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A tale of Kirton Gamers!

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Once I have the first 500 points painted (agreed by all participants to be the end of April) I'm going to start a narrative log of the army build and the  games played.

The story will revolve around Wilf Dedengon, Barak Zilfin's infamously incapable Admiral featuring stories of his exploits in the search for elusive Aether-gold and the hapless crew he commands.....

Coming soon : 'Heart of Daftness'

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Well, I've gone and ordered that executioner-looking chap from Avatars of War only to realise whilst browsing the Shadespire thread that I could've just de-Khorned two of the guys from the Bloodreavers gang instead...

So what I'll probably end up doing is using THEM for the shrine, and the new dude from AoW as an extra Darkoath Warchief, or a unit champion for the marauders...


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4 hours ago, CyderPirate said:

Well, I've gone and ordered that executioner-looking chap from Avatars of War only to realise whilst browsing the Shadespire thread that I could've just de-Khorned two of the guys from the Bloodreavers gang instead...

So what I'll probably end up doing is using THEM for the shrine, and the new dude from AoW as an extra Darkoath Warchief, or a unit champion for the marauders...


"De-Khorned!! What is this blasphemy you speak!"

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Love this idea. It would be great if there was more of this. Matched play is fun and all, but thematic, narrative campaigns are just special, something you will remember for a long time afterwards. Best of luck and I will follow this one with interest.

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Santa here, another Ryga's player.

I'm also going to be bringing a Daughters of Khaine army to the table, specifically Draichi Ganeth.

I'm lucky I've already started on a Cauldron of Blood, otherwise (as a late joiner and slow painter) I'd struggle to hit 500 painted points in time!

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My new Legions of Nagash army faced their first opponent last Wednesday - who just so happened to be Santa (above). Although it was a matched-play battle and I used a few as-of-yet unpainted units, in the spirit of the narrative nature of this Tale of Gamers I wanted to give an overview of the battle in story form... (Forgive me, Santa, for any inaccuracies in events of the battle!)

The Battle of the Realmstone Rock

A Scout's Tale

It was a dark and rainy evening, though not a cloud could be seen. This was the first sign that something was not right when the scout from the Free City of Eksettor set out from the city gates. It was the start of First Harvest yet there was an unnatural chill in the air, and he knew he must set off to find answers before the answers came uninvited to the gates of his beloved city. 

Cresting the hill which lay to the west of one of the farming hamlets that populated the countryside surrounding the city, the scout's horse came to a sudden stop. Dismounting and putting his spy-glass to his eye he saw why. The whole hamlet was covered in frost, giving off a strange glow which made the buildings seem as though something from a dream. In the exact centre of the hamlet's deserted market square floated what the scout could only describe as a spherical rock, hovering no less than three feet from the ground.

The scout's horse was restless. He could smell something on the air. The scent of death. Suddenly the horse bolted - startled by movement coming from one of the four small burial sites near the floating rock. A hand, slowly but purposefully pushing up from beneath the dirt. Then another, and another and another. The scout almost started running after his horse, but his fascination at the events unfolding before his eyes compelled him to instead creep down the hill to take cover behind an overturned cart on the edge of the hamlet, and watch from afar. 

After a matter of moments a whole army stood before him. Each soldier a skeleton, and in the centre of them all was one wearing the robes and crown of royalty. From one of the buildings came an old man. A lone straggler from the hamlet? The scout put his spy-glass once more to his eye. No, this was no unlucky farmer - it was a powerful mage, who was able to control many of the lesser skeletal warriors. 

The scout knew it was now or never - he had to warn the Chiefs of Eksettor. As he began to scramble back up the hill, trying with all his will to stay out of sight, over the crest of the hill flew a mighty beast of bone - atop which sat one of the Lord of Death's own Mortarchs. Neither the skeletal beast nor its rider paid the scout any attention, fixated as they were on the hovering rock in the hamlet square.  

As the scout started again to scramble up the hill, he looked over his shoulder to see whether he was being pursued. He saw that from the far side of the hamlet approached another army - one of flesh and breath and life. Had Eksettor already heard and sent help? Wait - these were not soldiers of the Freeguild. They were Aelves of the Darkling Covens. Why were they here? Who did they fight for - Sigmar or for their own, dark schemes? 

