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Smoke and Cloud Effects


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I'm trying to find a good way to make clouds or steam/smoke.  I've seen people use cotton and such but mine always look like models with cotton stuck to them.  Does anyone have any alternatives they use to make good looking clouds, fog or smoke?  I actually looked into getting of those little vaporizers for e-cigarettes and mounting it under my ironclad but it seemed like a lot more work with a high chance of failure.

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14 hours ago, Vextol said:

I actually looked into getting of those little vaporizers for e-cigarettes and mounting it under my ironclad but it seemed like a lot more work with a high chance of failure

Think you're sensible to avoid this unless you've a background in engineering/electronics.  ecig's are designed for "burst" usage and under constant load they have a habit of overheating/exploding :D

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I've always been pleased enough with how cotton wool works, it's easy enough to shape and light enough to actually stick to the form I want. It's also fairly easy to take off if it doesn't look good. I guess the secret there is not using too much wool, and stretching it a bit thinner, to avoid the obvious "blob of wool" look. Well, at least to my eyes the wool can look good, some ppl might think that it jumps out too much because of the bright white color and fluffy texture.


Not the best picture for an example because the background is so light, but here's a few of my acolytes I gave smoke effects with wool. I have more similar effects among my skaven, but I haven't had the time to take pictures of them yet.

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