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How has your list changed?

Thanatos Ares

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So after my gaming group went through a lot of emotions reading thru the new ghb. The dust seems to have settled and list writing has begin anew which brings me to my question:


Has your list changed? Has it only been tweaked or complete re-write?


My list hasn't drastically changed that much and it still looks like it should do! (Stickler for themes an all that [emoji51])


So folks, looking forwards or pining for what once was?



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funnily enough - my mixed death stayed exactly the same, necromancer and massive unit skeleton savings exactly offset the increase to the lehion of death battalion!

My moonclan has had a bit of reworking, pricier grots and heroes but the ability to take squig units as battleline means it's quite a nice rounded list now, not relying on msu grots to fill battleline.

All in all I've enjoyed having to rethink and am trying to weigh up what army to focus in next!

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My list was:

-General, Ruler of the Night

VLon Nightmare

-Cloak of Mists and Shadows


3x 5 Skeleton Horsemen


But now it is:

-Death Incarnate
-Cursed Book


3x 5 Dire Wolves
5 Black Knights

2x Terrorgheists

It took a few write throughs to get there but I'm happy and actually back in zone with list writing again after my initial disappointment

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My VCs collection has always been pretty diverse, so I never really had a go to list (never really found anything that worked for me in AoS anyways). The next list I will probably try is:

Allegiance: Death

Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
- General
- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
- Trait: Death Incarnate
- Artefact: Tomb Blade
Vampire Lord (140)
Necromancer (110)
Varghulf Courtier (160)
Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)

40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)

5 x Dire Wolves (60)
5 x Dire Wolves (60)

5 x Blood Knights (260)
6 x Crypt Flayers (320)

Total: 1990/2000
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Was thinking:

Nagash (general) 



Zombies x40

Zombies x10

Zombies x10

Corpse cart

Total: 1960

The app's telling me it's invalid though... Am I missing something? Don't have GHB2 yet so not sure if requirements in this edition. 

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2 hours ago, discoking said:

Mine was:


Covern Throne

3x5 Bloodknights

6 Vargiests


Balewind Vortex

New list:


Covern Throne

Vampire Lord on Nightmare

3x5 Bloodknights

6 Vargiests

1940pts so should get triumph roll most of time


If you want something to plug those points, a Wraith or a units of Dire Wolves as allies are options.

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Old list:


3 x 5 blood knights


Vampire lord on horse

Summon the Mourngul.


New list:


3 x 5 blood knights

Arkhan the Black (allied)

Summon the Mourngul.


I'll also be looking at other options instead of the mourngul now that he has been nerfed.  Using Neferata instead of Arkhan seems very appropriate, summoning morghasts and including a coven throne or vampire lord on horse would still be right in the wheel house. 

I'm not sure how I'll deal with hordes.  It's a real problem.  But I still like the elite army, and 2 sources of -2 rend with everything healing each turn is quite strong.

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Short answer: lots.

My main tournament list was anchored by both a Vanguard Wing and a Hammerstrike Force and was running very tight on points to begin with.  With the increase to batallions, I'm back to the drawing board entirely,  as the list' s support elements were very finely tuned and I can't see the overall effectiveness working if I removed any of those pieces. 

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25 minutes ago, Criti said:

Short answer: lots.

My main tournament list was anchored by both a Vanguard Wing and a Hammerstrike Force and was running very tight on points to begin with.  With the increase to batallions, I'm back to the drawing board entirely,  as the list' s support elements were very finely tuned and I can't see the overall effectiveness working if I removed any of those pieces. 

Changing so much your switching to Undead :) .

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Irritatingly yes, although perhaps its for the best. Previous list was mixed Destruction, with all the Orruk factions represented and some Fimir warriors for fun. It looked like:

Orruk Warboss on Wyvern

20 arrer boys (not savage)

Orruk chariot

10 Boar Boys

2 x 10 Savage Orruks

Savage Warboss


Brutal Rukk

Ironfist with one of each


3 x Fimir Warriors

Think that was all.

Now: Ironjawz main

Maw Krusha

Iron fist with 2 x Ard Boys, 1 x Brutes (might swap these over) and 1 Pigs

Warchanter x 2 probably


Greenskinz Allies:

20 arrer boyz (I spent some time converting these, not giving up)

10 Boar Boyz.


Savage allies

20 x Savage Orruks

Wurggog Prophet or Boar boyz

So yeah a bit of a change I guess.

On the Chaos side of the house though, my Slaves to Darkness will be getting some daemonic aid, which should be fun, although I am a little annoyed that Thunderscorn don't ally with Slaves any more, well not as one of the named allies.

Slaves to Darkness:

Godsworn Champions of Ruin

Sorc Lord on Manticore

Lord on Daemonic Mount

Sorc Lord on foot (more magic...)

2 x Chariots

10 Knights

30 warriors

Host of Slaanesh

Keeper of Secrets

10 x Daemonettes.

No idea how this will go. Do feel mixed Destruction got hit pretty hard on the generic allegiance ability now only on a 6 when within 6" of a hero. That isn't going to happen very often and will (potentially) lead to units being isolated and easy pickings. Oh well, see how it all goes. Its only day 3 after all. 

Any thoughts or suggestions for improvements in synergies are more than welcome.

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