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Making the most out of skullreapers


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So i'm looking into building a khorne force for sigmar and I REALLY like the skullreaper and the mighty lord of khorne models. I know there is a battalion with skullreapers in it, but i'm not sure what's the most efficient way run them in a 2000 point list around them. Any suggestions?

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I'd say skullreapers are best in units of 5. With the change to 'wholly within' on most buffs the 5 man unit will be a lot easier to manage, and 5 of them will kill most things with a few buffs so a 10 man unit might be overkill. If I were going to use them along with a mighty lord of khorne i'd probably try something like this:

Mighty Lord of Khorne
Exalted Deathbringer w/spear
Slaughterpriest x2
- bronze flesh and killing frenzy

2x 10 Blood Warriors
10 Bloodreavers
2x 5 Skullreapers
5 Wrathmongers
3 Khorgoraths

Wrath Axe

Slaughterborn Battallion
*Skullfiend* Host

Use the reavers and warriors as a screen, then crush them with buffed reapers and khorgoraths. Simple enough if your opponent doesn't have a lot of ranged attacks. 

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26 minutes ago, Tyno2025 said:

Did you mean a different battalion besides skullseeker host by chance? Looking it up it looks like that's a daemon battalion. 

I think @Grimrock meant the Skulltake Battalion (it's the only one with Korgoraths) but this wouldn't work with Slaughterborn because the Skullreapers can't be in both Battalions at the same time.

Something with the battalions went definitly wrong here.

When looking at the used models I would say Skulltake + Gore Pilgrims

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Here is a quick list I threw together. What do you guys think?



Blades of Khorne  (Plain Text)

++ *Old* *Pitched Battle (2,000)* (Chaos - Khorne) [2000pts] ++

+ Leader +

Mighty Lord of Khorne: 5. Mark of the Destroyer, 6. Disciple of Khorne, General

+ Battalion +

Battalion: Gore Pilgrims
. Blood Warriors: 5 Blood Warriors, Goreaxe and Gorefist
. Bloodreavers: 2x 10 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Reaver Blades
. Bloodsecrator: 3. Banner of Blood
. Slaughterpriest: 1. Bronzed Flesh, Hackblade & Wrath-hammer
. Slaughterpriest: 5. Killing Frenzy, Hackblade & Wrath-hammer

Battalion: Skulltake: Bloodstoker
. Bloodreavers: 2x 10 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Reaver Blades
. Bloodreavers: 2x 10 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Reaver Blades
. Khorgoraths: Khorgorath
. Skullreapers: 5 Skullreapers, Icon Bearers
. Skullreapers: 5 Skullreapers, Icon Bearers
. Skullreapers: 5 Skullreapers, Icon Bearers

+ Allegiance +

Allegiance: Khorne

++ Total: [2000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

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Sorry! I meant the skullfiend slaughter host, I'll edit it above. It's the one where you get a command ability to reroll hits and wounds on the khorgoraths and the artifact gives two attacks, helpful for getting the most out of the MLoK's axe.

I'm not a big fan of skulltake actually, too limited on range and not a huge benefit. Slaughterborn is nice for the resilience it adds and doesnt need to be near the hero.

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