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Gotmork Redfist - An Orruk Saga WAAAGHCRY!

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I`m having so much fun with this, that Dennis, boss of the Bunker allowed me to make an article series out of it - this has all been seen here so far as well, but I`ll of course post all the other progress here as well, that won`t be seen on the blog. If you have time, take a look at the article and give me some feedback, as I`m always trying to get better. Thanks a lot ?




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On 10/12/2018 at 8:07 AM, DinoTitanedition said:

I`m having so much fun with this, that Dennis, boss of the Bunker allowed me to make an article series out of it - this has all been seen here so far as well, but I`ll of course post all the other progress here as well, that won`t be seen on the blog. If you have time, take a look at the article and give me some feedback, as I`m always trying to get better. Thanks a lot ?




Very nice! Love how you added your painting choices. Fun read

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks a lot! After what feels like ages (no pun intended) I`ve finally got to continue a bit on the warband. The article is straight from the Bunker, so feel free to leave comments and critics for improvement.




When I started my skirmish warband in October, this was done on the premise of creating it based on the original rules of Age of Sigmar Skirmish. Since January, AoS Skirmish is now more of an extension of the Generals Handbook and in general, with a new Warhammer Underworlds version and the forthcoming Warcry game, the trend seems to be headed towards smaller skirmish boxed games.

I'm usually a big fan of little characterful warbands that I can put together myself. For example, I like the combination of Savage Orruks and Spiderfang Grots because they have a nice tribal look. A firm constelation makes the whole thing a bit stiff though.


Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz


A Firebelly would visually fit well into the group and eventually it will down to it, because the model looks really awesome. In Warcry, mainly devotees of chaos seem to get at each others throat. Only since the last Adepticon preview warbands of other factions will seemingly join in the fray. For the time being, however, I'll stick to my original plan of two grots, two orruks and a boss.


Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz


Hm, but material for a "Waaaghcry" would be there - maybe it would be better to dig out another greenskin warband and make it a bit more elite than the Savage Orruks. I'm torn!


Age of Sigmar - Da Hotpawz


I like the warband quite well. Since I am a fan of self-contained games and the Warcry box does smile at me, therefore I wonder if I should also paint up a bit of terrain and a few more Orruks. The idea behind it would be to be able to play a self-contained game with the content of a single regimental box, or with small different warbands from it.

The inner conflict is huge at this point - should I continue the greenskin project, or should I get involved with Warcry for a new project? Let me know! Until then…

Greetings from the Chaosbunker



BONUS: And as I started out on tga with this, I`ll leave a little preview here, that can't be seen on the Bunker. Still, a click or/and a like on our FB group helps us keep running 😁





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