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Combo Demon Armies


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I think I know this before asking, but army construction remains the single most mystifying aspect of AoS for me.  At this point, it's probably a mental block, but oh well.


I am looking to do a 50/50 (or close to it) combo of Slaanesh and Nurgle, likely heavy on demons. Am I missing something, or is the only way to do that to go full Grand Alliance Chaos and forego all the cool Allegiance Abilities of both armies?

There is no way (in Matched Play), really, to do a force where the Nurgle stuff benefits from the Nurgle rules and the Slaanesh stuff benefits from the Slaanesh rules, right?


Now that we finally have great model ranges and rules for both armies, the Forces of Lady Syhphillax and Lord Gonorrhegious can infect the Mortal Realms one sickeningly delightful battle at a time! It would just be a shame if all they get is some minor GA perk.

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Sadly, GA chaos would be your only hope...

The only way to get the spells / lore benefit of a nurgle battletome is to have nurgle keyword everywhere on the board (same for slaanesh). 

BUT you will be able to take allies in a nurgle or slaanesh army (without full benefits of their own locus lore and Cie). Still, a nurgle army helped by a KoS might be interesting 

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Aye GW made the choice to take each of the 4 Chaos Gods and split them into their own distinct armies in AoS, which is a good thing as it gave each more models and diversity and has allowed them their own identity on the tabletop. It also meant that they could put more models into each force without falling over each other when they cover similar roles. 

Of course it has meant that you can't do allied forces like you used to be able to do. A bit sad for me as I can no longer even do a Khorne and Slaanesh army (the only way would be Grand Alliance or Slaves to Darkness allying in 200 points of demons from each). 


So there are gains and there are losses. 

Of course another option is to play doubles games - 1K points for each army and taking two full armies. It might not be matched play standard and it won't work in tournaments (unless its a doubles); but for casual games it can be fun and can change things up now and then. 



The interesting thing in the long term will be what GW does with regard to Grand Alliance armies in the future. Part of me hopes that the GA sort of sits to the side of the game or becomes an open/narrative play feature only. If just because of the imbalance it could present if boosted up to Grand Alliance abillities and spell lists and the like. I really love that AoS lets you take allies but has avoided most of the army "soup" problems that plague 40K (mostly with regard to Imperials)

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