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Chaos Treachery in the Realm of Life



This weekend @Sunchaser and I met up with our new gaming buddy Dave at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix AZ. There were three of us and we wanted to get in a game so we played a multiplayer mission from the new General's Handbook. I have to say, it was the finest 3+ player experience I have ever had. The mission was really well thought out and super fun to play. @Sunchaserbrought his Sylvaneth and Dave brought his filthy Skaven horde. The battle was on for control of the battlefield and while the first turn was marked by a truce between the forces of Chaos, we knew in our pitch-black hearts that there could be but one winner. 

While I would like to be posting pictures of fully painted models, both @Sunchaser and I are new to the AoS hobby and, (fun fact!) the Arizona heat prevents you from priming models because it is so hot outside that the paint literally dries in midair and will undercoat your models with this rough texture that looks kind of ****** when you paint over it. We're going to have to wait until morning temperatures get down into the 80's which probably won't be until October.

Here are some pics from our battle. The Sylvaneth look so good on the board, those models are beautiful beyond words and if you've only seen pictures of them, the pics just don't do them justice. Some of the best models I've ever seen.





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Get an airbrush and a booth and prime indoors.  I have the opposite problem in Oregon where it is to cold or humid to prime.  Made an airbrush setup in my garage and have never been happier.

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@Tk-421 Ah man, I'm living that apartment life! I don't know if I could get away with an airbrush in the house. My girlfriend might have strenuous objections. She is as protective of the two dogs as I am of my models and RPG books! What does it cost to get into an airbrush if you want to do a good job but you don't want to break the bank? A couple of my homies are getting into the airbrush scene and they have each put in like $500! Not to mention you then have to learn an entirely new painting style! What are your thoughts?

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I am in Poland so I have no idea about US prices, but you need to remember that buying airbrush is not the only cost. You need to buy airbrush cleaner, booth, some thing to clean (an ultrasonic device is perfect) also paints and thiner. I know paints do not cost much but this stuff add's up. Do not get me wrong I have an air brush and love it just i took me a while and lots of money to finaly be able to paint. Also you need an air supply, and if you buy it look at the models with air tank or long hose.

And one more thing if you buy it first thing make a video of how to take it to pices, not for the world but for you to be able to do it, I took mine and then spent two night figuring out how to do it :D

It is easy if you know how, hard if you don't. But I do love air brush it not only helps but also is fun to learn and paint, And I would think that wood elves are perfect for air brush.

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@Durant Yeah the associated costs are defs keeping me out of airbrushing. Plus, I started painting GW models in the late 90's, and after you take out  the years where I was "out of the game" for one reason or another, I have something like 15 years of painting experience in the 'Eavy Metal style. I just don't know if I'm ready to jump ship on all of that just yet.

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I forgot to mention, I live in a flat with two dogs, 4 rats, and we are expecting a child, I find no problem with airbrushing in the flat. Just use a room with closed door and good wentialtion, open a window and voila. Also you can use the kitchen but keep the dogs out, if they do not inhale the paint directly it will do them the same harm like you painting with the brush. The paint from air brush dryes in air fast.


To the 'Eavy Metal style, keep in mind that the miniatures had changed since the 90's, now they are more 3D, as in the 90's they were 2D, it is front and back, the sides were very simple. Now you got Nagashes flighting and stuff like that.

I would recomend, vallejo for chemistry (cealer thiner flow improver) and GW paints but buy bottels (like vallejo has) and put them in to them.


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So I started with an 80.00 set from amazon it is good for just base coating.


It's not going to be the best but for base coat or priming it is more the adequate.

As far as indoor airbrushing I use this,


I don't need to wear a mask when using it, just vent it out a window.


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