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help deciding on next project


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My Maggotkin/40k deamons project is about to finish and as much as they were a lot of fun to paint they don't quite scratch the heroic fantasy itch that I have. I want to have a narrative in my head with a bit more humanity, and awesome centerpieces to paint (nurgle had the second for me but not the first).

I'm considering Seraphon, Skaven, Sylvaneth and Idoneth (or the outlyer opotion of just enjoying playing with my fully painted nurgle and save the money for the next aelve faction, I love elves ;) )

Seraphon : I have always had half an eye on Lizardmen, great colourful army to paint and use the airbrush on, dinosaurs! Double battleforce gets me a decent army. My fears are that they won't get an update for quite a while and some of the models are a little derpy.

Sylvaneth: Alarielle! amazing centerpiece to paint up, the treement and hunters are cool and the dryads look quick to paint with various techniques so I can focus on the other awesome stuff.  Might even sub in some wood elves as branch wraiths,  and there is an underworlds warband coming. 

Skaven: crazy scientists and unique, storm fiends are cool, warp lighning is fun and I also love magic and endless spells which I hope skaven will be good at when they get a battletome. Fun models to paint and stormfiends mean I don't have to worry about painting a horde straight away. As much as I love doom wheels and crazy contraptions I have been painting a lot of dirty washes (nurgle) and metallics (ad mech/imperial knights) so am hesitant. Carrion Empire is a tempting purchase though.

idoneth: I think the whole range has great models and it would be a challenge and jhoy to paint, I have no desire to eel spam. My main worry is that I would get tired of flying sharks and just feel disapointed I didn't wait for light elves.


I know the typical response is to go with what you love but all of these I have love for in some way or another, though writing this out has put idoneth at the bottom of the list. Any input to help break the deadlock in my head would be appreciated. 


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You know it sounds like you really want to do Skaven - you've written the most about them and sound really positive on most of the points. Plus nothing says a skaven force has to be dark drab and dingy. You can go fully with what you want with them - forge an army of red eyed, white furred bright skaven in their shiny and chrome plated weapons of war! Bring forth the warpfire as it blazes bright green and reflects off polished metal surfaces and the deep ebony shades of well crafted wood upon mighty wheels and bells. Show the puss and bright colours of fresh infection - in red sores and bloody bandages wrapped around the plagued monks of the Great Horned One. 

Plus they are getting some new love in the nearish future so it sounds like a great time to jump on in with the rats! 

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Well skaven always fascinated me from way back during my first forray into this hobby (I started in christmas 1996 when I was 10). Seraphon was just the appeal of dinosaurs, but elves appeal to the classic high fantasy reader in me.

Your comment has started my brain going with fluffing the rats as more victorian gentlemen scientists with crazy contraptions and are just trying to defend their work. Monocles might be needed... 🐀🧐

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Do Skaven whilst you wait for the new angelic/high elves approach to appear! Because Skaven are functional now and getting more attention soon whilst the Angelic Aelves could be a 2020 release! 



Also forget gentlemen rats - think Rats of Nhim!!

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3 minutes ago, calcysimon said:

except for the 80 skins u will need to paint

Well skinks aren't too bad to paint and I have an airbrush, they are pretty simple, especially after painting 50 odd plaguebearers.

I'm with you on Dino-army, and getting to play around with bright colour combinations would be fun. I also think I could take advantage of having and airbrush a lot more with Seraphon.


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