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For my Tzeentch force I need some foot troops. The cheapest battle line in the warriors army are Chaos Marauders at only 60 points for 10 models.

However there are a couple of problems. Firstly, the models are really old, very poorly posed and they have a whole load of annoying mould lines. Secondly they are very much of the Old World frozen north aesthetic with the cloaks and beards. All the new Tzeentch models have a very different feel to them. So what is the solution? Clearly to do a ridiculous amount of conversion work on foot troops no one will pay any attention too! I decided that the basis of the conversion would be a box of Kairic Acolytes. I also had 15 of the silver tower Acolytes which add some variation. 


The heads were taken from all the blood reavers that I had left over from the starter set that I haven't done anything with. I chose all the ones with helmets as I decided these guys would be trying to emulate the Acolytes by hiding their faces, but without the magic they had to settle for the normal versions. When I ran out of heads I started raising my bits box and was able to use some Maruader heads as well as taking a gamble that Space Marine heads would also look OK. 


Weapons and shields came from the Tzangor kit as well as the Marauder kit. 


Sticking everything together was pretty easy, but if you want to do this conversion then the neck needs some work as the acolyte heads kind of fit on the front. If you try and stick a normal head on then it looks down at the feet, so the neck area has to be cut and trimmed down, but its not overly complicated. 

Painting was the usual Tzeentch base coat of brown, and all the armour this time is blue. As ever edging all the gold is the really time consuming stuff, but I have got 10 done so far out of the 30 that i need. 

As always let me know what you think in the comments below.  


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I find the necks troublesome for headswaps as well. Curse all those details ;) But good to see that it is possible to get a clean and natural look. Well done!

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6 hours ago, Thundercake said:

These look great. On the two last pictures, how did you do the skin? a base coat then a wash and a highlight?

The skin is mourning brown spray, then Zandri dust spray over the top. I then wash the skin with reikland flesh shade all over. I tend to go in and add more shade into the really recessed areas. Its very quick and I dont highlight at all. However some of the models just get missed with the Zandri dice which is why they are so dark. Im not overly bothered as they are only the battle line models. If i get time before this years south coast GT I'll look at adding in highlights on any facial features. 

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