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So I am completely and utterly new to AoS. Aesthetically I love the look of Nurgle and from the bits and bobs I’ve read about them they sound like an interesting army in terms of there fluff.

So I’m looking to spend around £100 on Monday just to get started, I’m not overly concerned if I don’t get much in the way of units as long as I get something to start with. I’ve never done high detailed painting and what not before but I’m really keen to put the effort in with these and make them look as good as I possibly can, I want them to be disgusting to behold. So to that end, is there anyone who could give me a good idea of the paints I should be buying like a proper list? Also, £10 for a can of white primer seems expensive, is the citadel worth that though? 

Any recommendations for what unit(s) I should start with? I was thinking of the start collecting! Daemons of Nurgle but the reality is beyond the Plaguebearers and Herald I don’t think I would utilise the other stuff so I’d rather not spend money on units I’m not interested in. 

I apologise in advance if this post is a little bit to much or if I’m just being daft but just a newbie looking for a nudge in the right direction. 


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Imo mortals are best part of Maggothkin army, and Blight Cyst is best part of Nurgle mortals (since we lost plaguetoched warband). I recommend buy at least 3 units od Putrid Blightkings, Lord of Blights and convert Harbinger of Decay. With Plague Cyst its exactly 1000 points. Nurgle Daemons Start Collecting need to summon. And don't forget Gnarlmaw! 

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Firstly welcome, Nurgle is great and disgusting. 

Secondly join the private AoS Facebook group Maggotkin of Nurgle loads of cool inspiration and helpful people on there. 

As for units you can’t really go wrong with Nurgle, they’re in a good place where everything is worthwhile. First things you’ll likely want though will be Battleline units so either Blightkings (good in small or big units) or Plaguebearers (best in unit of 30). 

Then pick some cool heroes, like I said they’re all useful so I wouldn’t worry too much. Lord of Blights or Plagues are popular. 

With the paint I would recommend GW sprays  they’re fantastic and worth the cost to be honest. I would get a green though to make them quicker to paint. Unless you want to paint with washes. 

If you want to save money go for a discount website like http://elementgames.co.uk/warhammer?d=10074 they’re a really good quick service. 

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I really do like the idea of putrid blightkings and the lord of blight. They look incredible. 

I will be using that element games for sure. 

I just watched a two part video of how to paint putrid blightkings, so many different paints like so many, I dread to think of the cost just on that amount of paints. Does anybody have any advice for me regarding that? 

I have three kids I’m not made of money haha. Just want to be able to get started properly on a £100 even if it’s only with a small number of models what I don’t want is to have units that I can’t paint cause I don’t have the things I need or have paints but nothing to actually paint. Surely my budget is enough to get a balance there? Once I’m started I can build my forces up bit by bit 

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For new players, try not to feel pressured right now to play 2k games. While 2k tends to be the standard, it can be very overwhelming for those who are new (both in money and time to get the army ready, and the amount of time per game). You can still have great fun at the 1k level, or even skirmish.

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Money wise you should think about nurgle daemon starter set with adding here and there 1-2 more daemon units.

The painting isnt that expensive for daemons too.

But if the mortal fraction hooked you, thats fine too. Just little bit more expensive for the beginning.

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If there’s anyone here with a good amount of experience at painting the mortals I would really appreciate a list of paints I should buy.. plenty of tutorial videos but the amount of paints they use is just not doable for me right now just looking for a more reasonable list of paints where I can get decent results but without need 973 different paints per body part. 

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It really depends on how you want to paint them. What kind of color scheme do you want them to be? Remember when watching tutorials they often list a lot of different paints, but you can often cut that number in half because some small details don’t all need to be different colors. I highly recommend you get the Citadel Paint app, you can find putrid blight Kings as many other nurgle miniatures and they list the paints needed for each area. Also many places of highlighting I would recommend just one highlight step instead of multiple since that would decrease the amount of paint needed greatly.

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You're doing the usual GW style? Green basically. You want the minis broken into a few parts: skin, wounds, armour, weapons & cloth/leather.

Do the following:

Spray base coat.

I Paint skin leave armour and wounds green OR (different scheme) paint armour and wounds and leave skin the base colour.

II Paint weapons metal

III Paint leather and cloth

Wash model with a thinned wash

Highlight areas I and II once.

Colours that might work are many.

You'll want a bronze or iron base and highlight.

You'll want a main colour for the armour (if it's not the spray colour) and a highlight colour

You'll want a main colour for the skin (if its not the spray colour) and a highlight colour

You'll want a colour for the leather and cloth.

Suggestions might be:

Deathguard green spray (armour and wounds)

Ionrach skin for skin

Leadbelcher for iron

Mournfang brown for leather and cloth

Agrax earthshade it all (with lahmian medium - optional - for a lighter look)


Armour and wounds Nurgling green

Metals Stormhost silver

Skin with Screaming skull

Cloth with zandri dust (which you can also use to base bone with ionrach. Zandri is a good variety paint).

That's like 9 or 10 paints which you can embellish as you wish. It's pretty basic but you can go more basic. Like you really only need the primary colours and black and white right?

If you want to mix and bottle your own mixes get red yellow and blue and black and white. Then a metallic of choice. You can even skip the metallics. You can opt for total rust weapons (might be a technical paint though) or weapons that are black up to a blighted bright blue or green (my own choice with my nurgle - candyrot).

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I’ll look at that app now. That’s really helpful thankyou! Ideally I’d be looking to start off buying 10-15 paints. I’m thinking a unit of Putride Blight Kings and probably a Lord of Blights to start off with. Planning on purchasing on Monday and then I will expand but by bit over the new few weeks/months. 

