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Gordrakk or Megaboss on a Maw-crusha in 2nd edition?


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I'm not a pro. That's @Sangfroid or @Chris Tomlin.

I would make a few comments though.

1) both are good for different reasons. The big G is really used to power up a gorefist battalion more than anything else. The cabbage will be the staple general for your army.

2) magnetize them, it not only lets you swap the models around but also makes them easier to transport. Plus they become far more resilient longterm. I cannot count the number of times I would have snapped the banner of my mb if it wasn't magnetized, as it is it just comes off and I put it back.

3) in the long run you will want both. Don't stress it to much!

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I like gordrakk for a few reasons,

I'm jelious of othere factions big models and want to join the crew. 

His possitioning is less important then he mk.

He is more flexible in comand point usage.

He can crush though (ish) charictors like slan by back feild diving and then unloading.

His comand ability to a wombo combo player is so juicy. I looked at using him with a ogre list using the batalion so every oger in the armie got the enhanced charge range

Mk is hella more flexibal in build and cheeper to fit in.

The way i see it if you can afford god and use big betalions then do it. If not the mk is better in almost everyway but i still think god can have neich value

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