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Mount Definition



Pretty much as the title, I have been trying to find a concrete answer but I have come up with bubkis, this has been bugging me since I got the deepkin book, Fue'than have an ability that lets mounts re-roll to wound rolls of 1 but don't define what counts as a mount, there is a entry for 'mounts' in the deepkin rules but it's referring to how hero traits interact with their ridden beasts

So what is a mount is aos?, is it defined anywhere or do we go off terminology of Riders and ridden, if the latter does that mean the ridden monsters such as the leviadon and appolexas count as mounts?


i'm sorry if this sounds incredibly newbish but i'd like to KNOW rather than just think XX is how it works when there are abilities that are specific to it and alot of examples could fall into more warmachine territory than cavalry which is what I think of when I hear the word mount

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3 answers to this question

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There is a surprising amount of gray area when it comes to what counts as (and even what they mean by) a mount. For instance, accompanying beasts (like khorgos khul's doggo friend which he is not riding) inspired very long threads of discussion about this very topic.

If there's guys riding it, I'd say it's a mount, but I'll delve into rules and hopefully some more people can jump in.

For starters, the GHB2017 defines a mount as something a Hero rides upon, but it is specifically talking about what command traits and artefacts can affect, and so probably wasn't intended as an all-inclusive definition.

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15 hours ago, heywoah_twitch said:

There is a surprising amount of gray area when it comes to what counts as (and even what they mean by) a mount. For instance, accompanying beasts (like khorgos khul's doggo friend which he is not riding) inspired very long threads of discussion about this very topic.

If there's guys riding it, I'd say it's a mount, but I'll delve into rules and hopefully some more people can jump in.

For starters, the GHB2017 defines a mount as something a Hero rides upon, but it is specifically talking about what command traits and artefacts can affect, and so probably wasn't intended as an all-inclusive definition.

Similar to this, the Seraphon Engine of the Gods, I would class as a mount as it is being ridden. 

But based on the model and abilities the mount is actually the hero so it's another grey area.

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It's a case of nice try, with the definition, but not entirely thought threw. I mean, the rule says that only the hero will be affected by command traits and artefact.

But the definition mount isn't the best one.

When we look at something like the Coven Throne.

We have a Vampire Queen, we have the Handmaidens and we have the Spectral Host.

We can immagine that the Spectral Host should be a mount in this case, but what about the Handmaidens. They shouldn't get affected by command traits and artefact because they aren't the hero, but also they shouldn't be affected from abilities that only affect the mount (if undead have such rules)..


Or the Arachnarok Spider, which could get a Shaman (but this shaman doesn't even have melee Weapons), so does the Crew gets the bonus (even they are not the Hero)?

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