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the best to minimize the price of paint and max the effect would be to buy a spray of your main color (metal ? leather ? tan ?  green ?) then some good base colors (Valejo are cheaper, GW are pricey but nice for base), preferably light, and don't bother to buy paint for highlight (worst case you can put some white or flesh in the base color), but buy a quickshade strong tone pot, magical for nurgle brownish greenish tone !! 

If you like the color scheme of the Death Guard in 40K, you could buy for example screamer pink for clothes, baltazar gold for metallic details, deathguard green for armor, some gun metal for the weapons, some necrotic flesh color for the skin...

a very good tutorial for beginner here


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17 minutes ago, JKr said:

7040884E-D218-420E-87AC-F25F17AFCD9E.png.d3a8f4b8992efed41d4f2bea8529d349.pngHow does this look, possibly make a couple of changes but that’s more or less what I’m thinking to get started. Any good or any changes I should make? 

It's look good. If you are on a budget, I would not buy the cork, easy to find on a board or some wine bottles... I would not buy corax white spray, it make sense if you paint shiny colors but for nurgle a grey, brown, green or beige would made your life easier. Brass scorpion is not my favorite, I prefer the metallic base than the metallic layer.

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I know this is a ridiculous and probably complex question but with the grey, green, brown or beige what would the differences be regarding the end result just so I can get an idea for which would be best for me? Is there a better brass you could recommend? I was considering maybe a copper rather than brass but dunno if that would look silly....

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I would suggest Balthasar Gold instead of brass scorpion, it’s a bit darker but quite a good color. As for the spray color, white is best for things with a lot of skin/light colors, as it’s easier to build up light colors from a light base. Darker colors for lots of metals/dark colors. I think the reason they’re suggesting a color like green/brown would be to use it as a color for a part of the models, like if using deathguard green spray you can skip painting the army with deathguard green. 

For me I spray every model with black, unless they have quite a lot of skin then I mist over the black with some white. Don’t panic of sprays too much.

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Thankyou. I will amend my cart appropriately. Looking forward to actually getting it paid for tomorrow!!! Should probably look at buying the codex or battletome or whatever it’s called soon. 

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1 hour ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

I would suggest Balthasar Gold instead of brass scorpion, it’s a bit darker but quite a good color. As for the spray color, white is best for things with a lot of skin/light colors, as it’s easier to build up light colors from a light base. Darker colors for lots of metals/dark colors. I think the reason they’re suggesting a color like green/brown would be to use it as a color for a part of the models, like if using deathguard green spray you can skip painting the army with deathguard green. 

For me I spray every model with black, unless they have quite a lot of skin then I mist over the black with some white. Don’t panic of sprays too much.

balthasar Gold is indeed very nice. For the colored spray, yes it is mostly saved one step (basing all the belt and boots and woods can be very fastidious, but a spray of Mournfang brown take 10 seconde for exemple). And it's easier to paint for exemple a bronze color on a brown base than on a white one (less layer to do). And if you miss some part of the model (difficult to access, too quick paint job etc...) better see some brown than some white.

For the base, I would advise you to go for swamp, there is some tutorial on internet for that. Your Nurgling rot could be put to good use. Order some winter or swamp tufts (army painter for exemple) to look super pro. 

You will see Nurgle is both very easy for new painter and very rewarding with all the cool effect and color scheme possible

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There are multiple ways to do bases, but how I would do it is as follows...

glue the mini to the base

put some pva glue down with some toothpicks or something small or similar. Don’t completely cover the ground of the base, leave some areas to later become pools of nurgles rot

cover with sand and let dry

brush/shake off excess, then water down some more pva glue and put it over the sand to lock it in place

prime the mini And the base

paint the mini

paint the base, and then add nurgles rot and add tufts

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I cannot explain how useful this is to me haha, thankyou so much! One last question regarding the base, do I just paint it some sorta green or brown or whatever at the end and then do I cover it all with nurgles rot, or do I just do pools of the rot? 


This forum is brilliant btw, I’m very pleased with the advice I’m getting and the patience toward my stupid questions..

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1 hour ago, JKr said:

I cannot explain how useful this is to me haha, thankyou so much! One last question regarding the base, do I just paint it some sorta green or brown or whatever at the end and then do I cover it all with nurgles rot, or do I just do pools of the rot? 


This forum is brilliant btw, I’m very pleased with the advice I’m getting and the patience toward my stupid questions..

you could do like in this video, replacing the texture paint by some baking powder or plaster, or fine sand on glue, lots of good video on youtube  


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5 hours ago, JKr said:

I cannot explain how useful this is to me haha, thankyou so much! One last question regarding the base, do I just paint it some sorta green or brown or whatever at the end and then do I cover it all with nurgles rot, or do I just do pools of the rot? 


This forum is brilliant btw, I’m very pleased with the advice I’m getting and the patience toward my stupid questions..

You should paint it a different color to the main color on the model, for example if you’re using a lot of green don’t paint the base green, you need some contrast. I would suggest to paint the base last, and maybe use a dark brown, wash with agrax Earthshade, drybush zandri Dust, then put nurgle tot in just the pools, and maybe a slight amount on areas of the model/feet, to make it look as if they have walked through some. Just be very sparing with this and don’t go overboard.

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Thanks for the help. Really excited to get started now. I have just placed the order. A little bit disappointed that I couldn’t have free delivery cause there’s a spray can involved, gotta wait until the 15th-16th for delivery but I’m really looking forward to getting started with this. 

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