy wizards. Personally, they are far too different to compete for the same slot.

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Thanks for the opinions.

I have finally decided to go for the Shadow Warriors because most of my army is footslogging and slow, so I need the deep strike and extra speed...

Mainly this:

- General on foot, battlemages and assassin

- Halberdiers

- Greatswordmen

- Crossbowmen

- Sequitors

+ Shadow Warriors + Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger

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They are pretty different. Shadow Warriors compete more with things like tree trevenants or khainite shadowstalkers. 

Handguns compete more with other line infantry- either melee infantry (relying on their stand & shoot) or crossbows/irondrakes/sisters of the watch based on their ranged output. 

On a personal level, I think handguns are great value- they fill battleline while competing competently in all phases for a cheap price point. They hold backfield objectives while projecting power forward reasonably well. 

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