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Gnarlroot Wargrove over the limit!



Hi all!

Firstly I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place... And sorry for my ramblings. I'm very new to Age of Sigmar and wargaming in general, but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. Hopefully you nice folks can help me.

I've been given a Treelord model and Celestial Hurricanum model as gifts (super lucky me!!!!) and I really want to be able to use both of them in a 1000 point army (big stretch, I know) so that I don't upset the two people who bought these amazing models for me.

I bought the Sylvaneth Book and I noticed a battalion called the Gnarlroot Wargrove which, along with other things, gives me an extra Order Wizard in my Sylvaneth army! Awesome for the Celestial Hurricanium!

So my plan is to make my little army like this:

Treelord Ancient - 300
Branchwych - 100
Celestial Hurricanum - 320
Tree-Revenants 5 - 100
Tree-Revenants 5 - 100
Household - 20
Gnarlroot Wargrove - 80
Total ----- 1020 points

Now I know this army won't be all that effective with so few battleline units. It's literally the bare minimum. My goal main goal is to keep my friends happy and have a fun game with lots of spells!

My problem with it is that its 1020 points. 20 points over the limit...

My question to all of you is this. Can I reduce it some how? Because I would love to if I can! Is 1020 points okay? I know it's fine for a game with my friends but I think it would just crush me if I took this to a store to play and someone chewed me out for playing it.

Sorry again for the ramblings and I appreciate any advice. 


Nimbus :)

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9 answers to this question

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At 1,020 you're over the vanguard limit so you need 3 batteline, not 2.

You're at total minimum there, and there's literally nothing you can do. Sorry that's not the answer you want.

However, as the only person who matters is your opponent, why not have a chat with them?

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Note that the Matched Play battle report in the GH actually uses 2000 points as a guideline, not a hard limit. See if you can convince your opponent that your army is built with that guideline as opposed to a hard cap at 1000. I would expect that for the most part your opponents will allow it.

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Yeah,  I very much doubt it'd fly at any kind of tournament, but for casual games, just have a chat with your opponent and nine times out of ten they'll probably be fine with it. Also, don't forget that you don't have to play matched play - there's plenty of awesome narrative scenario's available that work brilliantly with one side slightly stronger than the other :) 

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On 8/7/2016 at 10:52 AM, BloodBeast said:

With a system/table for dealing with these situations already in the GHB, I think fudging things like this may become more of the norm at events. This is AoS after all.

I hope not. What's the point of a points limit if your going over. None events I don't care what you do that's all between you and your opponent.


But going over point limits is silly tournament/event wise

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The system is the GHB is for going *under*. AoS plus GHB gives us an official version of events. Everyone knows what's going on, etc. This is great for tournaments and those stores where (from what I can gather) points are the only thing that holds civilisation together.

But AoS is intended to be whatever you and your opponent/s want it to be, everything is malleable and negotiable. Which is why I think it's a deliberate action to put a 'tournament illegal' army in to demonstrate the points system, to make sure that point was hammered in.

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