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aggressive gunline


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Heya all,

Not sure if this makes any sense, but I am trying to find an army to start, and need some help.

I play 40k space marines.

I think the best way I can describe the army I would like is aggressive gunline.

An army that charges at the enemy, and have ranged support. Bonus if there are cool monsters, and the army is non-horde.

What faction can play like this?

Thanks ?

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The factions with the best guns (actual guns, not bows) have no monsters - Empire, Dwarfs. Maybe Chaos Dwarfs fits the bill? 

Otherwise you'll probably need an army with bows, bow artillery, and monsters, e.g. Dark Elfs, High Elfs, Goblins. 

Dark Elfs seem coolest, they have raptor cavalry, awesome-looking infantry, a load of crossbow and crossbow artillery, plus hydra dragon monster things. 

(No idea what all the Sigmar sub-factions are called nowadays). 

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I probably don't have enough experience to give that good advice but what about beastclaw raiders? I just started building an army for them and you can have your beastriders with ranged (harpoon, blood vulture) and mournfang cavalry as battle line.

I'm still building but they seem all about charging, a bit of ranged and beasts!

Edit: plus they're not horde, you can field an army with few units. I picked up the icewind assault but changed my mind and swapped for two start collecting boxes plus an additional beast rider. £1 more but a lot less fine cast... built in a certain way it gives you a bang on 2k army. 

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Thanks for the suggestions.

But so far dark elves looks the most interesting.

Overlords looks okay, but something is off about them, not sure what it is.

Beastclaw might be a little to elite, and people seems to think that they are op.

And for stormcast, my friends plays them.


But what about something like beastmen? .. or a mixed destruction force?

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The way I decided what to invest in was to play Total War: Warhammer PC game. That way you can play loads of armies and see their play-style before committing a shi7load of cash and time on model painting. The playstyle is pretty similar on the table-top mostly, as it relates to the common theme of the factions in the lore etc, just with different game mechanics. 

There is a new game expansion out in September that adds Skaven, Dark ELfs, High Elfs, Lizardmen to the game, which already includes Empire, Vampire Counts, Beastmen, Wood Elfs, Bretonnia, Orcs, Goblins, Dwarfs, Norsca, Chaos. 

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Mixed destruction certainly has the potential to do what you want, but I fear will be too hordey for your likes. Savages or grots both have high model counts. Alliance rules are coming which could give you some freedom.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

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I have completed total war Warhammer with both beastmen and warriors of chaos, and trying to play as savage orcs now ? .. 

And yes, I know these don't really have any good ranged.. but beastmen ambush play style was fun, and who doesn't want to play as archaon ?

So guess I am looking for a army, that can do more then just run forward and smash, like ironjawz.



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2 minutes ago, Nasnad said:

I have completed total war Warhammer with both beastmen and warriors of chaos, and trying to play as savage orcs now ? .. 

And yes, I know these don't really have any good ranged.. but beastmen ambush play style was fun, and who doesn't want to play as archaon ?

So guess I am looking for a army, that can do more then just run forward and smash, like ironjawz.



Totally agree, that sounds boring. That's why I like goblins as they have all sorts of sneaky tactics. I really loved the Skarsnik campaign (wrote a long guide for it on Reddit). With a grand Destruction alliance you can include all sorts of fun units like squigs, spiders, trolls, doom-divers, shamen. With destruction armies, not many have an allegiance-specific abilities anyway, so may as well go grand-alliance. 

Skaven also have a good mix of ranged flame-throwers, poison-bombs, lightning cannons, etc, as well as fun infantry and monsters. (If you've played Vermintide on PC you'll know them already!) 


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OP, what you described is 100% Stormcast. Highly competent melee units? Check. Highly effective ranged units? Check. Non-horde? Check. Cool monsters? sorta but that's subjective. 

No other army fits your description as well, other than Beastclaw perhaps. 

Or you could do Kurnoth Hunter spam (Sylvaneth) but I'd wait till GHB2 before investing in them, as they'll almost certainly be nerfed. 

