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Khorne Bloodbound


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Hi There

I have decided on Chaos i don't want to be a do gooder and side with the order i want blood for the blood god!

I've decided on Khorne Bloodbound i like their models i got with the starter set and i have purchased the expansion set.

I'm looking for a centrepiece unit for my army something big and monstrous, i like the look of the bloodthirster/skarbrand but my question is if i use one will it mean i won't be able to use allegiance bonuses/items from GH because they are "Khorne Daemons" and not "Khorne Bloodbound"? i'd also like to include some bloodletters also but again the same issue? 

I've noticed Khorgorath's are KB's only monsters but from what i have been told they are underwhelming.

If money was no issue i'd get skaarac but for £140 is it worth it?

I could always use a chaos shrine as a centrepiece but again will this invalidate the allegiance bonuses?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Bloodbound isn't a key word. 

We still don't know what the Khorne themed alliegence(s) will be

might just be a Khorne one that happily merges mortals and daemons. 

Otherwise khorgorath's couldn't be used in the "Bloodbound" allegiance and that would be silly. 

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Skaarac is worth every cent. A really nice model the rules are also good on the paper, did not had a Chance to Test him. 


Just can agree with @TrexPushups we still don't know but i think the theme will be like that. Maybe you also have to decide between Mortal/Deamon.

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My thought is that we will see a "Chaos", "Chaos -> Khorne", "Khorne -> Mortal" and "Khorne -> Daemon" allegiances, based on some of the battleline choices we've seen leaked.  As @TrexPushups says, Bloodbound isn't actually a keyword, probably because it risked giving Chaos too many sub-factions.

The way I'm playing it is very similar to how you are and expanding the starter set with other Bloodbound units - so far I've added a Skullgrinder and working on a unit of 10 more Blood Warriors.  I'm sticking with Khorne as the keyword but then building round something that looks thematic and cohesive on the table.

The Warshrine is excellent in support of the rest of your army, but nowhere near as destructive as a Bloodthirster is going to be - my long term goal is one of each (in the distant mists of time) and will also add in a Daemon contingent.

14 hours ago, Ashvilla said:

I've noticed Khorgorath's are KB's only monsters but from what i have been told they are underwhelming.

They can be a bit, however they're pretty reasonable tar-pit units and can you can put more than one into a single unit, plus are a compulsory unit in the starter set Battalion.  They don't kick out masses of damage, but I've only had mine killed in a single battle so far (peppered with arrows).

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Definitely get a Warshrine, It gives every Mortal Khorne within 9" an extra 6+ Save against all wounds (including mortal). This means your Bloodreavers get a save too. It also acts as a totem for Bloodreavers etc attack. If you have planted your Bloodsecrator banner you now have 20 Bloodreavers with 3 attacks, re-rolling hit wounds (if you get the Blessing off from your warshrine). Plus the Warshrine is a pretty cool centre piece.

Bloodthirsters would be worth it too, especially Skarbrand. Great models and can be pretty scary on the battlefield.


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The warshrine is a but of a gimmick on khorne, most khorne units are 3+ to hit, or get reroll or both, so using the shrine for them seems a bit wasted, unless! It's the reavers, you also want the bloodsecretor for the battleshock and further additional attack, this would give them 3 attacks, give them the axe with rend as you'll be giving them the warshrine buff an suddenly that's a fairly decent unit, the shrine an bloodsecator can also be used to buff other units, so it's not a waste 

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33 minutes ago, Bowlzee said:

Definitely get a Warshrine, It gives every Mortal Khorne within 9" an extra 6+ Save against all wounds (including mortal). This means your Bloodreavers get a save too. It also acts as a totem for Bloodreavers etc attack. 

From what I was told about the Warshrine (by everyone in a GW store and the manager), you don't actually get a 6+ save with Reavers, because you can't add +1 to armour '-', I was going to get a shrine to do that exact thing but was instantly disheartened D:

I think the problem with adding daemons to a Bloodbound army is that most the synergies between units specify mortal, so your probably best to look towards Slaves of Darkness units, but this doesn't really give you those big monsters either, just staying power for the most part. I would add a Bloodthirster for the theme, but I guess until we find out the allegiences properly its worth holding off. If Chaos > Khorne is the lowest denominator, I certainly will be adding a few things like my Bloodthirster and Skullcannon to my Bloodbound.

