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  1. Awww yissss! Mouth of Mork is exactly what I was hoping for, love his 4 banners and that big ass trophy rack. Alt build looks great too, love seeing GW give us multi-builds on big guys like this so consistently with the KB.
  2. First off - I love these huge lads! I can't wait to own them all. Secondly - Look @ the hooded dude, the hammer he is wielding, it looks like a different angle of the "King Brodd" pillar rumor engine? I'm seeing similar spikes and maybe similar chains?
  3. Ohhh I bet we will! I mean...I hope we will...Behemat willing.
  4. I hadn't even thought about this...I know the reveal said "nothing but giants", but imagine a block of 20-40 Johann-esque villagers running around from the giants, acting as living screens.
  5. Could also be that the Pointy Elves are like Sisters of Battle or Gloomspite - a big center piece army with LOTS of new kits. Might be previewed now, not to be released until the summer or something, while we get a splash release for Seraphon and SoB that actually comes BEFORE the pointy elves. Let the Speculation Wars begin!
  6. So new Beastgrave Black Library book coming out https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/08/03/from-darkness-to-death/#gallery-4 The image has a beastman fighting against a pretty cool looking branchwraith...new sylvaneth warband? Just good art?
  7. Hey! Looking to get into Fyreslayers, what should I build when I get the Get Started box? Build a Runefather on Magma? Any advice on getting started is much appreciated.
  8. Well thats promising! I would love if they unveiled the BT @ that Australian show they are doing this weekend.
  9. So what are people thinking about a battletome/endless spells/scenery? They haven't mentioned anything about it yet, and it goes on pre-order this weekend. I think that FEC/Skaven were all in the same week right? Not that we can really read the tea-leaves of GW, but I'm less and less convinced that we are getting our BT with this release. Now, I would very much like to be wrong, but I find the lack of BT news troubling...
  10. Don't even joke man...Don't play with my heart like that.
  11. Love all this speculation! I'm also of the mindset that a new Loonboss on Cave Squig sounds plausible. I think that even though we just got a bunch of amazing models, I would feel a little cheated if Sylvaneth got a dope new character and we didn't on the Gitz side. Time will tell! Keep painting Squigs.
  12. I bet that executioner's cloak is that old stitched cloth rumor engine!
  13. IJ vs Sylvaneth, updating both books, maybe a new hero for each ala-Carrion Empire...This is how you give a quick update to all our "old" AOS factions.
  14. Saw that picture this morning, put in a pre-order at my FLGS immediately. So much character in that kit!
  15. Second on this! Love to get in this as well
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