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Warhammer Achievements 6 at Blood and Glory 3/4th Nov 18


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I suppose its that time when I should say thanks to all the players who came along and made the event the success it was. The only reason we got so many good comments was because you all made the event look so much fun. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and hearing the stories from the games. Hopefully I wasn't too off with people when it came to score entering time! Rules questions were infrequent and easily solved (even the bravery of a rock one).

 My first job for next year is to figure out a way to improve and streamline the scoring system just in case  we get a similar amount of players. The score sheet could also be more intuitive to fill in . 

Overall though I think you all made the event run smoothly because of the attitude and willingness to embrace the system so its just a massive thanks from me! 

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On 11/6/2018 at 4:15 PM, divineauthority said:

First event I've been to when every opponent has been a delight to play against!

I'd also like to add my thanks to Steve and co (Simon for stepping in, despite bring Arkhan and Grimghasts to the table you evil man).

Now just to figure out what army to take next year, I can be more prepared this time instead of starting an army 3 months before the event. 

Wow! three months? You were organised. I was writing and printing army lists on the Friday night about 30 minutes before my son came to pick me up to take to the event.?

Hope to see you there next year.

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