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The Tribe Assembles

Paul Buckler


This is a project I have been considering for a while now, Minotaurs.  Or to be correct using the AOS name Bullgors.  I used a Nurgle themed list at the start of AOS and took it to SCGT,  it was very good at absorbing hits but had not really heavy hitters of it's own.  I added a unit of Bullgors with great weapons to try to help out in this and they worked great.  So I was toying with the idea of a Bullgor army for a while.  Then when the Godbeasts book arrived a formation appeared, The Bloodscorched Bulltribe!


Its a nifty formation of 3 units of Bullgor and 3 Ghorgons.  All get mark of khorne and other benefits (including +1 wound per model).  Not many models so a fairly easy project to complete.  SCGT cost of 10 pools so 90 left for my army, gives me a decent force.  I have spare points after the formation, so I added in a few extras.  A bloodsectrator is amazing with these guys, +1 attack makes a massive difference, and the immunity to battleshock helps as well.  Also a bloodstoker to boost the charge is a cheap extra and fits the Khorne theme.

I needed some magic, so I added a bray shaman to the list, the trouble was they all looked a bit puny in comparison to the bullgor.  I was looking at conmversions when silver tower dropped, and the new Ogroid is a great fit size wise.  I use him as a Shaman rather than his actual scroll though as that is more of a match theme wise.  Along with him I needed a large monster to summon.  A warshrine was suggested, but alas its not a monster, so a giant was my next choice.  A bloodletter Herald to summon was my final inclusion to use up my pools.



So there we have it, the Tribe is assembled.  I have played a few games with it, and may well take it to Rain of Stars in August, if clash gets updated with the formation cost.

Will add up some Battle reports soon to show how they are performing.




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Looking good Buckler. Such an intimidating force to look at on the table that, from experience, is utterly devastating on the charge!

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I was really interested in this formation too.

However, as far as I've seen the Bloodscorch Bulltribe formation only gives them the Khorne Keyword, not the Mortal Keyword as well.  All of the Bloodbound Command Abilities that I can find require Khorne Mortal as keywords.  So, I don't think you can actually use them to affect the Bullgor or Ghorgons.  A lot of the Chaos stuff is finicky about its Keywords, things affect Khorne Daemons and things like that, but not Khorne Mortals.  I'm sure we can agree the Bullgor are probably "mortal" but without the Keyword, I dont think it would be actually proper.

Though if your gaming folks are fine with you counting it as Khorne Mortal then that's swell.

If I'm wrong, do let me know! 

Its not going to stop me from making some Khorne Bullgor, but not sure I'll make the push for a whole Bloodscorch tribe.

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You're right that they aren't mortal.

However many key Khorne buffs do bite on anything which is "Khorne", e.g. Bloodstoker and Bloodsecrator. I was inches away from making a list like this. However, the GH has butchered this (a) it's not in the book because it's a campaign warscroll; and (b) the rule of one cuts in half the damage from the exploding attacks from the Bullgors (unlike in SCGT where these rules are well balanced).

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They really should just allow all Beastmen to take any god keyword. It's not like they're a strong army....

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Yeah they aren't mortal, but stoker and secrator don't need that requirement luckily.  Batlleline messes it up, if the formation ever gets points I can do it,  I just drop my giant and Shaman and stick in 3 units of ungors.  I am taking it to Rain of Stars as @Chris Tomlinhas graciously pointed the formation for me.  The event isn't using battleine, due to the fact it is so close to the GH release.

I will get some batreps up I promise, just been crazy busy atm.

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Once GW gets some warherd models back in stock I will be finishing up this army for myself.  It just looks so good!

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Fantastic looking army. Are there any points for the battalion? I sortof want to build it too!

Also, how has it fared in games so far?

Edited by Centuryslayer
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