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From the Fen (a Fimir Blog)


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@Kronos Thanks! Originally I just painted the face green, but inspired by some orcs I've seen I opted for some flash shade.

Quick Update!

Between grad papers I found some time to build a few fimir.  Because I heavily converted two of my previous fimir I built a couple rather stock.




But I couldn't help myself and performed a slight conversion on the third. (bloodbowl ork hands are pretty useful, I just need some open right hands)




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If you could get an old Fenbeast as a counts-as something-or-other, that would be fluffy.

As for currently available Destruction models, the Dreadmaw and, especially, Merwyrm seem a pretty good fit for a "mists and swamps" army.

Plus, if you have deep pockets, there is an auction at the moment for a Meargh:


I am pretty sure the auction will not end at $14.99 ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

While the fimir are a shunned race, pariah in the mortal realms, it would be wrong to say they are entirely without companions. Amidst the mists of the Folachin Fen of Ghur, the fimir live alongside a race of beings known as mirelings. The origins of the mirelings are as shrouded as the cloying fog of their home. Some wonder if they are the decedents of men or aelves, who seeking refuge in the fen during the age of chaos. Others imagine that such a foul breed could not have come from either man or aelf, instead a creation of chaos or the malformed experiments of some god. Regardless of their heritage, they have come to enjoy a symbiotic relationship with the fimir. Living on the outskirts of fimir land, they diligently harvest fish and crustaceans for their neighbors, and upon hearing the blaring of hunting horns they surge forth to join in battle. In return for their labors they receive protection and the occasional baleglyph trinket. When speaking with their cyclopean betters, the mirelings often close one eye as a sign of respect.


Alright with that bit of fluff out of the way, the mirelings are something I've been thinking about for a while. The idea was born out the necessity for a battle line for this army, and until a balefiend is released it can't be fimir. I was orginaly going to give making a bunch of shearl, I have even sculpted a head that I'll probably post eventually. But the idea of building at least twenty was somewhat daunting, and then I remember the fantastic Hobbit goblin miniatures! They look suitably grubby and misshapen to live in the swamp with my fimir.


Rule wise I'll likely use them as moonclan grots with hand weapons. I currently have 18, but have another 36 in the mail. 


@Kyriakin I was thinking about making some big mud construct in the same vein as the fenbeast and using it as a rouge idol.  And I think it's only a matter of time before a forgeworld monster joins the army, maybe a basilisk?

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@Mordeus A lot of the LOTR/Hobbit stuff is thiner and less heroic than AOS, but I think these goblins work pretty well. I think it's mostly because they're not humans and they don't have too many components which would clash with my fimir, ie their weapons are small but they look suitable. 

@Kronos Yeah I really like them, I think if I hadn't used them for this they'd have ended up in a chaos army.

Here's a compassion picture. Sorry for the blur, it was a quick shot. I should really invest in one of those picture tent thingamajigs 


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Might be worth looking at adding some more AoS weapons / shields such as Moonclan ones, or perhaps even some of the more battered looking Skeletons ones?

I remember from an old White Dwarf experimental army list for Gnoblars mentioning big-feeling subspecies like Boglars and Toad-Gnoblars. Just an idea for you.

Gotta love those Hobbit Goblins though!

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  • 2 months later...

@AthlorianStoners Happy to hear it man!

Update time!

I was hoping that Warhammer Fest would provide some new fimir models, at least those wips we say a few years ago, sadly not. I'll be crossing my fingers for the Forge World Open Day, if anyone here goes please let them know a man in Rhode Island would kill for some fimir love.

I had an idea for a new Dirach/Balefiend. Orignally I planned to build upon a standard Fimir body, but I decided to try sculpting it from scratch. The head, hands, and bits and bobs are all GW parts and I made the rest. Unfortunately it's proving hard to photography so hopefully my assortment of pictures conveys it well. 

I've been thinking of some fluff for him, if there's interest maybe I'll type something up. 

Thanks and any comments are greatly appreciated!







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