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What about tzeentch? Havent played  them  butmobile shooting? Check and if you widen that criteria and Just want ranged support their magic phase certainly counts. 

Elite? Check if you focus on the rights models. Don't forget adding slaves to darkness  doesn't break your factionbonusses. So you have acces to 10 Chaos Warriors for 180pt battleline, 5 Chaos knights 200pt etc. (but check this with someone who plays them) 

personally I love their look. The daemons are big monsters also the mulitath beast is tzeentch. Added bonus for a new faction book which lets you mess with dice rolls and extra magic options. 

Also fluff and visually a good counter part to your buddies stormcast 

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3 hours ago, TheJagerBear said:

I probably don't have enough experience to give that good advice but what about beastclaw raiders? I just started building an army for them and you can have your beastriders with ranged (harpoon, blood vulture) and mournfang cavalry as battle line.

The chaintraps and harpoon launchers and junk on the mounted ogors, and the pistols on mournfang are mostly for decoration, typically having only 1 shot each at a 79% chance to miss vs 4+ saves.

Now of course you could run three thundertusks with their ice cannons but that's more of a spoiler protect the queen list, and I get the feeling you're looking for a more balanced approach.

I'll echo the stormcast advice. Strong melee and ranged, versatile, deepstriking, mounted on dragons, look cool, etc. If you think they're too similar looking to your space marines, everyone's suggestions are good so I'll just add Kurnoth Hunter centric Sylvaneth. 

Edit: didn't see Tidings also sug. sylv - good adive :D

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So many good suggestions! 

Think i am somewhere between mixed dark elves, and mixed greenskin force.

For tzeentch, i like the look of them, but my other friend might start them, to expand on his khorne daemons, and silver tower stuff.

Sylvaneth is also pretty cool, but the need for so many wildwoods is turning me away from them. We have a lot of custom made terrain, so they will look out of place.


And might take a closer look at stormcast, if the friend decides he want to focus on another army. 



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Personally played dark elves about 5-10 during last year. And they can do what you are looking for, as long as you don't mind dipping into compendium units. Reaper bolt throwers are well worth their money, 30 spearmen in cover or with mystical shield can hold most objective for a couple of turns, and 10 executioners can absolutely wreck face. (Quite expensive points wise and also the oop models are very expensive but look so much better :D

And with a bit of luck we will get some nice faction rules. 

ps. witch elves are very synergetic. look a bit through the rules and you'll quickly see that a 30 women unit with a couldron of blood and a death hag can get crazy! 


But you will have no certainty for the future of the range as their has been no confirmations on the rumoured new range. 

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15 minutes ago, Kramer said:

Personally played dark elves about 5-10 during last year. And they can do what you are looking for, as long as you don't mind dipping into compendium units. Reaper bolt throwers are well worth their money, 30 spearmen in cover or with mystical shield can hold most objective for a couple of turns, and 10 executioners can absolutely wreck face. (Quite expensive points wise and also the oop models are very expensive but look so much better :D

And with a bit of luck we will get some nice faction rules. 

ps. witch elves are very synergetic. look a bit through the rules and you'll quickly see that a 30 women unit with a couldron of blood and a death hag can get crazy! 


But you will have no certainty for the future of the range as their has been no confirmations on the rumoured new range. 

Hope you get your own faction focus. Dark Elfs are my favourite army that aren't goblins. Definitely top of my 'next' list if they get a proper update. 

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12 hours ago, Sheriff said:

Hope you get your own faction focus. Dark Elfs are my favourite army that aren't goblins. Definitely top of my 'next' list if they get a proper update. 

Agreed, models and fluff are great but the rules need an update (but to be fair, that can be said about every other faction that's left over from the End Times)

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The next update will properly not include any of the existing dark elves miniatures, if the shadow kin rumors are true.

 Doubt that any will fit the aesthetic.

And darkling covens will get alligence abilities in ghb17.

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