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Da Ghostwulfz wiv special guest


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Hey guys thought I’d let you megaboss’s Know that this Wednesday (May 2nd) I will be on the Warhammer TV stream facing off against a fellow Chump and Warchief, Carl Smith. 

He will be running Archaon with Nurgle (see list below) so Skargut has benched Rotgor and recruited the services of the The BIGGEST Megaboss none other than Gordrakk, the fist of Gork! 

Obviously Skargut is going to still lead Da Ghostwulfz out (he ain’t stopid) but hoping it should be a good fun game to watch so grab your Grotcorn and  watch along ill be surprised if more than 1 or2 models are left alive by the end of T5 and can pretty much guarantee it will be either Archaon or Gordrakk but not both! 

May the green light of Gork shine upon Da Ghostwulfz, Waaaaaaagh! 



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No battalions can’t leave the house without 25 Brutes brah! 

On a serious note, the once per game command abilty is good but I don’t like that it’s one and done, I much prefer the waaagh to use multiple times if I’m honest (plus ironclad!) 

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1 hour ago, Sangfroid said:

No battalions can’t leave the house without 25 Brutes brah! 

On a serious note, the once per game command abilty is good but I don’t like that it’s one and done, I much prefer the waaagh to use multiple times if I’m honest (plus ironclad!) 

Holy, I missed that the big G was only a little g for the game :o

Honestly I'd be grabbing prophet of the Waagh! and daubing of mork in that list, keep the megaboss back as a bigger than normal Warchanter ? 


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I will endeavour to watch live and be in the chat if anyone else wants to come on and say hi.

We need to appreciate this is not a regular list for a regular game, should see it as more of an exhibition match between Gordrakk and Archaon. I do think you're favoured in this match up and have tonnes of experience over Carl with the lists as well....so no pressure, but I'm expecting big things! ;) 

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Well was an interesting night, Liverpool doing their best to almost chuck themselves out of the semi finals and then we got stuck for 2 hours at the M1 junction so a 1.45 hr trip became closer to 5 hrs! 

I felt in the stream Da Ghostwulfz gave a good account of themselves, my plan was to get in his grill and hold him back off the objectives, I wanted to clear off his 10 blightkings with Gordrakk and Brutes then follow that up into Archaon later in the game.  So from a positional point of view I succeeded.  However I will analyse what I think are the key factors to the loss for posterity’s sake plus it provides I hope a good read I hope :-)

1) the long charge by the 10 Brutes, I had planned to hit the 10 blightkings and tie up the 5 blightkings (so basically support the 5 brutes and Gordrakk across 2 units) then next turn take the charge from Archaon so had put the mystic shield and IP on them. This should have meant I severely mauled if not destroyed most of his blight kings by turn 2 meaning that he would have been stretched to score objectives as the game progressed. The 10 Brutes were going to die anyway so that didn’t worry me, but I changed my mind with the long charge and went for the big man. Then a luck spike from Carl and his saves meant I only did 8 wounds to Archaon (those 5+ felt like 3+ but is suspect it wasn’t that far off average, he did have a mystic shield up)  I’ve hit Archaon before with 10 Brutes and done a lot more damage the real difference was the Harbingers 5+. I should have stayed on target and not got greedy and is a great example of how when you look back with hindsight a game that you feel went away from you because of dice in fact was more to do with your own decisions.

2) turn one charge fail by goregrutnas,  they were buffed by frenzy and I would have been able to hit the blightkings tie them up from moving almost certainly survive the attacks back (maybe kill one or 2) and score the objective meaning I could have begun to pull away on the scenario turns 2 and 3 a bit (putting more pressure on him) I could of then either held the 5 Brutes back till the pigs died (so holding the objective even longer) or got stuck in as I did or even blocked of space for Archaon to land and threaten Gordrakk from the flank. This failed charge that seemed minor really hurt my plan on the table a bit.

3) mystic shield on Gordrakk, I put it on the Brutes as I wanted them to hold the line, then ended up charging them into Archaon in a fit of greedy excitement pretty much negating the mystic shield benefit. When I play with a normal Mawkrusha he gets the mystic shield every single time.  I didn’t expect to roll six 1s & 2s so a bad luck spike there compounded the situation and Gordrakk went down too easy, but really I shouldn’t be putting any Mawkrusha into blight kings who can explode attacks (3 6s I believe....) Gordrakk with the mystic shield I think, Would have lost maybe 1 or 2 wounds so a massive swing but one caused by a mistake by me. 

And there we go 2 mistakes and a bit of bad luck but really the mistakes were the main difference, as my plan worked and I wrested the flow of the game off Carl positionally and should really (mistakes aside) have been able to carry that to a victory. It was a great laugh and IJ didn’t get embarrassed by the chaos scum at least ?

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