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Cutting your opponents deck.


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Hi, I have a question about tournaments or even just pick up games. Basically as the title suggests, at a tournament do you cut your opponents decks of cards before they deal them? I haven't been to a tournament ,(none where I live, but if one comes up I will go) and I only play friendly games, so this isn't an issue as I trust my friends, but I wouldn't pass on that level of trust to random people, for instance I used to be a proficient card magician in my youth and quite honestly I could fix the cards I wanted to where I needed them while shuffling without anyone even noticing, I wouldn't do that as I abhor cheating, just if i can do that then lots of other people could too. Someone else cutting a deck after a shuffle is standard in normal playing card games, like Whist, Bridge, Cribbage, I just wonder about it for Underworlds.    

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At GW hosted events you are expected to shuffle thoroughly and allow your opponent to cut your decks, so reasonable expectation that other competitive tournaments follow the same rules. I wouldn't play at a tournament in which the TO or judge ruled your opponent didn't have to give you their deck to cut if you requested to do so. 

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Surely to shuffle and card sort an opponents deck you'd have to look at them face up; plus you'd have to shuffle them. In most cases where you cut your opponents deck you just take the deck from them, face down, after they've shuffled it, and cut the deck in half and pop the bottom half on top and its done. 

Basically impossible to do any kind of card trickery. 

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By Grimnir! We dwarves love cutting a lot! Decks AND Necks.

But to simply answer your question, yes,  here we always cut our opponent's deck. The good thing is that it helps you not feeling too bad when your first hand is garbage. Because you're not fully responsible for it !

Edited by WathLab
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That's good to know that cutting your opponent's deck is in use. There is nothing in the rules about it, and I wouldn't want to be making a scene at an event by demanding that we cut our opponents decks. Cutting a deck of cards before it is dealt is a good way of stopping cheating with minimum fuss. 

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