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Played in my first ever AOS Tournament


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I attended a small laid back AOS doubles Tournament on Saturday and ended up winning it.  I'm really new to Tournaments as I prefer to play casually but I wanted to support my friend and it wasn't marketed as a super competitive event either. 

My friend has trouble getting motivated to paint so we used this tournament as means to encourage him to have stuff done by the deadline.  Archaon is an unusual choice for a 1000pts army but he loves the model and was really excited to paint it. I always want to encourage the hobby so he threw in two squads of twenty Blood Reavers as battleline and made a legal 1000pts list.  We didn’t think we were going to win. I was using my hobby league army I built and painted last month which was not optimized at all.  I think we played smart always focusing on the mission objectives rather than getting caught up in just killing the enemy army.  However, Archaon was useful as he always took the majority of enemy fire allowing me to score objectives like a champ.  The last mission Duality of Death was a perfect mission for him guaranteeing our win.


Every game I cast arcane shield onto my warriors and inspiring presence.  Wow good luck chewing through 60 3+ re-rolling 1’s immune to battleshock wounds.  These guys were champs holding objectives and tying up the enemy units.  I’m in the process of converting my Sorcerer Lord on a mount.  He is very expensive so I want to get the most bang for my buck by increasing his movement.  Still Arcane shield was a huge factor in my games so I will still be taking him in my army.    

Our Armies were Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne.  Chaos Lord, Sorcerer Lord, 30 Chaos Warriors, 5 Chaos Knights, Gorebeast Chariot, Archaon, 2x20 Blood Reavers

A small summary of each game. I’m doing this write up from memory so some stuff might be a bit off especially the names for stuff and the composition of my opponent’s armies.   


Game #1Battle for the pass.

Ironjawz and Moonclan Grots.  Large bow squad and large spear squad, fanatics, 2 bolt throwers, Fungoid Cave Goblin shaman some nets, 3x 3 Gore gruntas, 2x5 Brutes, Megaboss and Warchanter.


My chaos warriors spread out in a massive skirmish line and rolled up to the forward left objective and proceeded to hold it all game.  They scrummed with 6 Gore Gruntas and 5 brutes but held them back all game slowly grinding them down reducing the amount of attacks they could put out.  The Blood Reavers held the forward right objective for 2 turns before being wiped out by a Gore Grunta unit with some Goblin help.  My Knights held our last objective in our territory all game uncontested.   Archie got shot up bad from bolt throwers and due to the goblin blobs spreading out his movement was severely limited.  Every time he charged our opponent would deploy his fanatics engaging Archie forcing us to waste our first combat on killing them first.  In the end Archie was down to 1 wound and the Spear Goblins inflicted 2 wounds on him in the last turn of the game.  Archie had mystic shield up so he had a 2+ save.  My friend proceeded to roll two 1’s!!!  Having Archie killed by lowly goblins felt bad man hahaha.  We still won 13-6 as we were ahead on points by a fair amount.  

Game #2 Knife to the heart Khadoran Overlords and High Elves  Frostheart phoenix, phoenix, 2x10 Phoenix Guard  2x Lormasters, Anointed.  Ironclad, 20 Arknaughts, Chemist, Knight-Azyros,  Lord-Ordinator.

We rush up into the middle and jam their entire army.  The Ironclad misses out on some of its shooting firs turn due to being just outside of its 12” gun range which helped us to weather the first turn.  As usual Archie takes the brunt of the attacks tanking most of the enemy’s output.  My chaos warriors put 5 wounds on the boat in one turn and my knights nearly wipe a Phoenix guard squad thanks to impressive rolling and battleshock.  Archie Kills the Knight-Azyros but not before he unleashes his lantern power.  My opponent rolled low for his MW and I tanked most of them on my Runeshields.  Archie took 2 wounds though from it.   The Blood Reavers with a bit of help from Archie’s tail (love that 3” reach!)  killed an Arknaught squad with some help from battleshock.   Time was called and we controlled one objective and had killed 2 units giving us a minor victory.  


Game #3 Duality of Death

Legions of Nagash and Flesh Eater Courts 150+ skeletons, Wight king, Necromancer, 40 crypt ghouls, Crypt Haunter Courtier, 3x crypt Horrors and a Vargulf Courtier.


We get the first turn and Archie lands on one of the objectives and holds it all game killing nearly the entire Flesh eater Courts army single handily with some small help from the Blood Reavers.  My army moves up to the other objective but due to some bad run rolls both 1’s I could not get my characters onto the objective.  The skeletons hit my warriors jamming them up and killing my chariot who I sacrificed as a speed bump to slow them down getting to the objective.  On turn two there was a gap in the enemy lines that allowed my Knights to make a long bomb charge (10”) to catch his Wight King out in the open.  The Knights reduce him to 1 wound left before the prancing ponies crushed him underfoot (I forgot my horses could attack all day) after my friend reminded me I could still fight with the horses.  The game ended 3-0 to give us 1st place. 

Overall I had a great time and am looking forward to playing more AOS. 

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7 hours ago, cplhicks said:

I attended a small laid back AOS doubles Tournament on Saturday and ended up winning it.  I'm really new to Tournaments as I prefer to play casually but I wanted to support my friend and it wasn't marketed as a super competitive event either. 

