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Who can be corrupted by Chaos?


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As the Bloodbound hordes were once mortal men and women of different origins, chaotic or not, and are being corrupted and warped by chaos, who else can, or could be, taken under the influence of the chaos gods?

are the Stormcast susceptible? Vampire lords? 


Does anyone run such “corrupted” units?

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I get the feeling that chaos corrupted stormcast may be an inevitability (a AoS Horus Heresy seems like something gw would do to get more interest but I don't follow too much of SC design so feel free to shoot me down with stardrake fire). I think stormcast models though would make cool slaanesh chaos warriors.


As for undead, its really hard especially with Nagash running around but it can be done if there's enough power, back in The End Times Krell went back to being chaos (he was a chaos warrior, then turned into an undead wight, then chaos forced him back to chaos) and there seemed to be a massive hint or speculation that Settra was being converted into chaos.


EDIT ahh wait I read the wiki and Krell never went back to chaos. I'm misremembering my warhammer facts.

2nd EDIT Now I remember, it was Isabella who turned to chaos, which made Vlad very mad at chaos.

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I can see a Sigmar “Horus Heresey” happening as well. There is a lot of symmetry between Sigmar and the Emperor, how they have saved and rebuilt civilisations etc. 

Good to hear about the vampire, I’m very new to AoS so not up to speed on the fluff from fantasy/Sigmar. 

The Lord Relictor model just looks awesome, and I’m really tempted to make him all dark and put him in as a Slave to Darkness. Would love some Death units too, and some aelves 

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On 3/15/2018 at 3:36 PM, Rockythedog1 said:

I can see a Sigmar “Horus Heresey” happening as well. There is a lot of symmetry between Sigmar and the Emperor, how they have saved and rebuilt civilisations etc. 

Good to hear about the vampire, I’m very new to AoS so not up to speed on the fluff from fantasy/Sigmar. 

The Lord Relictor model just looks awesome, and I’m really tempted to make him all dark and put him in as a Slave to Darkness. Would love some Death units too, and some aelves 

Feel free to model what you like.... I've used witch elves in the past as a "counts as" unit of demonettes. Goes back to the slaanesh worshiping cults in the old days. As long as your opponent knows what your doing, it should be alright. In our local store, the Mgr is currently building an all elf undead army. Very cool in concept and design....


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AN undead elf army sounds awesome. And that’s exactly where my thinking is headed. Elves pledged to Khorne. Sylvaneth given over to taking skulls.

in theory, all units could be susceptible to the sway of chaos in some way or another. In the same way that any unit could be an undead unit, they died and were resurrected. 

I’d love to see rules where we can take a unit or two from a different alliance and field them. And for the death alliance too. 

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I doubt there's going to be a 'Stormcast Heresy' for all of the Emperor overtones. Blades of Khorne already look enough like Chaos Space Marines and they can always rejig the old Chaos Warrior line into Everchosen Realm Conkyuras if they need to double down on that.

Considering Nagash's obsession with GIVE ME BACK MY SOULS REEEEEEEEE and him going out of his way to claim and experiment on the Stormcast, it seems more likely we'd see a Death version of them. God knows, they could do with the popularity bump it would bring.

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15 hours ago, Rockythedog1 said:

AN undead elf army sounds awesome. And that’s exactly where my thinking is headed. Elves pledged to Khorne. Sylvaneth given over to taking skulls.

in theory, all units could be susceptible to the sway of chaos in some way or another. In the same way that any unit could be an undead unit, they died and were resurrected. 

I’d love to see rules where we can take a unit or two from a different alliance and field them. And for the death alliance too. 

Well you HAVE those rules....in Open Play.....you can field whatever you like and theme it appropriately.  Wouldn`t be a problem to take some Aelf Bowmen and give them skulls instead of the regular heads. The hands can be painted as gloves, so that won`t disturb lookwise. Conversionwise there is a lot possible, but then again, the older models are a bit more usable for that. Most newer models have one stiff pose, with a couple of weapon variations. Sigh....that`s the one thing I really miss about the "old days"....even though the models didn`t look that well, you can simply convert them better and give them a more unique look...

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