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Wardens of the Dusklight

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Wardens of the Dusklight:
a Stormcast Eternal painting/modelling log

Boring backstory
I've been playing Warhammer for about 4 years. Needed motivation to do something artistic. I started with Vampire Counts (my one true love).
Well, I should admit I started with a very large force of 40k Necrons (that will now sit in a box in my closet forever).
I was heavily into 8th ed. Eventually I branched out to Wood Elves for an alternate play style, and then to Skaven. 
Really enjoyed Undead and Skaven during the End Times, and picked up some Tomb Kings. 

I prefer to make really detailed unique models. The painting mostly gives me anxiety that I'm going to ruin all my hard conversion work and make the model look like ******. It's been a long road, bur finally I have confidence in my painting, and am really starting to dread building/converting -  I just want to get to the painting.

In the anticipation for '9th edition' and the non stop rumors of round bases, I started a Nurgle/Slaanesh Deamon army. Some really cool stuff, but most of which still remains unpainted. When the bomb that is AoS dropped, I jumped on the bandwagon and picked up the Stormcast half of the new box for cheap.  

Early Prototypes
A lot of failed ideas. Verdigris wasn't looking quite right. Started feeling an Egyptian theme, though gold just seemed too boring.

Decided to go with a silver theme, but found the entire range of GW silvers way too dull.
Here I pushed mixing with white to the limit to get a bright look.
Eventually I got Vallejo Silver which was much more what I was looking for.

I'm big into customizing and kit-bashing .. Stormcast are heavily static and don't leave much in the way of customization.
This Castellant was customized the best I could, more of an in-your-face lantern look.
Decided to commit to heavily rocky cork bases.

Started a theme with red highlights on the weapons. The silver and the red look really nice together.

Played one game with my WIP Stormcast, used Wood Elves to fill out my ranks. (Sorry took really crappy pics this day).

Lost all my Mojo. :(
Frustrated by the super detailed modeling of Stormcast, really hard to paint. So much to look at.  GW cheats and just makes everything gold. Metallics are so bland compared to painting with colors. Stormcast are all just metal on metal with details on details. Losing faith in my ability to paint. Can barely even find any pics of Stormcast I like, wondering if its a lost cause. 

Switched gears to Seraphon. Painted a Slann and a Skink Priest that reaffirmed my love for painting with color over metals

Converted my Celestant to a vampire

Long time passed, got into the new Flesh Eaters. I'll make a separate blog for that.
Got the Silver Tower. Knight-Questor is a beast, and a really popular choice. Figured I better paint him up..


I finally feel like I hit on a theme that works. Got the new Silver paint just in time and It looks awesome. Toned down the gold, toned up the silver. Applied a basic scroll color that looks great in contrast to the metals, really got the black looking right. Finally feeling it.

Dragged all my Stormcast out of the closet to see if I could keep it going

Still doing some work on them but I'm really enjoying painting them.

Got back into neglected assembly/some conversion work.

Played a game with the Stormcast. Kicked some Empire butt.

Gryph-Hound with a Snow Leopard theme

Liberators #1: The Dawnshields

Liberators #2: The Black Hammers of Sigmaron

Dracoth Project

More heros

Maybe the hardest model I've ever painted. And still not done....

Filling the ranks.

Thats it for now. Despite the rigid poses and the fact that 2/3 AoS players are plays Stormcast, I find myself more into them than even my Flesh Eaters (which are coming out really well and are a lot of fun to play).  I promised myself  I would finish painting all my current stormcast before I get a stardrake, we will see what happens....

More to come. Let me know what you think!



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Really liking the mix of colours, made me think of the Grey Knights which I've always had a soft spot for. I’ve been in a similar boat wanted to do something different but for someone like me who hasn’t painted properly is while to do more than the standard gold with a few highlights can be hard going. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing more.

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 I really like that scheme and I think you've painted them well, I just think there is something missing. I feel like the bases are too similar in colour to the main models. The bases themselves are good, but they just blend too much into the model. Personally I would I would go for a more sandstone colour, but you could also try discolouring the rock with some inks or adding lots of foliage. A small change could really make a big difference :)


 The glow effects could do with some work with glazes and some white in the centre of the glow to give a better effect. But, to be honest that is nit picking as your scheme is very close to what I would choose if I went Stormcast.

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