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Adepticon 2018 Top Lists & Results

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For anyone that cares here was my list:

Allegiance: Nurgle 

Glotkin - General, blades of putrefaction

Gutrot Spume

Chaos sorcerer lord, magnificent buboes            Artefact: carrion dirge

plague preist with plague censer

10 blightkings

5 blightkings

5 blightkings

28 marauders

14 chaos warriors

plaguetouched warband

I was 3-0 with three major victories day one. But fell flat on day two with 2 minor loses. Was #4 at the end of day 1. Ended up #30.

Mike Scaletti and I played on the twitch stream game 4. It was one of the funnest games of warhammer I have ver had in 18 years of gaming. 



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On 3/27/2018 at 7:46 PM, LLV said:

I saw the stream, you did well to claw back!

How did you like the list? is there anything you'd change? Was Glotkin as squishy as he seems?

I clawed back to a minor loss based on kill points. He killed glotkin and that's 1/5th of the army. Neither of us burned objectives or had a realistic shot to.  When glotkin died, I simply couldnt kill enough to close that kill point gap. 


Glotkin is really good. Especially after he was dropped in points to 420 from 500.  He is REALLY GOOD in combat (as a damage dealer) but he isnt GREAT. But he is REALLY GOOD as a caster and support buffer. You cant toss him into the fray with reckless abandon and expect him to stomp face like other 400-500 point models. You need poise and purpose with him. You charge him in when things are debuffed or weakened as a final blow. In the game on the stream I did that.. Took out half the bloodcrushers and weakened his JuggerLord, but when I charged in whiffed on 4/6 attacks with the tentacle and he had some good saving rolls for the remaining 6 attacks from the maw and Otto. The JuggerLord was subpar that combat as well so I thought I had a chance next round..but he whiffed again! The JuggerLord on the other hand didnt and took him down. But such is life in a dice game! Glotty was the MVP for me in every game I won. This game the dice bit me (not an excuse just really a fact) and in the last game I lost I was still bummed about this game, charged him into 30 vulkites and 30 aurics which was a Gob Bluth moment. (Ive made a huge mistake). 



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