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About this blog

Watch and read from the safety of your screen as The Mutilating Bray-Scourge and The Reaper Brigade create havoc across the Mortal Realms. Read how the Army's were born, where the Heroes come from and be a part of this narrative journey, building their lore based on the actual games they play.

As for me, I am a new AoS player, having only been introduced to it in about January/February 2020 and I have been hooked. Between me and my son, as well as the Beasts of Chaos, we have a Stormcast Eternal Army (my sons) and a Nighthaunt Army (mine), both of which are 2000+ plus. Prior to the COVID restrictions, I had signed up to my local club's Escalation League with my Nighthaunts but COVID has helped spawn this Beast Army and so I will be blogging about both of these.

Entries in this blog

Wild Beasts in Ghur

“Hold this point you band of wretched souls!” screamed Gathus at the Horde of Chainrasps and the Spirit Hosts he had ordered to guard the edge of the Wyldwood. The trees had not seen a Slyvaneth in so long their magic had faded and it had no sway over the small copse, and so the taint of chaos had taken over and twisted the limbs into a deadly, unforgiving force. The perfect place to hide behind and use to your own advantage. The Nighthaunt had been sent by Lady Olynder to destroy a particu



Drawn and Quartered in Ghyran

Keldimir looked over at the Spirt Torment and checked that he was keeping the Chainrasp Horde in some sort of order and was pleased with what he saw. Without his brother Gathus at his side, Rasark was a sharper and stronger Gheist. Nagash had seen the constant and deep-rooted hate that each brother had for the other in life, and when the time was right, he took their souls and made them fight together in the Reaper Brigade. Forcing them to be near one another so that their hate made them fight h



War of Attrition in Aqshy

The Stormcasts stepped out from the forest, shaking leaves and twigs off their once immaculate armour. The Lord Arcanum shouted orders as soon as he saw the Mutiliating Brayscourge in the burning ruins and like a well-oiled machine, all the parts moved as one, forming into defensive units. Molgrur watched as the enemy lined up. Years of fighting them had meant he knew what they were called. And how to kill them. He studied the formation. Evocators, flanked by Knight Incantors, at the front.



The Herd Grows

The Mutilating Brayscourge had stopped to rest in the ruins of an old Azyrite style palace on the edge of the Kindling Forests. They had been travelling for 3 days and with the herd expanding almost daily, chasing, and catching wild animals wasn’t enough to sate the blood gorge which had been growing to the point where the herd was becoming restless and wild. As they travelled, they had been joined by another Great Bray Shamen who had been leading 10 Ungor Raiders after they had fled when t



A New Threat is Formed

Nagash looked deep into the realms at the innumerable battles and wars that were being played out over the Mortal Realms, watching with hawk like eyes that transcended space and time. His plans were coming together. The Necroquake had been successful. All souls will be his at the end.  A Knight of Shrouds caught his attention. It's mind was as sharp as the Sword of Stolen Hours that it was wielding. His aura of Death was as a beacon to Nagash, a bright black glow that drowned out the souls



Challenge Accepted

Molgrur stood face to face with the Lord Arcanum who's golden armour shimmered and glinted as the gryph-charger, skittish with fear, chirped and jostled his rider. Never one to turn down his chance to fulfil his destiny and turn into pure Chaos – the gift from Morghur himself - the Beastlord had accepted the challenge by the Lord Arcanum to fight in the middle of the battlefield, before their troops faced each other. He revelled in the chaos that a full battle bred, the smell of sweat and b




Hellmaw had been enraged to a titanic fury by the chanting of his keeper Knarkar as he stalked along the edge of the Azyrite ruins with orders from Molgrur to hunt for isolated enemy units. But stalking wasn’t really the word. With feet the size of boulders shaking the ground, his snorting and bellowing, and blades on his hands that were as long as a Stormcast was tall, scraping along the ruins, he was heard long before he was seen. Knarker liked Hellmaw. He certainly wasn’t a pet and at ti



Battle in Ulgu - Narrative followed by the Battle Report

Molgrur stood in the impenetrable gloom of Ulgu listening quietly. All of his senses were straining for any sound of the enemy. He knew they were there somewhere. The distant sound of a scrape as a shield rubbed along a wall. A pebble kicked along the cobbled streets. The smell of polished armour. He could hear his Army too. Ghorgon’s stamping around, tense and eager to find the enemy and feed their blood thirst. Ungors, quietly bleating as the Shamen’s prepared them for their sacrifice. Su



The Great Bray Shamen – Maogthoz & Knarkar

Maogthoz has been the baleful adviser to Molgrur for the longest time and is the army’s main spell caster and Morghur worshipper, slaughtering goats and bellowing incantations to whip the herds into a frenzy. His chaotic arcane powers allow him to control plant life as well as the herd and many a Hero has found himself caught in the stranglethorns, pierced with a thousand pin pricks, bleeding to death as their fellow soldiers try to cut them out. Knarkar is a more recent addition to the her



The Beastlord - Molgrur

Molgrur has led The Mutlilating Brayscourge for as long as any of the herd can remember. The Chaos within him has warped his lifespan to be far longer than any beast or human could attain and in turn this means his mind has been honed into a primeval, animalistic weapon that is fixed on revenging every herd in the Mortal Realms. In a continuing circle, the longer he lives, the more he destroys increasing the Chaos within him, and the more Chaos warps his mind, the longer he lives. Feared by even



The Mutilating Bray-Scourge

Despite living in the Realm of unbound intellect and universal illumination, Herbin Caboche looked after his small holding in Hysh as it always had been – a family farm passed down for generations going back to the Old World and more, through both the enlightenment and the Chaos. Like all Farmers, the care for his animals was only enough to ensure that his profit, and his stomach, were full. Generations of murder, disease, enclosure, rape, and torture had allowed the seeds of Chaos to grow



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