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Sylvaneth - First Thoughts


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11 hours ago, daedalus81 said:


I don't have the book yet so i'm not keen on battalions or the other new tidbits.

But honestly all the sylvaneth units are really good.  Hunters, dryads, and treemen are very durable.  Tree revenants put out great damage. Spite revenants are a little tougher to place against harder opponents, but can shine against lightly armored hordes.  There are battalions that make each part of the army shine so whatever you chose will work.  It just comes down to your playstyle - you'll have to sit down and think about whether you want a traditional army that doesn't bounce around a lot or one that makes judicious use of teleporting.  

I've mostly been assembling and painting so far but I was thinking of going more teleporting. I'll have to look into the battalions. Any units in particular really good for a teleporting army?

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All of them can navigate if you're pure.  Treemen are an obvious choice to avoid tangling.  There is a trait that gives +2 to avoid tangling and possibly allow a move and charge after teleport.  Some casters would be useful to get the summon and move spell for woods and the acorn of ages for another wood - once your opponent figures it out he'll be rushing to block forests so make sure you have varied options.

Tree revenants are the best unit overall since they can teleport to a wood without being near one.  Quite handy. 

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36 minutes ago, Thor0298 said:

I've mostly been assembling and painting so far but I was thinking of going more teleporting. I'll have to look into the battalions. Any units in particular really good for a teleporting army?

In a pure Sylvaneth army all units can teleport between Wyldwoods (this is rolled for - 1 do nothing, 2 - 5 no more movement, 6 can move again). Tree revenants can teleport from anywhere to Wyldwoods or the table edge (this is not rolled for). If you want lots of teleporting without too much investment then tree revenants are the best in faction.

If you want lots of teleporting you will need to get plenty of Wyldwoods onto the table and in the right spots so that your other units can do their thing.

You get one Wyldwood as part of your Allegiance then you have a few ways to get more. Each Treeman Ancient creates a Wyldwood on a 4+ roll in your hero phase. You can choose a spell from the Deepwood Lore that allows you to place another Wyldwood. Additionally there is an artefact that is a one use item and allows you to put down one Wyldwood. So, if you are going a teleporting build you will need some mixture of these (Ancient is a little bit of a no-brainer as they have the only command ability outside of Alarielle so you are likely to field at least one of them). You probably will also want tree singing as it will move the Wyldwoods around and enable some sneaky moves.

In terms of battalions, the Forest Folk battalion is a Branchwraith + 3 Dryad units, and once per game you can remove any number of models and redploy them to the battlefield. The Harvestboon Wargrove (iirc) gives you plus one to your charge roll but you have to field a Forest Spirit Battalion with 2 Branchwraiths. Still this makes your teleport very potent, as you have a good chance of teleporting, and getting the charge off. 

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I have heard many people say that using the Kurnoth Hunters you'd be able to give your whole army Inspiring Presence - I wanted to clarify that it wouldn't be your whole army at once. It wouldn't even be all your Kurnoth Hunters as once. The ability only lets them count as "in range" but Inspiring Presence is still limited to one unit on the battlefield. You'd be able to give it to a single unit of Kurnoth Hunters outside of the 12" range, or to another unit within 8" of the Kurnoth Hunters, not all Kurnoth Hunters and all units within 8" at once.

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11 hours ago, Thor0298 said:

How does the ancient create wyldwood in the hero phase? I don't see it on the scroll

Just had a look at the GW website and it actually has the old warscroll. If you have a copy of the book it has actually been updated.


  • A Treelord Ancient now has the Hero keyword.
  • They have a command ability
  • They have a new ability that allows you to roll a dice in your hero phase, on a 4+ you place a Wyldwood within 18" (distance may be wrong)

Hope that helps

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1 hour ago, mhsellwood said:

Just had a look at the GW website and it actually has the old warscroll. If you have a copy of the book it has actually been updated.


  • A Treelord Ancient now has the Hero keyword.
  • They have a command ability
  • They have a new ability that allows you to roll a dice in your hero phase, on a 4+ you place a Wyldwood within 18" (distance may be wrong)

Hope that helps

oh cool I didn't know it updated

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Its within 15".

But otherwise you are correct.

Im flipping through the book now, and trying to figure out what I would like to build. Teleporting seems like a fun tactic, but will require that I invest in a lot of GW forests. 

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I have read about the different groups/clans.  I think the Gnarlroot has cool lore and I like spell caster druidic archetypes.  The only thing is I can not find a reference for their color scheme.  Can someone please describe it to me if you have the book already or perhaps show off some screenies of them?  Please and thank you very much.

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