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#project365 January/February track



Update: 28/02/18

Number of models completed = 70


  1. Worked on a unit of Nurglings (tidied the hobby room a bit and got some models ready to Ebay)
  2. Completed 3 Nurgling BasesIMG_0393.jpg.3bd2af1b702de9e0ab38f68c712ae20f.jpg
  3. Prepped 6 Screamers (undercoated), built and undercoated bases for 3 Plague Drones, 2 Blightlords, 10 Blue Horrors, 6 Screamers, Built 4 Objective Markers, Assembled 3 Plague Drones. 
  4. Worked on the Screamers
  5. Completed 6 Screamers

  6. Finished a Feculent Gnarlmaw and 5 Chaos Hounds. Played first game with the new Nurgle Battletome - lost to Death! 
  7. Finished 5 Pink Horrors
  8. Started working on Plague Drones
  9. Completed 3 Plague Drones
  10. Bought Malign Portents Book and Card and entered the GW Malign Portents competition
  11. Undercoated some shields
  12. Holiday!
  13. Holiday!
  14. Holiday!
  15. Holiday!
  16. Holiday!
  17. Worked on some Chaos Warriors and an Exalted Flamer
  18. Finished an Exalted Flamer
  19. Nothing done
  20. Nothing done
  21. Worked on some Chaos Warriors
  22. Birthday - received 4 boxes of Pusgoyle Blightlords, an Ogroid Thaumurturge, and a Darkoath Warqueen
  23. Assembled two Blightlord flies
  24. Nothing done
  25. Worked on Chaos Warriors
  26. Worked on Chaos Warriors
  27. Nothing done
  28. Snow Day! Did some Chaos Warriors (again!)


  1. Worked on 2 blue horrors (not based yet), assembled 10 pink horrors
  2. Spray primed 6 pink horrors
  3. Spray primed 4 pink horrors and zenithalled the first 6
  4. Nothing done
  5. Completed 5 Blue Horrors
  6. Nothing done
  7. Completed 5 Blue Horrors
  8. Nothing Done
  9. Completed 20 Brimstone Horrors and 10 Plague Bearers

  10. Started working on Horticulux Slime
  11. More work on HS
  12. No painting, but I did get my list written for the Warhammer Age go Sigmar Heat 1
  13. 3 games of Warhammer at Heat 1 (bought the Maggotkin Book, cards, and Tzeentch cards)
  14. 2 games of Warhammer at Heat 1 - finished 13th and won best army
  15. Nothing done
  16. Nothing done
  17. More work on Horticulux Slimux
  18. More work on Horticulux Slimux
  19. More work on Horticulux Slimux (I'M SEEING A PATTERN HERE...)
  20. Worked up the base for HS
  21. Completed Horticulux Slimux
  22. Built 3 Nurglings
  23. Nothing done
  24. Nothing done
  25. Nothing done
  26. Nothing done - Hospital
  27. Nothing done - Hospital
  28. Nothing done - Hospital
  29. Nothing done
  30. Worked on 5 Pink Horrors, Primed 16 Chaos Warriors, Built a Lord of Affliction and Blight Lord
  31. Primed 3 Nurglings, 10 Blue Horrors, 8 Chaos Warriors, Built some bases, Finished 5 Pink Horrors


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I predict daily updates will fall off relatively soon.  Is your project 365 based on 365 hours or models, I've seen people do both, looks like models?

FWIW I tend to only log things per month and run a +/- swing against the run rate of 1/day.  There will always be periods where you're working on large complex model,  go on holiday, family stuff, etc etc that gets in the way, so you generally don't track along at a regular rate.  These  lulls are then offset by things like a unit of 30 basic dudes where you suddenly chunk out a whole month's worth of figs in a single lump.

Hope you find it motivational to do, it's always something I've enjoyed having a log of but it's not a specific target for me this year.

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I'm going to try and track it daily, although not update every day. 

I want to do 365 models. I reckon its possible. I'll be sure to count any terrain I do too! 

At the moment the updates would be - Tuesday: very sick, Wednesday: not quite as sick, Thursday: now got a stupid cough etc etc

I'll probably have recovered just in time to go back to work! 

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On 1/5/2018 at 1:28 PM, Stevewren said:

I'm going to try and track it daily, although not update every day. 

I want to do 365 models. I reckon its possible. I'll be sure to count any terrain I do too! 

At the moment the updates would be - Tuesday: very sick, Wednesday: not quite as sick, Thursday: now got a stupid cough etc etc

I'll probably have recovered just in time to go back to work! 

You're at what? 40 models in 23 days?

365 models isn't hard to do if you get basic models with an easy paint scheme. It's the bigger or more detailed models that will get you .

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18 hours ago, SuperHappyTime said:

You're at what? 40 models in 23 days?

365 models isn't hard to do if you get basic models with an easy paint scheme. It's the bigger or more detailed models that will get you .

Yep, I totally agree. I was able to get thirty rank and file guys done pretty quickly at the start of the month so I didn't feel too guilty about spending the extra time on Horticulux Slimux. Next up I have 20 Pink Horrors to do as well as some nurglings, so again I should be able to make some good progress in February

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16 hours ago, Nutty said:

interresting idea, and great painting!

Cheers. I've been good the first month. Lets see if it continues! 

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