It took mere seconds for the armies to rush towards each other, or more accurately rush towards the rock in the centre. It was obviously of great import to both forces. Ten deathly riders reached it first, the one leading them managing to manipulate the rock to follow aside it. Yet it didn't get far, for Darklings with cruel blades were upon the riders with fleetness of foot only Aelves can employ. 

To match the Mortarch, the Darklings had brought their own mighty beast of the air - a black dragon upon which sat a sorceress whose beauty was matched only by her mastery over the magical arts.  She kicked her heels into her otherworldly steed and drove it forward to meet battle. The skeletons had brought up most of their numbers to support the undead knights who were still in possession of the rock, and the sound of clashing metal, tearing flesh and crunching bones reverberated off the walls of the hamlet and the surrounding hills. 

The scout watched in horror as the two forces were locked in a struggle of will, might and magic. For every ten skeletons the Aelves knocked down or destroyed from afar with crossbow bolts, more rose up from the graves scattered about the hamlet. The Darklings sent their own riders down the flanks in an attempt to encircle the deathly forces and cut off any escape route the skeletal riders might take to speed the rock away. The scout had only just realised he was soaked through - the rain was still pouring down from the cloudless sky, hampering the attempts of the Darkling missiles and slowing down anything or anyone attempting to charge their enemy. He gathered his wits about him and made off again to the top of the hill. One last time he looked back over the battle.

The battle seemed to be going in the favour of the skeletal force as a single spell from the Mortarch wiped out a whole unit of Darklings. They grew in age at a rapid rate until they breathed their last and turned to dust. That was it - the scout had to get back to Eksettor before the Darklings were wiped out and nothing was left to stop the skeletons marching upon the City. But before he was able to reorient himself in the right direction, the tide of battle had turned. Though their numbers were more than halved and the rain persisted in hampering their ranged troops, the Darlings had managed to kill the necromancer and bring the skeletons out of range of the mystical graves which had allowed them to reanimate at enough speed to be of any use. As more and more skeletons were wiped out not to return, the Aelves were able to gain possession of the rock. With that, the Mortarch flew high into the air and away from the battle, knowing that the day was lost. 

It didn't take long for the Darklings to crush the few remaining skeletons and make their own way from the battlefield, now in possession of the mysterious rock. As quickly as battle was met, the hamlet was once again deserted. The scout sat on the damp ground and tried to piece together all that he had just seen. Who in Eksettor would even believe his story? He sighed. It would be a long walk back without his horse. With that, the rain stopped. He laid back on the ground and looked up at the sky, once again naturally light and clear. A muddy, boney hand shot up from the sodden ground next to his head - skeletal fingers clasping over his mouth and nose. 


A guardsman stood on duty on the walls of Eksettor, glad for the rain to have stopped and his view of the surrounding fields to return to how it should be. Looking out toward the little farmland hamlet he was born and raised in, he saw a horse wandering towards his gate. Atop it sat a lone figure. It was draped in sodden rags. Loosefitting, as though made for a bigger man. As though the man inside was... nothing but bones.



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Admiral (3rd Class) Wilf Dedengon and his fateful crew, nearly completion before they set sail on their first adventure in the skies above Kirtonia. In the background is his flagship the KV Insert Name Here....Wilf is still pondering the name.

His 1st Mate, Barnaby, thinks it should be called  something grand like 'KV Indefatigable', 'KV Victorious', or 'The Terror' however Wilf has something even scarier in mind, but is keeping it from the crew from the time being...



The crew have heard reports that Wilf hasn't had the best record in The Kharadron Fleet School but so far he hasn't led them into danger, to be fair he hasn't led them anywhere yet but that's not going to stop him now!


Wilf poses in his nearly finished Admiral's armour, while his crew pose for the aetherstermatic camera in their bright red tunics.

"Red" exclaims Cedrych the Skypike wielder "I like Red, is it your favourite colour as well Admiral?"

"Its so the blood doesn't show" replies Wilf cheerily.

Barnaby sometimes wishes Wilf would speak less pragmatically....

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Wilf is a dreamer, he often dreams of great things, like being raised on a pedestal above Barak Zilfin and cheered by an adoring crowd.

Other times however, he dreams he is being chased by the Monstrous Great Storm Cat, destroyer of ships, wrecker of men, chief culprit of missing paint brushes, in the dream Wilf wishes it would just take nap, so he could scurry away...

luckily for  Wilf, tonight is the pedestal dream...


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Morning all, 

So I mentioned previously having my April purchases as the Spoilpox and Feculant Gnarlmaw. I want to keep the purchases around £30 a month, just like the old Lure of the Gods series and hopefully to stop me going mad and buying all the plastic!