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9 minutes ago, Nubgan said:

From what I was told about the Warshrine (by everyone in a GW store and the manager), you don't actually get a 6+ save with Reavers, because you can't add +1 to armour '-', I was going to get a shrine to do that exact thing but was instantly disheartened D:

I think the problem with adding daemons to a Bloodbound army is that most the synergies between units specify mortal, so your probably best to look towards Slaves of Darkness units, but this doesn't really give you those big monsters either, just staying power for the most part. I would add a Bloodthirster for the theme, but I guess until we find out the allegiences properly its worth holding off. If Chaos > Khorne is the lowest denominator, I certainly will be adding a few things like my Bloodthirster and Skullcannon to my Bloodbound.

The Warshrine doesn't give +1 to armour save. It gives the equivalent of the Ward save. It's a flat out 'additional' 6+ save to all wounds and mortal wounds. You can't buff it with spells etc.

Skarbrand is good to add, as he is a beast without needing any extra synergies and the Bloodsecrator banner works for all Khorne units.


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I am certainly not denying these units like Skarbrand, Bloodthisters etc are fantastic without synergie with other units, they are machines. But in match play you may dip out on bonuses for them not having the mortal keyword in there profile. Again though this may not be the case as I don't know how small or what the breakdowns are to get these list bonuses, is it Chaos > Khorne, or is it something silly like Chaos > Mortal.

As soon as these bonuses are confirmed to me/us I think we can get and plan lists a bit better. Heck if Chaos > Mortal is one you could potentially add things like Gaunt Summoners and such to plug gaps in the Bloodbound Army Skillset too.

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Bearing in mind the 23rd is only a week and a half away, I'd say start building the core of your army and wait until you get the GHb before deciding anything else.  Pretty certain you're going to want a Bloodsecrator and likely Blood Warriors so you could start off with those without any worry they'll be surplus.   You can also pick a general too as the allegiance rules are unlikely to change what you want to field.

Personally if you're starting from a Khorne aspect your first logical allies are Nurgle or Chaos Dwarves.  With his hatred of magic (and preference for hitting over subtle manipulation), Tzeentch allies are going to be one of the last things they would turn to.

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7 hours ago, Bowlzee said:

The Warshrine doesn't give +1 to armour save. It gives the equivalent of the Ward save. It's a flat out 'additional' 6+ save to all wounds and mortal wounds. You can't buff it with spells etc.

Skarbrand is good to add, as he is a beast without needing any extra synergies and the Bloodsecrator banner works for all Khorne units.


Calling it a save should be avoided altogether.  Any rules that apply to 'Saves' will not apply to this 'Ward'.

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49 minutes ago, Ashvilla said:

Thanks for your advice guys,

Who would you say the best general is for KB? I'm looking at the Mighty lord with the demon hound or is the one riding the juggernaut better?

I find my self liking the aspiring death bringer better. 6" bubble of +1 attack is super handy especially if you plan on taking a skullgrinder. 

His +1, the portal of skulls +1, and another from a near by Wrathmongers lets everyone's favorite black smith swing with 5! Attacks with 3+ to hit, 2+ to wound, -1 rend and 3! Damage. 

That is a pretty good odds of triggering the blood blessing for slaying a hero or monster. 

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3 hours ago, Ashvilla said:

Cool is that the one with the Goreaxe and Skullhammer or without?

Both have the same command ability. 

The one with the chain weapon(wrath hammer) gets re-rolls to hit & savefor the rest of the game If a Khorne hero dies while in 6 in of him. 

The new one(that I think is much cooler looking) gets to pile in and attack again in the battleshock phase if any models flee while in 8" of him. 

Kinda of exciting when you realize that if he used his ability and you have the portal of skulls open that is an extra 10 attacks!