My friend has trouble getting motivated to paint so we used this tournament as means to encourage him to have stuff done by the deadline.  Archaon is an unusual choice for a 1000pts army but he loves the model and was really excited to paint it. I always want to encourage the hobby so he threw in two squads of twenty Blood Reavers as battleline and made a legal 1000pts list.  We didn’t think we were going to win. I was using my hobby league army I built and painted last month which was not optimized at all.  I think we played smart always focusing on the mission objectives rather than getting caught up in just killing the enemy army.  However, Archaon was useful as he always took the majority of enemy fire allowing me to score objectives like a champ.  The last mission Duality of Death was a perfect mission for him guaranteeing our win.


Every game I cast arcane shield onto my warriors and inspiring presence.  Wow good luck chewing through 60 3+ re-rolling 1’s immune to battleshock wounds.  These guys were champs holding objectives and tying up the enemy units.  I’m in the process of converting my Sorcerer Lord on a mount.  He is very expensive so I want to get the most bang for my buck by increasing his movement.  Still Arcane shield was a huge factor in my games so I will still be taking him in my army.    

Our Armies were Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne.  Chaos Lord, Sorcerer Lord, 30 Chaos Warriors, 5 Chaos Knights, Gorebeast Chariot, Archaon, 2x20 Blood Reavers

A small summary of each game. I’m doing this write up from memory so some stuff might be a bit off especially the names for stuff and the composition of my opponent’s armies.   


Game #1Battle for the pass.

Ironjawz and Moonclan Grots.  Large bow squad and large spear squad, fanatics, 2 bolt throwers, Fungoid Cave Goblin shaman some nets, 3x 3 Gore gruntas, 2x5 Brutes, Megaboss and Warchanter.


My chaos warriors spread out in a massive skirmish line and rolled up to the forward left objective and proceeded to hold it all game.  They scrummed with 6 Gore Gruntas and 5 brutes but held them back all game slowly grinding them down reducing the amount of attacks they could put out.  The Blood Reavers held the forward right objective for 2 turns before being wiped out by a Gore Grunta unit with some Goblin help.  My Knights held our last objective in our territory all game uncontested.   Archie got shot up bad from bolt throwers and due to the goblin blobs spreading out his movement was severely limited.  Every time he charged our opponent would deploy his fanatics engaging Archie forcing us to waste our first combat on killing them first.  In the end Archie was down to 1 wound and the Spear Goblins inflicted 2 wounds on him in the last turn of the game.  Archie had mystic shield up so he had a 2+ save.  My friend proceeded to roll two 1’s!!!  Having Archie killed by lowly goblins felt bad man hahaha.  We still won 13-6 as we were ahead on points by a fair amount.  

Game #2 Knife to the heart Khadoran Overlords and High Elves  Frostheart phoenix, phoenix, 2x10 Phoenix Guard  2x Lormasters, Anointed.  Ironclad, 20 Arknaughts, Chemist, Knight-Azyros,  Lord-Ordinator.

We rush up into the middle and jam their entire army.  The Ironclad misses out on some of its shooting firs turn due to being just outside of its 12” gun range which helped us to weather the first turn.  As usual Archie takes the brunt of the attacks tanking most of the enemy’s output.  My chaos warriors put 5 wounds on the boat in one turn and my knights nearly wipe a Phoenix guard squad thanks to impressive rolling and battleshock.  Archie Kills the Knight-Azyros but not before he unleashes his lantern power.  My opponent rolled low for his MW and I tanked most of them on my Runeshields.  Archie took 2 wounds though from it.   The Blood Reavers with a bit of help from Archie’s tail (love that 3” reach!)  killed an Arknaught squad with some help from battleshock.   Time was called and we controlled one objective and had killed 2 units giving us a minor victory.  


Game #3 Duality of Death

Legions of Nagash and Flesh Eater Courts 150+ skeletons, Wight king, Necromancer, 40 crypt ghouls, Crypt Haunter Courtier, 3x crypt Horrors and a Vargulf Courtier.


We get the first turn and Archie lands on one of the objectives and holds it all game killing nearly the entire Flesh eater Courts army single handily with some small help from the Blood Reavers.  My army moves up to the other objective but due to some bad run rolls both 1’s I could not get my characters onto the objective.  The skeletons hit my warriors jamming them up and killing my chariot who I sacrificed as a speed bump to slow them down getting to the objective.  On turn two there was a gap in the enemy lines that allowed my Knights to make a long bomb charge (10”) to catch his Wight King out in the open.  The Knights reduce him to 1 wound left before the prancing ponies crushed him underfoot (I forgot my horses could attack all day) after my friend reminded me I could still fight with the horses.  The game ended 3-0 to give us 1st place. 

Overall I had a great time and am looking forward to playing more AOS. 

Cool sounds great.

Were there any skaven players?


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Way to go man! Tournaments are fun, you should attend more! There is VERY RARELY tfg at a tournament. I think they get scared of large crowds of people :D because I have been the Adepticon GT this year and NOVA GT a couple times and MANY smaller RTT's. Everybody is chill. Even the competitive players have great attitudes. I ran into one dude who gave me the worst sports score because "my save rolls were to good to be true and I was using death guard dice so....i dont know whats going on over there" But thats my only negative experience. I like it because you get many games in during a short period of time.  

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