So below is my finished Spoilpox, yet unnamed. Really fun model to paint. I've also started the Gnarlmaw, which hopefully will be finished by the end of the month. 


All in all this lets me complete my 500pts, which also nicely fits in with the Path to Glory system too. Poxbringer, Spoilpox, 10 Plaguebeaer, 5 BlightKing. 


For May I think I'll aim to add some more plaguebearers, a unit of 20 would be far better, with the assorted hobby supplies I need I think that will take me up to my allocation for the Month. 

Will hopefully get some games in too so will try and report on those. 

Loving all the updates so far and looking forward to seeing some of the first encounters. 



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Guys I need some help with something.  I am just putting together abit of a story for my army and Ive hit a stumbling block due to a lack of detail and peoples opinions. 

Having looked through the DOK book it appears that all the aelves in morathi's faction come from souls that were devoured by slaanesh. 

Now someone else mentioned that it was only the first witchelves to come from these souls and the rest our born naturally. Anyone know the right answer so I can weave it into my story without the lore being wrong.

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Pads, the way I read it, and the way I am intending on treating my DOK, is that there were Daughters all the time, they just weren't that big or important.

When Morathi reappeared and claimed (more than) her portion of the souls freed from Slaanesh it was these souls who became the Scathborn (Melusai and Khinerai) as they are the only new units in the army.

When the Khainites started expanding due to successes it was breeding, rather than new rescued souls that drove the expansion of the Covens and the splitting into the different sects ruled by their own Hag Queen.

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                  Morathi's plan 

30 years ago... 

Morathi cackled over the lifeless body of Lynneta. The Slaughter queens still beating heart in her hand. Morathi tossed the heart into the cauldron behind her. How had Lynneta worked out that Khaine no longer existed? What made her think she could challenge the great Morathi? 

Morathi would never know the answers to those questions but she must be prepared for when other members of her faction find out the truth. Her Melusai and Khinerai would remain loyal to her but would they be enough if the rest of the Daughters turned on her. Morathi thought not and thus a plan formed in her mind. 

She would demand the first born daughters and sons of her people be brought the temple beneath Hagg Nar for sacrifice to Khaine (atleast thats what she told her people) .Morathi would take these baby's and using her own blood and shadow magic corrupt them into loyal followers . These would remain hidden until the time was right. She would train them in the art of combat herself. 

The process was not without problems , some became hideously deformed and un usable. Others went completely mad and killed themselves. All had the purple pinkish colouring of slaanesh, a by product of Morathai's tainted blood.... 

to be continued......


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So here's my hat in the ring.

The Corralus Crusade

Following a valorous charge through the Gate of Horns at the start of the Realmgate wars the vast Castienne Crusade splintered, separated after months of gruelling battles and endless primordial wastes of the realm of beasts. One of these splinters became led by Baron Corallus Luthain De Castienne after the fall and forging of his Lord Galasmane during the battle of Titan's Sands. Having attempted to create a new Bastion in the realm of beasts and failing Corralus has decided to lead his loyal followers to carve out new territories.

Corralus is now an old man, and despite his surprising longevity is not as spritely as he once was. Having found horses to be "utterly and entirely redundant" in the face of the voracious flora and fauna of the realm of beasts Corralus now takes to battle from the comfort of his 'war court' mounted on the back of a stegadon, complete with all the luxuries a distinguished and elderly knight such as himself deserves, such as a chef, driver, study, comfortable seat and privy. From his  perch he can oversee the formation of his new crusade while sipping vintage wine and sampling the new delicacies of the realms. He aims to reunite the scattered descendants of the Castienne line and prosecute his foes with a level of impunity only possible when mounted on the back of 50 tonnes of rampaging warbeast!

So I'm staring this mini-campaign with the last (and so unfinished) model of a campaign I played in when AoS first came out, updated. and finished for the new age. The plan is to make a Brettonian crusade that has adapted to life in the realms by any means necessary, hence Corralus on his stegadon, mainly battered looking questing knights and eventually a watchtower on a leviadon! Rules wise I'll be using a mix of order warscrolls to represent the rag-tag nature of the crusade. 

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And here is Corralus. He still needs a bit more work and I'm redoing all his heraldry for this, partly to theme it for this, partly because the heraldry was dark green and blue and so blended completely into a dark and boring mess!





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