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chaos alliance possibilities


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so, we know this is coming and some obvious ones are there, 

Nurgle rotbringers go with clan pestilens, daemons of nurgle, ( probably chaos daemons, chaos monsters,  etc )

khorne with daemons, monsters etc etc 


so, my initial thoughts were great! blightkings battleline with Epidemus and a catapult in the army. non LoS buffs and ranged attacks, and with the recent change to units meaning larger units the catapult will really improve in viability, maybe even the jabberslythe for fun.

anyone got any plans ?


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6 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Where are you getting this information from?

It's been showed on the community website for death, what possible alliances are.


Logically speaking it's safe to assume all nurgle things can be allied, slaves to darkness and monsters of chaos, probably beastmen also. 

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