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The Mighty Lord of Khorne is a pretty solid general, above average wounds, excellent save, good damage, unlimited unbinds and the best Behemoth killing weapon ability in the game.  Nice centrepiece too.  Juggernaught Lord is meant to be a bit of a beast in combat too, but I'd want to support him with chariots and Skullcrushers (probably 6) else you risk him getting stranded and you don't want to be loosing the general too early in the game (if at all).

Aspiring Deathbringer is good, but also look at the Slaves to Darkness Khorne Exalted Hero.  Identical command ability, the Exalted Hero has a Daemon weapon (6 attacks instead of 3 and if the wound roll is a 6 then causes D3 damage) and a slightly higher Bravery.  You can also swap out the Chain Ball for a Shield which could be useful if they're your general and your against a wizard heavy opponent.  That said it depends on how you field either if their command ability is any use.  6" is comparatively short ranged so you may find you get to pop it twice in one game and that's it.

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15 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

The Mighty Lord of Khorne is a pretty solid general, above average wounds, excellent save, good damage, unlimited unbinds and the best Behemoth killing weapon ability in the game.  Nice centrepiece too.  Juggernaught Lord is meant to be a bit of a beast in combat too, but I'd want to support him with chariots and Skullcrushers (probably 6) else you risk him getting stranded and you don't want to be loosing the general too early in the game (if at all).

Aspiring Deathbringer is good, but also look at the Slaves to Darkness Khorne Exalted Hero.  Identical command ability, the Exalted Hero has a Daemon weapon (6 attacks instead of 3 and if the wound roll is a 6 then causes D3 damage) and a slightly higher Bravery.  You can also swap out the Chain Ball for a Shield which could be useful if they're your general and your against a wizard heavy opponent.  That said it depends on how you field either if their command ability is any use.  6" is comparatively short ranged so you may find you get to pop it twice in one game and that's it.

Aspiring death bringer already has 6 attacks. 

He has 2 weapons with 3 each. Which means the attacks buffs apply twice to him. He also enables the Redheadsman battalion which is a big deal. 

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6 hours ago, TrexPushups said:

Aspiring death bringer already has 6 attacks. 

He has 2 weapons with 3 each. Which means the attacks buffs apply twice to him. He also enables the Redheadsman battalion which is a big deal. 

He's got 3+3 rather than 6.  I was looking at the Khorne Exalted Hero from the "warriors of chaos" pdf who has 6 attacks on his Axe plus D3 on his Flail.  However looking at GA Chaos, it would appear that he got changed into the Aspiring Deathbringer as he doesn't exist in it.

Khorne Exalted Hero.JPG

Personally I'm not a fan of the Red Headsman battalion which is a shame as Blood Warriors are some of my favourite Bloodbound models.  Although the battalion has the potential to be devastating, you need to be killing heroes and monsters really early on in the game to justify running it and you're generally talking turn 2 or (more likely) 3 before you get into combat.

However I do think though it depends entirely on the size battles and physical board size you're using.  Smaller games (which is what I tend to play) have less enemy heroes and monsters to pick from, so you're going to be forced to pick some pretty solid targets and likely struggle to take them off the board (the battalion will only have at most 3 models with any form of rend).  Larger games you have more variety and can give your battalion units a bit of extra support.  In truth a smaller game you've going to have more benefit from a second Bloodsecrator :P

In fairness one of the nice things with Bloodbound is that there does seem to be a lot of ways to play them :)

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The Mighty Lord of Khorne is a pretty solid general, above average wounds, excellent save, good damage, unlimited unbinds and the best Behemoth killing weapon ability in the game. 

Give Archaon some credit (or even Nagash's hand of dust). Agreed that Mighty Lord of Khorne is nice with the axe and a 3+ save, but his command ability is meh.

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Cool thanks again, is the exalted deathbringer better with the shield or the impaling spear looking at i love the idea of its mechanic where you roll mortal wounds because the other person is sliding down the end of your spear haha

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6 hours ago, Knight of Ruin said:

I prefer the spear. Looks awesome too.


Question on skaarac. He is a khorne monster hero. How would that work with a possible allegiance? 

hes neither bloodbound or daemon khorne, so you need 3 standard battleline units first to use him.

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